Godly Hunter

Chapter 891: Occupy the town

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After spending more than a week in the satellite town of No. 2 Castle, Chen Mo returned to the primitive city after rising to level 84.

"Run, it's the murderous silence!"

Teleported back to the original city. Although it was in the city and protected by guards, many players saw Chen Mo and hurried away slightly.

There are many players in the city, but of course Chen Mo is unlikely to kill here.

He went to a remote part of the primitive city and found one. From this hand, Chen Mo took back a piece of dark gold armor and ghost rattan spike armor.

& —This is the prickly armor of the ghost vine king. Chen Mo returned to the original city more than a week ago and found this with the ghost vine and bones. It cost him a thousand gold coins to help him create this dark gold armor.

This is an advanced dark gold armor that can be equipped at level 85. In addition to having amazing attributes, as a three-turn dark gold armor, it also has additional abilities.

The Ghostvine Spike has an additional ability to fight back!

Equipped with Ghostvine Spikes, it can rebound 30% of all damage taken!

Taking back the Ghostvine Spike Armor, Chen Mo used the death points to redeem three halo immune recipes.

In this way, Chen Mo has six immune formulas, and the materials required for the six formulas are the same as the auxiliary materials except for the core materials. The collection of materials is much simpler.

Chen Mo now has a large number of gold coins on hand, and before any other player owns the god-level refining technique, he will purchase a large amount of materials for the immune formula.

Some materials were acquired in the original city, and after Chen Mo refined more than ten copies of each of the immune agents, they were teleported back to You Ji and Ceci Hero.

Chen Mo, who had just returned the ghost rattan armor, gave it directly to Ceci Hero.

The ghost rattan armor is dark gold equipment, but Chen Mo is not yet equipped, and even if it can be equipped. Ghostvine Spikes work better with Cesi Hero.

Ceci Hero's blood is amazing, the anti-injury properties of Ghost Vine Spear Armor can be effectively reflected, and the attributes of Ghost Vine Spear Armor can make Ceci Hero's life more secure.

Chen Mo also distributed several copies of the newly-made immune medicament to the two.

"Be prepared, we will capture this satellite town today."

Chen Mo said to the two.

The satellite town has a blessing altar. With or without the blessing effect of the blessing altar, the development speed in the last place will be much worse.

Chen Mo had long wanted to occupy a satellite town, but it was too reluctant to rely on three people before.

If you want to capture the satellite town, you must agree to face a large number of elite monsters. There is not enough immune agents. It is very difficult to deal with elite monsters. Chen Mo and You Ji will almost lose their combat power under the influence of one halo after another. Ceci Hero is alone. Even if it is more powerful, it is not an opponent of so many elite monsters.

"it is good."

You Ji and Ceci Heilo naturally have no objection.

In the afternoon of the same day, the three killed in a satellite town.

In the past, the three also often entered the satellite town to kill elite monsters.

But this time was obviously different. After killing all the way to the usual place, the three did not stop, but continued to deepen.

The number of elite monsters began to increase rapidly. Five or six elite monsters appeared in groups, and the actions of Chen Mo and You Ji were greatly affected.

"Drink the immune potion! Kill!"

Chen Mo and others have long been prepared. Don't panic about this.

The corresponding immune potions were drunk one by one, and the main halo effect of the elite monsters suddenly lost effect on all three.

Although there are still some auras in effect, the three have excellent equipment, strong resistance to negative effects, and no more difficult aura effects. How big a difference the three men have in peace.

Elite monsters, the most difficult thing is the halo effect. Without the halo effect, these elite monsters are monsters with higher attributes than ordinary monsters.

The three joined forces, and the first group of elite monsters died.

Subsequently. The three killed all the way, and the monsters who came to stop them died in their hands.

A large number of elite monsters have died, and the wealth value of the King's Treasury is also increasing.

Continue to deepen, the gap between the three players soon became apparent.

Of the three, the weakest is undoubtedly You Ji, who has only one characteristic ability and is very disadvantaged in combat power.

Chen Mo's combat effectiveness is stronger than that of You Ji, but compared with Ceci Hero, it is still a lot worse.

Ceci Hero's level is the highest among the three, the level is 87, and there are less than half of the experience bars from level 88.

But Ceci Hero's greatest strength is not her level, but her almost endless skills.

Her freezing skills are particularly powerful. Even an elite monster will be frozen and unable to move after she takes all-out shots.

There is Ceci Hero on the side. Even in the process of attacking and occupying the territory, at the same time there are about twenty elite monsters killed, Chen Mo can easily deal with it. Cesi Hero will freeze some of the elites according to the situation.

Of course, the frozen aura is still frozen, and the frozen monster aura is still there and has an effect.

If this is not the case, Chen Mo does not need to wait until now, but has joined Ceci Hero in an early kill.

In just over an hour, the satellite town was successfully captured by Chen Mo.

"Well, I have become the owner of the town. Let me see the management system of the town."

The management system is different in different places. After Chen Mo occupied the town, he checked it as soon as possible.

"The available management instructions are extremely limited. They can only give the blessing altar effect to a certain number of players and let the blessing altar explode. In addition, there are very few things that can be done, and I want to have complete control. , Need to occupy the castle. "

Just occupying the satellite town, not much can be done, and this state of occupation is extremely unstable.

It is too easy for others to **** the satellite town. As long as you walk to the stone pillar of the blessing altar, contact the stone pillar, and issue an occupation order, you can forcefully occupy the satellite town from someone else without interrupting for 30 seconds.

And if they occupy the castle, others want to occupy the satellite town ~ www.readwn.com ~, they must take the lead in declaring war, otherwise, even if the town's owners are killed, they will not be recognized systematically.

The trio occupying a satellite town and monopolizing the blessing altar is a very luxurious thing.

Luxury is luxury, but the benefits of occupying a satellite town quickly become apparent.

In other satellite towns, players can get blessings three times a day, which is very enviable.

But the three Chen Mo can have the effect of blessing altar almost all day.

After three normal blessings, each additional blessing consumes a lot of energy in the blessing altar.

Once the energy of the blessing altar is exhausted, it can only be recovered the next day.

But there are only three of them. There is no need to worry about energy problems. The blessing effect can be obtained freely. If there is no effect, return immediately to accept the blessing.


Second more. (To be continued ...)

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