Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 161: All weak

Who are you going to challenge?

These words of the referee teacher can be regarded as asking Wang Yu, he really hasn't thought about this question.

Wang Yu stepped onto the ring and turned his eyes to the seed seat. Except for Gao Le, who had just gone up, and his brother, he was not familiar with everyone else.

Shrugging his shoulders, Wang Yu said: "I never thought about challenging that person. They are too weak, I did not target a certain person, I mean all seeds, including my brother who just came to power, they are too weak, yes. I don’t care about anyone."


Wang Yu's words were like a bomb that exploded in the crowd, causing an uproar.

Including the academy's senior officials on the rostrum, and the masters from all over the VIP seats, they were also suppressed by Wang Yu's domineering words.

The ten seeds, except for Gao Le, the other nine showed angry eyes.

Even the two women, Fairy Xu Qing, and Yan Qinghong, the fox girl, stared at Wang Yu with beautiful eyes. The other men were a little bit too hot and wanted to teach Wang Yu. "Hey, this Wang Yu can really speak big words, blatantly look down on the seeded players, you see that the seeded players look at Wang Yu's eyes, it is like eating people. These people are holding their stomachs, wait a minute. No matter who comes on stage, he will definitely launch the most vicious attack on Wang Yu, maybe

He is going to end up severely disabled. "

Under the ring, the students and faculty showed different looks when they saw this scene.

"Who can blame this! It's not Wang Yu himself. Who made him so arrogant, calling everyone a weak person, so offensive, can say, is he not brainless!"

Youwei old student smirked, looking at Wang Yu's eyes, very jealous.

He has been in the academy for many years, and he has not yet been qualified to challenge the seed, and Wang Yu, as a freshman, actually stayed in the academy for one day, that is, he came back from yesterday to today. "Among the seeds, except for Gao Le, who just came to power by scheming, the others are not masters. Some have built a quadruple bridge, and there are three cultivators in the Purple Mansion. Go on? I dare say, if a cultivator of the Purple Mansion realm is on the court, if Wang Yu doesn’t surrender

, The abolition of one or two arms is for sure. "

Someone called Wang Yu's trap.

Gao Le just fought a battle and couldn't be challenged. Wang Yu wanted to challenge, so he could only choose other people, and other people were very powerful, and he was afraid that he would not get any benefits.

In the VIP table, the genius student of Yanzhou College looked at Wang Yu's gaze, turning from jealousy to disdain.

"It would be stupid to clamor without strength. Based on his disposition, if he doesn't make corrections in time, sooner or later he will suffer a lot." The student of Yanzhou College commented.

His teacher did not speak in a hurry this time, but watched in silence.

In the arena, the referee instructor gave Wang Yu a deep look: "No matter what you think, you still need to choose one, otherwise I can count you as abstaining."

Hearing this, Wang Yu let out a long sigh and turned his eyes to the seed seat: "It's still the same sentence, I don't care if any of you come, I will challenge whoever can jump on the stage!"

Wang Yu arrogantly gave the right to choose to the seeds.

A few seeds except Gao Le stood up one after another, wanting to teach Wang Yu a lesson. Among them, Zhao Huaxin said: "Everyone, you can kill the chicken with a sledgehammer, this kid, give it to me."

Without waiting for others to speak, Zhao Huaxin jumped onto the ring.

The referee teacher looked at Wang Yu, which meant to ask Wang Yu, are you sure you want to challenge him?

Wang Yu nodded.

The referee teacher understood and said loudly: "The freshman second class Wang Yu challenges seed Zhao Huaxin, and the competition begins."

After the referee teacher's voice fell, Wang Yu did not move, nor did Zhao Huaxin.

Zhao Huaxin looked at Wang Yu with a bad expression: "When I heard about you from Qinyuan earlier, I was very curious about you, what kind of man it is that can attract Qinyuan. Now it seems that Qinyuan's eyes are The question, how does an arrogant person deserve Qinyuan?"

Wang Yu never spoke, but looked at Zhao Huaxin quietly.

Zhao Huaxin's expression became colder: "I know that you use a sword. You didn't use a sword before. It was because other people were not strong enough. Now you can always take the sword out, right?"

When Zhao Huaxin said this, everyone remembered that Wang Yu used a sword for the first time on stage.

As a result, from the beginning to before the challenge, he got all of his fists, and no one had ever seen him use a sword except for more than two hundred freshmen.

Wang Yu stretched out a finger: "One move!"

"What?" Zhao Huaxin frowned in confusion.

"Others gave me the title of Wang Yi move. I didn’t care about it. But I plan to carry out the name of Wang Yi move to the end. You don’t need to use a sword to fight, and only one move. If you block it, it’s me. lose."

Wang Yu explained carefully, frying pan in the crowd again.

The seeded players are in front of him, and he said such big words, what does he think!

"court death!"

Zhao Huaxin was completely irritated by Wang Yu's contemptuous tone. With the long sword in his hand, holding the sword flower, he swallowed cold air and flashed on the sword at any time.

With Zhao Huaxin's movements, flowers appeared under her feet.

What sets Zhao Huaxin off is more like a playboy, but this **** is a poisonous boy.

He rushed to Wang Yu's body, the cold light on the sword appeared, and the sword aura condensed into a lotus flower in the air.

Murder is hidden in the beauty. "Zhao Huaxin’s Cold Lotus Sword Art, and the beauty of the lotus flower condensed in the sword energy, hides a monstrous murderous intent. Once it erupts, even a cultivator of the Purple Mansion realm, if you are not careful, you will not die if you are hit by the power of the lotus’ burst. A serious injury ended. There are rumors that Zhao Huaxin used this trick to block a

A cultivator of the Purple Mansion realm, and under the attack of the monk of the Purple Mansion realm, escaped safely. "

Some people in the audience were amazed, telling the legend of Zhao Huaxin, although Wang Yu was not mentioned in the words.

The expressible meaning is already obvious, Zhao Huaxin can block the cultivator of the Purple Mansion Realm, and this is not what Wang Yu can compare.

Wang Yu was determined to lose.

On the ring.

Facing Zhao Huaxin's move, Wang Yu gave a cold voice, without any change in the expression on his face.

He clenched his fist in his right hand, his muscles were tense, with pure physical strength, without the slightest anger, he slammed his fist towards the opponent.

The fist broke through the lotus flower, pressing towards Zhao Huaxin with unabated momentum.

Zhao Huaxin's expression changed drastically. He didn't expect the other party to be so relaxed, breaking his ultimate move, and hitting him with a punch. He quickly blocked him with a sword.


After hearing a muffled sound, Wang Yu's fist hit the sword, pushing forward, and his fist hit Zhao Huaxin's chest through the sword.


Zhao Huaxin was thrown away, and fell to the ground fiercely. After struggling for a long time, she got up and looked at Wang Yu on the stage incredibly.

"In the tenth game, Wang Yusheng won the seed qualification. If he has not been challenged, he will continue to participate in the next ranking battle. Zhao Huaxin has failed and has the right to challenge once." The second round of challenge is about to begin, Pang Tong, Zhao Huaxin , You two have priority. First is Pang Tong. Who do you challenge? "

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