Godly Hunter

Chapter 890: murderer

There are some grasses and half-waist on the grassland. This team bent over and hid in a bush, and wanted to wait for Yuzi Xiao to sneak in. . 23us. Vertex Novel

However, Yuzi Xiao's team had a summoner. The summoner had a eagle eagle pet, who could fly at high altitudes to find enemies. Yuzi Xiao had found the black wind eagle with the summoner's eagle pet before.

Through the hawk pets, the summoner found the team in the grass long ago, Yuzi Xiao and others were ready, and the team in the grass attacked them, which is tantamount to sending them to the death road.

"Big Rock Arrow!"

Six people killed Yuzi Xiao from the grass, Yuzi Xiao laughed and lifted the strong black bow in his hand, and a huge grey rock arrow shot out!

An ordinary arrow is as big as a thumb, but this rocky arrow shot by Yuzi Xiao is a little thicker than his arm!

The giant arrows were huge, but the speed was not slow. The six-member team just jumped out of the grass and wanted to attack Yuzi Xiao for the first time, but their attack was issued. Yuzi Xiao's giant arrow had already hit them.


Players who can reach Level 40 and dare to participate in Level A assessment now have a little skill, at least the combat experience will not be less.

The captain of the six-man team is an experienced veteran player. When he saw the huge rock arrow of Yuzi Xiao, he felt a stun in his heart and drank a reminder.

Yuzi Xiao's huge rock arrow is fast, but such a huge arrow cannot be tracked. They can avoid the attack of the huge rock arrow by using the displacement skills and quickly evading.

Forty level players have more or less displacement skills. The six-member team flashed their bodies suddenly under the reminder of the captain, hiding to the sides where the huge arrows from the rock slammed.

As long as the Rock Bolt can't track it, the Rock Bolt can't help them!

"Childish! How can I hide so well with this trick!"

Yuzi Xiao met with a sneer.


With Yuzi Xiao's thoughts moving, the one who hit the six was a rock arrow that did not hit any of them, but it slammed and exploded!

The rubble splattered, and pieces of gravel quickly splashed onto the six people around.

The speed of the gravel is very fast, and the six have just used the displacement skills. I never imagined that the giant rock arrow would explode.

Thousands of injuries appeared. The six lost almost half their blood almost instantly.

"Dead!" The female archer beside Yuzi Xiao sang softly, and an arrow rain shot at six people.

The six were shocked to hide, but behind one of them, the shape of an assassin had already appeared.

Back hit! Spiral cutting!

Just two skills. The best equipped warrior in a six-member team. Killed by the assassin!

Six people have died in the blink of an eye. The rest are all half blood, and even if they recover from drinking the blood the first time, they will not be able to regain their disadvantage.

Everyone in Yuzi Xiao's team. The equipment and strength are good. With all the advantages, the remaining five have no room to fight back. In less than two minutes, the six-member team is completely destroyed.

"Hahaha, yes, it's a good start, and the second stage has started in less than ten minutes, and you have already got a number plate! Red heart 10, you let the eagle pets find someone, we must get ten number plates as soon as possible!

Picking up the number plate that fell on the ground, Yuzi Xiaoha laughed.

"OK." The summoner in the team nodded and answered.

He was Red Heart 10, and he and three other companions were taken together by Yuzi Xiao's parents. In addition to him, the other three are box j, plum q and **** k.

As soon as the staff of Red Heart 10 moved, a strong hawk pet appeared, flew into the air, and flew towards the distant steppe.

"found it!"

After a while, Red Heart 10 found another team through the eagle pet.

"OK! Go, kill it!"

Yuzi Xiao Hao waved and shouted.


"Hey! Obediently killed by us, resistance is just a waste of time!"

On the other side of the grassland, the two teams are also fighting fiercely, but the strength of one of them is obviously stronger. After a fierce battle, the other team is obviously out of reach.

The team that took the cold was holding the winning ticket. Hehe smiled and advised the other party to give up the resistance.

The opposite team just snorted and fought hard to resist.

But here is always the game, where the equipment and attributes are, even if you are not willing, you can't change it. The equipment and attributes are not as good as others, and their skills are inferior to others. Although this team is very hard to fight against each other, the result is just as the other party said, but it is a waste of time.


The team that prevailed took advantage of the opponent's strength to rest and fiercely, and the other team was defeated. In less than 30 seconds, everyone in the team was killed.

"Finally dead."

Killing the opponent, the remaining team breathed a sigh of relief.

