Godly Hunter

Chapter 864: Fortune Hunter

"There was an accident. Hey,"

Chen Mo replied.

Being expelled from the last place is not as simple as a surprise.

Chen Mo had to admit that he never expected that he would be evicted from the last place like this.

The emergence of a special monster that can directly plunder the player's death points is the death reaper, which Chen Mo never expected. When the Death Harvest skill was launched, he was completely unable to resist and move, causing him to be evicted.

"What is this?"

Fatila held a strange glass instrument in his hand. Chen Mo first met in the game, and he asked curiously.

"Hahaha, didn't I say I was going to learn with Grandpa Kate, what you told me at that time, Grandpa Kate and I studied for more than half a month and finally succeeded. I just took it from West The holy continent rushed back. "

Fatila said smugly.

"Is that thing? Can it really be used?" Chen Mo's eyes brightened.

"Of course!" Fatila answered affirmatively.

"Very well, you're busy. I'm fine."

Chen Mo nodded.

Of course something is not false.

He was expelled from the last place, but he had to find a way to go back, otherwise long efforts would be put to waste.

The rules of the last place are absolute. If the death point is zero, and you are not invited by the system, you cannot enter the last place.

Death points only exist in the last place. Even if other players have death points on them, they will not change if they die after leaving the last place.

So it is impossible to get death points on the outside game map.

In other words, players with zero death points cannot re-enter the last place with their own abilities.

The only way is to let the system invite him in again.

This approach won't work. Chen Mo didn't know.

After all, as far as he knew, once the death point was zero, he could never enter the last place again.

However, based on Chen Mo's game experience, if he was deported from the last place, he would be marked in some way. If you want to enter the last place again, it is almost impossible.

But he remembered exactly what happened when he was deported, and he was not marked with a special identification mark.

In other words, he cannot enter the final place again, for the same reasons as other players, because he has no death points on his body and is not invited by the system.

Death points could not be found outside, Chen Mo could only start by being invited again by the system.

How can players be invited to the last place by the system?

Three transfers!

After completing the task of three transfers, the player will receive an invitation from the system. This invitation is currently unconditional. As long as the player completes the three-turn mission, he will be invited.

So what Chen Mo has to do is make three more turns!

At the second turn of level 40, a talented player can perform a full-time job.

As a hunter, Chen Mo has two talents: Trap Mastery and Sea Spear Mastery. And the two talents before the third turn are both the second turn.

But for three turns at level 80, Chen Mo only did one transfer job. I just got an agile system feature capability, and this agile system feature capability is a bit strange.

Agile features-fast.

Originally, the agile abilities were related to speed and evasion, but the swift ability was to increase attack power.

The faster the movement speed. The stronger the player's attack power!

This is the effect of the Swiftness ability.

After completing the transfer, he suddenly gained four characteristic capabilities. Chen Mo didn't care too much about this seemingly strange characteristic capability.

Now being expelled from the last place, Chen Mo thought about it quickly, only to feel his rapid ability. It should be the result of combining Trap Mastery and Sea Spear Mastery.

Related to speed, it also greatly increases attack power.

In this way, he could not be transferred through the three transfers of hunter talent, and was again invited to the last place.

However, Chen Mo still has a third talent.


Chen Mo was very optimistic about the plunder talent, but in the process of upgrading and killing monsters, he relied on missions and killing equipment and props and wealth, much more than plundering monsters. He did not care much about plunder talents.

If it weren't for his deportation this time, Chen Mo would have had trouble remembering to use this rare talent.

The predatory talent is different from the rest of the hunter profession. It is a special talent. There is no weapon limit, no attribute limit, and there is no necessary relationship with the agility attribute.

He turned the predatory talent twice, then three times again, and it was highly likely that he would get the final invitation again.

This is the only way he can now return to the last place. After Chen Mo dealt with the matter in Catlin a little, he left Catlin and returned to the holy continent.

For the next week, Chen Mo has been walking around the sacred continent.

After three turns of the black phoenix, the speed was astonishing, and Chen Mo walked between kingdoms without taking much time.

Most of the time is spent investigating the news.

Chen Mo wanted to know how to make the plunder talent twice.

If the normal talents, in the major kingdom empires, there are professional unions, players enter professional unions, pay the transfer fee, you can get the transfer task.

But plunder talent is not enough. After a few days of inquiries, Chen Mo ran away without knowing how much. Finally, I knew that if I want to change the plunder talent, I must have a three-round introduction letter with the same talent in order to transfer.

Three turns with plunder talent, in the Holy Land, known as the wealth hunter.

Look at the name is very tall, but the wealth hunter, in the sacred continent is the role of everyone shouting.

The reason is simple. Anyone who has dealt with the wealth hunter will suffer heavy losses. Fortune Hunters are notorious ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fortune Hunters who dare to show up are either killed or arrested, and are always dead in jail.

Over time, it is difficult to see wealth hunters on the sacred continent.

Chen Mo spent ten days before and after, asked one after another, and finally found a fortune hunter.

However, the fortune hunter was held in the capital prison of the Suez kingdom.

When Chen Mo picked up You Ji, he went to the Suez Kingdom once. This is a powerful kingdom second only to the five empires and powerful.

But knowing that the normal means was that he could not meet the detained wealth hunter anyway, Chen Mo decided to rob him!

This is a crazy idea. Although the Suez Kingdom does not have the defensive power of the Holy Knights, which is a three-turn character, like the Holy Empire, the royal guards of the Suez Kingdom are also very powerful. With them, the Suez Kingdom Wangdu Prison, no one has successfully escaped from prison for more than 300 years.


Third more. (To be continued ...) u

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