Godly Hunter

Chapter 863: Expelled

Chen Mo never thought that he would see Capcom again at this time and here. + ◆ 顶 + ◆ + ◆ + ◆ , ..

Recalling that when he met Capcom, there was no battle other than the first time.

There is almost no possibility of reconciliation between them. If the two see each other again, a big war is absolutely inevitable.

And with the character of Capcom, he is not bad without a sneak attack, and will definitely not greet him in the city like he does now.

Seeing Capcom, Chen Mo felt subconsciously that Capcom might be thinking about something.


However, Capcom has always been a loser to his men, and now in the original city, Chen Mo is not worried about what Capcom can make, but the only thing that needs attention is the former Death Harvester.

"Very calm, don't you feel that I, who has been defeated by you, can't help you?"

Capcom sneered.

"Don't waste my time."

In the face of an impossible reconciliation, Chen Mo didn't want to waste time with Capcom.

"Hahaha! Waste of time? Huh! To tell you the truth, I came to you to kill you! From now on, we will never meet again, and this is the consequence of your enemies!"

Capcom's haha ​​laughed wildly, and Chen Mo heard that, with a frown, he retreated sharply.

Although Capcom was arrogant, he was not blind. If he dared to kill him face to face, he knew he was quite sure.

Without knowing Capcom's methods, Chen Mo naturally would not obediently wait for Capcom to attack.

At present, his three-turn equipment has not been formed, and his combat effectiveness has not reached a very high level.

"Want to leave? Late!"

"Dead reaper!"

Capcom drank coldly, and the reaper of death appeared.

Sure enough, it is a death reaper, things seem to be in trouble!

Blood Shadow Teleport!

Chen Mo didn't think much, decided to distance himself from the dead reaper first.

"Hahaha! I still want to go! Death Reaper. Activate special abilities, Death Reap!"

The Death Reaper did not chase it, but under Capcom's order, in the empty eyes of the Death Reaper, a fierce scream sent out an evil red light, and a red light shone from the death sickle's death sickle Shoot out.

Although Chen Mo tried to avoid it. But this red light hit Chen Mo.

Shot by this group of red lights, Chen Mo found that he could not move at all.

System prompt: Death Reaper launches the "Dead Harvest" ability at the cost of life!

The system prompts: The judgment of the death harvest ability begins. The more deaths the player has lost in the past time, the greater the probability of successful skill judgment! Judging skills ...

"Hahaha! You're dead! Don't delusion that the skill judgment will fail! I know that after you get so many deaths, you will definitely redeem items! I have props to detect the approximate number of your deaths, and you lost With so many deaths, the judgment cannot fail! "

Capcom Hahaha laughed wildly. Chen Mo couldn't move, her heart was already sinking.

Although he was very concerned, Capcom seized the opportunity.

He never expected that using a large number of deaths in a short period of time would lead himself to danger.

Death harvest ability, he does not know what kind of ability, but judging by the appearance of Capcom, this ability is afraid of extreme danger. After a successful reaction, he was in a terrible situation.

After all, the conditions for launching the harvest. It's too weird.

"It's the death reaper!"

"Run away!"

The death reaper appeared, and there was a sudden panic around the players, and the players scattered.

But this did not create an opportunity for Chen Mo to escape, and no one dared to attack the death reaper.

The system prompts: Skill judgment is successful! Death Reap skill is launched!

The system reminder sounded. Red light was still entangled with Chen Mo, and Chen Mo could not move. But the death scythe of the reaper had already severely cut to Chen Mo.

The system prompts: You are attacked by Death Harvest, and the number of deaths is looted!

The system prompts: You lose 100 deaths!

System prompt: You lost 10 deaths!

System prompt: you lost 150 deaths!


This so-called death reaping attack turned out to be a skill to plunder the death toll!

Not a killing skill, but in the last place. This skill is the most powerful killing skill!

At this moment, Chen Mo knew what Capcom was doing.

Capcom intends to reap death and plunder all deaths from him. Once his death count is zero, he will be expelled from the last place!

However, he has more than 2,000 deaths. As the Death Harvester plunders his deaths, the restraint of Red Light on him is getting weaker and he has a chance to escape.

"Hey hey, do you think I will give you a chance to escape?"

But Capcom seemed to know what Chen Mo was thinking. After he grinned, a black light appeared in his hand.

As soon as he waved his hand, black light poured into the body of the Death Reaper.

The system prompts: you lose 1000 deaths!

The next moment, a system prompt appeared, Chen Mo saw this, and his pupils shrank!

After losing this thousand deaths, the remaining value of his deaths is ... 0!

The system prompts: you have 0 deaths!

The system prompts: You are expelled from the last place!

With a flash of light in front of him, Chen Mo found that he was forcibly teleported out of the final land.

"Ha ha ha ha! You can't get into the last place, you're useless no matter how great! Oppose me, this is your end!"

Chen Mo disappeared from his eyes, and Capcom suddenly burst into laughter when he saw it.

Chen Mo has been eating various big losses in his hands, and until now, he finally revenge.

Killing Chen Mo once or twice, or even ten times or eight times, does not make any sense. Driving Chen Mo out of the last place so that Chen Mo cannot get the final reward of the game is the real revenge.

Of course, for Capcom, an obtrusive guy is gone, and no one can stop their plans in the game.


Someone looked at Capcom with a crazy laugh and couldn't help whispering.

"Crazy? Humm! Get started, kill them all before you disappear!"

Capcom sneered ~ www.readwn.com ~ He was so happy today that he would kill some people to help.


Obviously due to the black light that Capcom finally shoved into his body, the Death Harvester's body is disappearing, but it is still attacking the players around him by the Death Scythe, and almost all the players who are scratched by it Killed by spike.

In the white light of death, Capcom laughed wildly and walked away.


"You, why are you back?"

Chen Mo's figure appeared near Katrin's resurrection.

Fatila was shocked when she saw Chen Mo from the side.


Second more. (To be continued ...)

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