Now they have just killed a team and got a number plate. Plus their own number plate, the number is only two. If they want to pass the assessment, they have to kill eight teams. It hurts, but it won't last.

The captain of the team stepped forward to pick up the number plate on the ground, but at this moment, a figure suddenly shot at them suddenly.


The vigilance of this team is not low. When the figure appeared, they were the first to notice it.

"Be careful!"

Definitely an enemy attack. Several people were ready to defend the attack from the other side and then counterattacked.

However, the figure rushed into them and instantly turned into a hurricane.


The hurricane flashed, and the entire team was all involved.

"Stabilize! Fight back when your skills are over!"

Several people are masters, and the hurricane skills appeared suddenly, but at the moment when they were rolled up by the hurricane, they all drank a bottle of HP recovery potion. Even if this hurricane skill is even more powerful, they can't kill them.

Under normal circumstances, their blood volume will not even drop, after all, their equipment is also good.

However, they were shocked to find that this black hurricane skill hurt too much. With each scroll, they lost more than 2,000 health.

If it hadn't been for a bottle of recovery potion when they were involved in the hurricane, it would be just this skill that would kill several of them in seconds!

However, they were too late to thank them for their timely response. During the hurricane, they saw a figure appearing outside the hurricane, and a crossbow shot at them.

The damage of this crossbow was also scary. Just one arrow hit, and several people in the team changed their faces.

As a master, his own blood volume and damage can be roughly calculated.

Judging from the calculations now, they will die in the hurricane!

Is there a miracle?

A few people can only hope that a miracle will occur, and they can survive the hurricane skills.

The hurricane skill block is over. Several people have a little more blood left. They may be able to survive!

But as another crossbow shot on several people, they became desperate.

They knew that the person who attacked them calculated the damage far above them. Every crossbow he fired would not do more damage. Otherwise, not everyone's health will be controlled to be almost the same.

Against such people, even if they can survive this round of sneak attacks, they will not be their opponents!

Hurricane skills ended, several people turned into white light death, and were teleported out of the trial tower illusion.

"Hey, two more number plates are in hand!"

Killing six people, Chen Mofei picked up two number plates on the ground.

This was the fifth number plate he had received. It was only more than ten minutes after the start of the second phase. Chen Mo had killed three teams and got five number plates.

There are hundreds of fifths in the magical territory, five number plates for more than ten minutes, and counting time alone is definitely not enough.

However, although there are so many teams, there is no need for Chen Mu to kill all player teams. Other players' teams will fight each other. There are not too many teams that Chen Mo needs to kill, it is likely that there will be only 20 or 30 teams.

"It's a bit of a skill to be able to reach the forty-level players now. Ceci Hero's hurricane skills can't be killed in seconds."

Chen Mo thought.

After the 40th level of Sisi Hero, his attributes have not risen as expected, but he is still much stronger than the players who have not changed jobs for the second time.

With the current attack power of Ceci Hero, using hurricane skills can kill most players. Chen Mo used the same method to let Ceci Hero use hurricane skills to sneak attack when the opponent was unprepared. ,save time.

But in the end, the hurricane ability that could kill the person in the first place, but under the rapid response of the other party, it failed to achieve the spike.

However, with his make-up knife, no one can survive the current attack by Ceci Hero.

He teamed up with Ceci Hero, and there will be no opponents in the environment!

"Continue to the next target!"

When his body moved, Chen Mo entered a state of camouflage ...

After the start of the second stage of assessment, the number of players in the magic land quickly decreased. Under the evaluation rules, evasion has no meaning. After encountering the enemy, many teams will fight fiercely against each other except for those who seem to be very powerful.

The weaker teams will naturally be eliminated soon, but there are also quite a few teams with the same strength. Some teams have also suffered losses after killing the enemy ~ www.readwn.com ~.

As a result, after encountering other teams, the teams with reduced strength can naturally only be killed.

An hour has passed, and the teams that are still alive are all master players with considerable strength.

The number of surviving teams has decreased sharply. From the initial hundreds of teams, it has been reduced to just over twenty and less than thirty teams. Each team has three to three hands. With four number plates, many teams only need to kill one more team, and their luck is not bad, and they can pass the assessment.

"Wipe! The hunter's pet is so changey, he must not run into him, you must run away when you see him!"

"Is this guy a murderer? As far as we can see, he's already had enough number plates, but he still kills when he sees someone!"

The summoner in a team looked at a battle in the distance through the pet and couldn't help anger.


First more. (To be continued ...) ()

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