Godly Hunter

Chapter 839: Head to the castle


Jumping on the black phoenix, Chen Mo urged.

After glancing at the monsters around him, Black Phoenix flew up in a hurry.

Although it is the original strongest form, it is more powerful than ordinary three-turn monsters, and it will be ugly to face the aura of three-turn elites.

Chen Mo and Black Phoenix both wanted to rush to leave, but the Black Phoenix hadn't flew up a few meters. Both Chen Mo and Black Phoenix had their bodies sank and their speed dropped drastically.

There are already elite monsters who have spread out the halo layer by layer. Chen Mo and Black Phoenix are both within the halo effect range.

Several negative auras were shrouded, and the immediate effect was the gravity aura and the deceleration aura.

Gravity halo is to increase the gravity in the halo area, so as to slow down the target's attack and movement speed. In terms of effect, it is the same as slowing the halo.

But gravity auras are more rare and slower to deal with.

There is a way to slow down the effect of the halo. Gravity aura is completely unsolved.

And the deceleration effect of the gravity halo and the deceleration halo can be superimposed. The effect of the two halo can be reduced, and the fastest player will also become a snail.

The speed of the Black Phoenix was very fast, but under the dual effects of the gravity halo and the deceleration halo, the speed fell off immediately.

Originally at the speed of the black phoenix, even if it was not three turns, there may be the possibility of asking the Sky 5 steel pterodactyl and surrounding monsters.

But in the current state, it becomes 100% impossible.

Chen Mo quickly looked at the surrounding elite monsters.

Not all elite monsters have a wide range of halo effects, and some elite monsters have small halo effects.

"Ice sky!"

The halo effect comes from two elite monsters. After Chen Mo's determination, he said that he directly activated the ice-air character ability.

An ice crystal appeared, blocking Chen Mo and the elite. A wall of ice crystals forms, shining in the sun.

Buildings can block the elite aura, and Chen Mo's wall of ice crystals condensed with characteristic abilities can also be used.

With all his strength, the ice-air characteristic ability exerted all the effects at once, forming a very large wall of ice crystals. Let the halo not only shroud Chen Mo, but not even the black phoenix.

Chen Mo and Black Phoenix both felt loose.

"Go, fly in the direction I said!"

Chen Mo said in a deep voice.

The ice crystal wall can only block one direction, and chaos will still be easily covered by the halo effect.

The black phoenix knew it terribly and didn't say anything, but flew in the direction of Chen Mo's direction.

Without the effect of the halo effect, the Black Phoenix quickly flew out of the halo range.

But it's not that safe.

Over Chen Mo's head. A large group of steel pterodactyls has been chasing after them.

In the small town below, there are also elites taking the lead, roaring and chasing on the ground.

Among these elites, there is a horror guy with a halo effect of up to 100 meters. The highest altitude that a black phoenix can fly is only 100 meters. Once caught up, it will still be tragedy at any time. Chen Moco could not use the second ice-air characteristic ability.

Elementary ice-air characteristics can form such a huge ice wall at one time. It is the limit.

Thanks to the dark phoenix following Chen Mojiu's battlefield, he has rich combat experience and does not need Chen Mo's command. He knows how to fly the safest.

Chen Mo took out the spear of judgment and attacked on the back of Black Phoenix.

The level of the trial spear is also mentioned as 80, but Chen Mo is a bit depressed. The 80 level of the trial spear is the 80 level of the second turn. It is not the 80 level of the third turn. There is a big gap between the attributes and the third turn, and it can only be used.

However, Chen Mo is not trying to kill the monster right now. Rather, they are just holding back the trial spear with super-long range and seal capabilities.

The Shadow Spear skill was activated, and a shadow spear of judgment was thrown out by Chen Mo.

The elites who wanted to approach were all concentrated by Chen Mo, and then had to stop temporarily.


Roar! !!

Fortunately, the range of the town is not too large. In the roar of bursts, Chen Mo and Black Phoenix finally managed to escape from the town.

"It's too difficult to capture a small town like this!"

After escaping, Chen Mo carefully recalled this exploration.

Although it was finally discovered by a monster, it had to escape thrillingly.

But because of this, Chen Mo obtained a lot of data.

The mobs in the town are more powerful than the mobs outside, but this is not a problem.

The most troublesome is the large number of elites with halo skills.

There are too many elites. Each elite monster has a halo effect in addition to its own attack ability.

Although only one of the same halo effects will take effect, the superposition of different halo effects is too powerful.

Just like the two halo effects of gravity and deceleration a while ago, if it wasn't for his ability to have ice and air characteristics, he would have been beaten to death.

"If you want to capture the town, you have to find a way to deal with those auras, otherwise it is very difficult to capture the town!"

The halo effect of the elite is undoubtedly the biggest weapon of the town monsters. Without these auras, even if there are a large number of elite monsters, it is not difficult to capture them.

But with these auras, the difficulty of capturing has increased tenfold.

There are only two ways to deal with the halo effect.

The first is to make the halo ineffective, and the second is to be immune to the halo effect.

Of the two methods, the first is obviously better. If you can make the aura ineffective, it will be easier to fight.

Secondly, the self-immune halo effect is good, but the halo effect can also be applied to monsters, and the difficulty of combat will not decrease.

But no matter which method, Chen Mo can't do it right now, he can only go back and try again.

The town is a satellite city of the nine castles. One of the nine castles is not far from here. Although Chen Mo just escaped from a lot of monsters, he did not give up the original idea.

Knowing that one of the Nine Great Castles was nearby, Chen Mo didn't bury his head and looked for it blindly, but instead rode directly onto the black phoenix and flew forward.

This is dangerous, but it does n’t fly all the time. It ’s only a short period of time that Chen Mo can still ensure safety.

If it's been a long time ~ www.readwn.com ~, then there must be problems.

After all, Chen Mo couldn't be sure, what mighty monsters would appear in the last land.

The black phoenix is ​​fast. Within ten minutes, Chen Mo found a huge ancient castle far away.

Chen Mo hurriedly let the black phoenix fly over, but before it reached halfway, Chen Mo suddenly found that on the ground in front of him, a large spear of rain stabbed over him, and he and the black phoenix had to step back to avoid.

This is just the beginning. Next, Chen Mo was on the road and suffered several severe attacks, almost killing him.

Most of the time, Chen Mo had to give up and let the black Phoenix fly forward.

It was too dangerous, and was taught by remote monsters on the ground in minutes.


Second more. (To be continued ...)

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