Godly Hunter

Chapter 838: Blessing altar

With so many elite monsters and mobs, the difficulty of sneaking in has increased significantly.

But entering here, Chen Mo has not found anything special about this monster-occupied town.

Vergana said that the occupation of the satellite town is of great benefit to the capture of the castle, and advises players to do so.

Occupying the town, at present, the biggest benefit is the ability to have resurrection and no place.

But just these two benefits, in fact, Chen's acquiescence to the occupation of the nine castles did not have much effect.

The town is not far from the castle. Under this distance, once the player dies, he cannot be resurrected immediately to enter the battle, and the time for not returning is too long.

If it can be done, the number of players participating in the battle will be impossible to achieve.

Chen Mo does not think that the current players in the game can do this, unless the siege time is delayed for another half a year, so that the number of players in the last place reaches the maximum, and a strong leader can turn the last Most players in the field are organized.

But if you can do that, capturing the castle is not a problem at all. I am afraid that you only need to charge once, and most of the time you can capture the castle.

So Chen defaults that there should be something special and valuable in the town.

Having entered a small area of ​​the town, even if it is a bit dangerous, Chen Mo will explore to the end.

After observing it, Chen Mo carefully moved her steps to bypass this group of elite monsters.

But continue to move forward, more and more elite monsters on the road, and even the number of auras emerging from the feet of some elite monsters from time to time reaches as many as nine, and the range also reaches an amazing hundreds of meters.

The maximum attack distance of the player is sixty meters, facing an aura of hundreds of meters. Simply anti-human.

Once in these auras, the player's strength is weakened by a little bit, and the monster's strength will be multiplied.

One minus one plus, the effect of the halo will increase several times.

Faced with a large number of such elites, trying to capture the town is a headache, not to mention the nine castles.

Facing such a situation. Chen Mo also had to start thinking about how to capture a small town.

"That is?"

While thinking and watching the progress, Chen Mo almost came to the most central area of ​​the town.

In the distance, he saw a ray of light coming from the central area of ​​the town.

Chen Mo was refreshed, concentrated, and sneaked into the light.

There are more and more nearby monsters. At a glance, sometimes there are more than ten elite monsters.

Some of these elite monsters have auras. Some were motionless, and Chen Mo had to work hard to get around one by one.

Otherwise, he enters the aura range of the monster, but he will be forced to show his shape immediately.

However, Chen Mo was able to move forward, but with the aura of these monsters, he would be blocked by the building. Chen Mo also used the building as an obstacle to move forward smoothly.

Not too far away, Chen Mo ducked for nearly half an hour. Only finally approached.

System prompt: You have found a blessing altar!

When Chen Mo was close enough, he hadn't been able to see carefully what the light in the center of a large square appeared in front of him. I received a system prompt.

Bless the altar!

Listening to the system prompt, Chen Mo knew that he most likely found what he was looking for.

The biggest benefit of occupying a small town is probably this altar of blessing.

Hiding in the shadow of a building ruin, Chen Mo looked to the altar of blessing.

The blessing altar is in the middle of a gray marble square in front, the so-called blessing altar. In fact, it is a gray-white totem stone pillar more than ten meters high.

There are a lot of ancient reliefs on the stone pillars, and the top is a basketball-sized blue crystal.

Under the crystal, monsters came one by one. The blue crystal on the top of the stone pillar was facing the monster below. From time to time cast a blue or white or red blessing.

When the monsters below are blessed with light, they will roar, as if their strength is enhanced.

Could there be so many powerful elite monsters in the town just because of this blessing altar?

Chen Mo could not help thinking.

These monsters who have received blessings obviously have not reached the elite level, but they are much stronger than ordinary monsters.

Only in this way can we explain why there are so many elite monsters in a small town.

After confirming the existence of the blessing altar, Chen Mo was afraid to continue to approach.

Around the blessing altar, there are a large number of elite monsters, the number of which is less than fifty. Once his figure is exposed, he cannot run.

The monsters in this town are much more powerful than the abyss monsters of the Beast City.

Feeling enough to explore here, Chen Mo quietly turned around.

Next, he is going to explore the first castle not too far from here.

not good!

Chen Mo was not careless, he was more careful when backing up than when diving in.

But when an elite steel pterodactyl flew over his head, Chen Mo knew it was going to be bad.

The ordinary pterosaur is unaware of him on the ground.

However, the steel pterodactyl is also an aura. It flew over Chen Mo's head. Chen Mo could not escape other elite monsters, as long as he hid behind the building.

The only way to avoid the elite steel pterodactyl is to enter the intact house to prevent the elite steel pterodactyl from detecting.

But around Chen Mo at this time, there was no intact house.

Chen Mo moved quickly, trying to find a place to hide before the elite steel pterodactyl found him.

An angry shout came from the sky, and Chen Mo was one step behind.


With the roar of the elite steel pterodactyl, all the surrounding monsters yelled in anger, rushing towards Chen Mo's direction.

It is rarely said that it is a monster within a hundred meters. The number of monsters is very scary, and more than thirty elites are mixed in it.

With Chen Mo's current equipment, fighting an elite with a seven aura is already very difficult. With more than 30 elites, plus at least a thousand ordinary three-turn monsters, Chen Mo is definitely not an opponent.


The battle was to die ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Mo decided to run away first.

It has been found, and there is no point in hiding.

Black Phoenix!

Calling the black phoenix, Chen Mo jumped on the black phoenix without hesitation and let the black phoenix flee.

Chen Mo changed three times, and the state of the black phoenix has also changed dramatically.

The attribute strength of the black phoenix is ​​linked to Chen Mo's level. After three turns of Chen Mo, the black phoenix summoned can already appear directly in the second form, and no longer needs to be transformed.

Of course, Chen Mo still has to pay a lot of money to keep the black phoenix flying in this state. After all, the black phoenix's consumption is placed there. If the black phoenix is ​​not replenished with energy, the black phoenix's favorability will greatly decrease.


First more. (To be continued ...)

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