Godly Hunter

Chapter 893: The origin of the game

"It's you again. N ∈,"

As Katerin dived to the last place, the figure of Genesis's agent, Vergana, appeared in Katerin.

Chen Mo's initial upgrade of Catelyn to the highest-level strategic city was not for the last place, but to fully understand the game and relieve her doubts.

As he questioned the system, Vergana appeared.

"Say, what do you want to know? As a reward, I will answer any questions I can answer, but I will refuse to answer questions about game missions and equipment," said Vergana.

"Those I'm not interested in, I just want to know, what is the purpose of this game, what does it exist for, and why did we choose Earth people to participate in this game? Also, is there any deal between you and the top of the earth? "

After Chen Mo shook his head, he asked in one breath.

"I can answer all these questions, but it may be a bit long to say. I have never said so much. Let me organize the prophecy first."

Vergana groaned and said.

It took a while for Vergana to speak again.

"As I said at the end, the game is to cultivate and evaluate the descendants of the creation gods. Why it is strange to think of the cultivation and assessment of a creation world. In fact, the creation **** Descendants of the world have long since disappeared. They all live in another virtual world. That virtual world is more advanced than the virtual game world you are in now, and it is a carrier of the soul. Develop and reproduce in that virtual world. "

"That world is a perfect virtual world, where there is no fighting, and civilization is highly developed, and it can be said to be an ideal social form of civilization.

But this social form is not what the creation **** and his descendants want.

Creation Gods. They choose to survive in the virtual world just because they have no choice in reality.

The creation gods, in the language of your earth ’s humans, are called the Nair, and the Nair have a natural enemy called the Koror.

The Koror is a horrifying race. Their civilization has developed into an unimaginable situation, and it is difficult to move forward a little bit.

In that state of high civilization, after continuous internal struggles, the Koror finally chose a distinctive evolutionary path.

Instead of continuing to follow the path of civilization development, they tried everything possible to allow individual races to evolve and possess powerful forces, and then abandoned civilization, relying solely on the individual's strong physical abilities. Can shuttle through the universe.

I have to say that this is an evolutionary route that countless civilizations envy.

The individuals of the Koror family have evolved to the end of their race. They have powerful bodies and powers, have a long life, and have a high degree of wisdom.

When traveling through the universe, the Coro people will encounter other civilizations and will help those backward civilizations.

Until the Koror family met the Nair.

In the moment of encountering the Nair. Both the Koror and Nair peoples know that they are two races that are far apart in the universe. It's a natural enemy!

The Koror swallowed the Nair, allowing them to evolve to the limit of the individual and get further evolution!

For the Koror people, this is an irresistible temptation. In their eyes, life is nothing. Helping other civilizations on the road is just a matter of course, and it is absolutely right to devour the Nair and let them evolve.

The Nair civilization is also highly developed and possesses a high degree of civilization. It also has all kinds of miracle powers.

However, despite this, the Nairns couldn't resist the attack of the Korros, and the entire civilization was quickly destroyed. In this way, it was only a matter of time before the Naires were destroyed.

The Koros are already surrounded by the Nair, and it is almost impossible for the Nair to escape.

After intense discussions, the Nairns finally decided to let the souls of all Nairns enter the virtual world, thereby escaping from the siege of the Korros.

Many people are difficult to escape, but it is just some metal equipment that has no life response, and it is not a problem to escape.

After a lot of difficulties, a spaceship with all the civilizations of the Nair tribe, with all the souls of the Nair tribe, escaped from the siege of the Koro. "

Vergana didn't mean to conceal anything, and talked about the two races.

Chen Mo had known that the civilization of developing this game was powerful, but did not expect that it would be so powerful.

Especially the Koror tribe is even more incredible.

"The Koror ... Nair ... wait, the Nair is very similar to the earth's human beings. So, you Ji are also Nair?"

After Chen Mo heard these words from Wilgana, he suddenly remembered what happened to You Ji.

Although the appearance is the same, if You Ji is a Nair, there will be a big difference between genes and humans on earth, and I do n’t know what will happen in the future.

Moreover, if You Ji is a Nair, maybe it will attract the enemy Koror that day.

With the horror of the Koror people, he was afraid that he would not be able to fight back.

"You don't have to worry about this. When deciding to choose your earth civilization as one of the game participants, the base anticipated this kind of thing. It has already collected and analyzed the genes of your earth ’s human beings. That girl, she ’s 100% of earth ’s human beings. . "

The words of Vergana made Chen Mo relieved.

"According to you, it should be a long time since the Nairns escaped. They have become accustomed to virtual worlds. Why should we conduct such assessments now?"

Chen Mo continued to ask.

"Things have changed. After a long time, the Nair people have become completely accustomed to life in the virtual world. Most of them feel that living in the virtual world is also a good thing.

But unfortunately, the Koror did not intend to let them go.

The Koror almost devoured the entire body of the Nair people, but they found that ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nair people without souls had very little effect on their evolution, so they worked hard. The beginning of the search for the soul of the Nair, they believe that the soul of the Nair is the root motive of their evolution. "

"The Nair's leaders at the time, the game's creation gods, found their hiding place, and in fact, they let the robots start to make weapons against the Koro.

After fighting with the Koror, the creation gods knew that the simple civilization weapon could not deal with the Koror. To deal with the Koror, they had to rely on the mysterious power passed down from ancient times in the Nair.

While ordinary Nairns enjoyed in the virtual world, Nair's leaders have been researching and manufacturing weapons with mysterious power, and have achieved outstanding results.

After a long search, the Koror also locked the star domain where the Nair spacecraft was hiding. In order for the Nairns to survive, the current leaders of the Nairns decided to use the mysterious weapons developed by their generations. "


Three more tomorrow. (To be continued ...)

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