Godly Hunter

Chapter 892: Top strategic city

Blessings are maintained throughout the day, allowing the trio to kill monsters and gain experience more than twice as fast. + ◆,

In just three days, their gains were more than what they had achieved by killing monsters for a week.

The players in the last place have taken this town as a forbidden ground. No one dared to come, and the three captured the small town, and no one knew.

Chen Mo is also happy and leisurely, brushing his rank and wealth value.

Ten days have passed since the five major castles were captured, and everything is about the same as his guess.

All the ancient cities of those players did not dispatch to capture the remaining castles, and several castles remained closed.

In accordance with this trend, in the last place, it is inevitable to see the level and skills of each person to determine the outcome. Before Katerin completes the metallization process and upgrades to the highest-level strategic city, Chen Mo intends to immerse himself in upgrading his wealth.

No one bothered, he and You Ji were able to kill monsters and upgrade efficiently.

But the good times didn't last long. In the next few days, Chen Mo found that some people gradually appeared around the town.

Most of these figures, Chen Mo can determine that they are from a consortium.

The people from the consortium came here just to investigate the town. When they saw that the town had no monsters, they were stunned and left quickly.

With so many consortium spies appearing, Chen Mo knew that something would happen soon.

Sure enough, after three days, Chen Mo successively received news that the satellite towns near the No. 3 castle were jointly conquered by major consortia.

Just occupying a castle, the consortium of five satellite towns is obviously not satisfied.

There are about thirty consortia and five satellite towns. Even if the blessing altar is only used by elites and core members, it is not enough.

With Lyon, it wouldn't be a problem to continue to capture the second and third castles.

The Nordic Goddess Consortium really wants things to develop this way. But unfortunately the other consortia did not agree.

They were able to sign a contract and let Lyon capture the second and third castles. As long as they captured the other two castles, Lyon's contribution value, if not the first, was the proper second. At the time of final settlement, it is bound to be exchanged for items of great value.

But unfortunately, no one in the consortium dares to believe in the Nordic goddess. Even if there is a contractual constraint, no one will choose to believe it.

In reality, it is never news to tear up the contract for the benefit. In the face of the game's first or second reward, it is strange that the Nordic goddess is willing to share with them.

With so many contributions, it is at the top. The Nordic Goddess Foundation can even be exchanged for some black technology to directly settle other consortiums. It will be good for other consortia to keep themselves by then, let alone let the Nordic Goddess Foundation perform the contract.

The Nordic Goddess Consort has no choice but to give up.

The combined forces of capturing the castle consortium will not agree, but capturing the satellite town is not a problem.

In order for more members of the consortium to receive the blessings of the blessing altar, the consortium focused on the satellite towns of Castles 2 and 3.

The satellite towns that captured these two castles will cooperate with each other. Blessed altars will be greatly relieved.

The castle can be captured, and Lyon is there. The capture of satellite towns is not a problem at all.

The satellite towns around the two castles, except for the one owned by Chen Mo, were only occupied by the consortium in just two days.

After occupying the remaining satellite towns, a consortium finally focused on the one occupied by Chen Mo. From time to time, someone quietly came to investigate.

But Chen Mo was like a nightmare in the consortium. Not long ago, he also broke into the murderous name, and major consortia did not dare to rush to Chen Mo.

They have the ability to unite. In fact, some of them have not paid attention to Chen Mo, thinking that as long as Lyon takes the shot, Chen Mu can easily be killed.

It's not just them. Most people in the consortium think so, and someone has suggested that Lyon should give Chen Mo a hard lesson once, so that Chen Mo can learn his lesson.

But the consortium that was cautious and did not dare to attack Chen Mo was more.

If Chen Mo can be killed out of the final place, they are certainly very welcome, but the key is that this is basically impossible to achieve.

At that time, Chen Mo asked them to make trouble and take revenge, but their troubles would be serious.

After all, it is impossible to keep Lyon with the seven hundred people who have the ability to unite.

"I want to talk to you about something."

In the end, the consortium sent a person who had talked with Chen Mo, that is, Florence came to discuss the satellite town with Chen Mo.

"You only have three people, blessing the altar is too free, each consortium wants a group of members to come here to level up, of course, the consortium will give you a lot of money."

Florence went straight to the subject.

"Want to get the effect of blessing altar leveling here? Just borrowing a place for you, I'm not interested, but if you want, I can sell the town directly to you."

Chen Mo groaned slightly and smiled.

"You are going to sell us the town, is it fake?"

Florence was surprised and a little unconvinced.

"Of course, I never tell lies."

"Aren't you going to sell it to us, and find a way to get it back?"

Florence did not believe that Chen Mo would be so kind.

It stands to reason that there is a satellite town outside the 9th castle, but no one has considered the satellite town of the 9th castle yet.

Castle No. 9 is the furthest from the original city and the largest castle in the last place.

Castle No. 9 also has the most satellite towns, and there are ten satellite towns around Castle No. 9.

However, each of these satellite towns looks extraordinary. It is not easy to capture first, and even if they are captured, it may not be a good thing.

Therefore, for the time being, the major consortia are not prepared to deal with the No. 9 castle, but instead focus on building the satellite towns of the No. 2 and No. 3 castles. It is also convenient for everyone to do everything.

"You are more attentive. As long as you are willing to buy, I promise that I will never attack this town in the future!"

"How much is it for?"

Chen Mo's credit is still very good, and Florence will naturally not miss this opportunity, and her heart is moving.

"Ten thousand coins!"


10,000 gold coins is nothing to the consortium. Florence responded quickly to Chen Mo.

So ~ www.readwn.com ~ captured the satellite town that stayed for less than ten days, and was sold by Chen Mo.

The satellite town was sold, and the three returned to Catlin this time.

"You are back just now, everything is ready!"

Fatila said excitedly when she saw Chen Mo.

"Very good, city diving, heading towards the end!"

Chen Mo utterly ordered.

After returning to the last place for more than half a month, Catlin was completely metalized and upgraded to the highest level strategic city.

The moment he rose to the highest-level strategic city, the system told Chen Mo that Catlin had the right to enter the last place!


Third more. (To be continued ...)

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