Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 162: I want to fight nine

Pang Tong and Zhao Huaxin were both seeds of time before. Although they were picked down, no one could question their strength.

Pang Tong stood on the ring, looking at the people on the seed stand with complex expressions.

Just before, he was still sitting on it, chatting and laughing with other people, and now looking at it, he feels that he has a sense of distance from those people.

He doesn't like this sense of distance, he wants to return to that area.

He needs to challenge someone and win the battle. He has and only one chance. His choice is extremely prudent.

Who chooses becomes the key.

He didn't dare to think about the three cultivators in the Purple Mansion Realm. Although those three were the cultivators of the Quadruple Bridge, they were still cultivators. Not to mention him, even those of the Five Bridges were not opponents.

From the back, Xu Qing, Kang Mingxu, Yan Qinghong, and Song Dongyang are all Wuzhongqiao masters, and there is a certain gap between them.

Only Wang Yu, Zhang Xudong and Gao Le are left.

His gaze turned, and finally Pang Tong's gaze fell on Gao Le. Although he had just lost to Gao Le, he was negligent with him. If it weren't for this, it would still be unclear who won.

"Referee, I have chosen, my opponent is Gao Le. He dropped me from the seed seat, I will find him to take revenge."

Pang Tong said solemnly.

The referee instructor nodded, thinking that this was Pang Tong's most sensible choice, so he called Gao Le up and announced the start.

When the two fought for the second time, Gao Le continued to attack and tried to anger Pang Tong.

It was the original formula and the familiar taste, but Pang Tong had learned the lesson from last time, so he was too guarded to be deceived.

The two fought for a hundred and dozen rounds, always winning or losing.

"How is it possible? In the previous battle, your strength was clearly inferior to mine, and the one who was suppressed by me can now be equal to me." Pang Tong suppressed the anger in his heart, not letting the anger burn his mind.

Gao Le laughed: "You just lost to me, didn't you?"

"That was a fluke, you took advantage of conspiracy."

"Yes, I just used some tactics, but that battle, I have already figured out your martial arts line, all the flaws have been seen through, and I can catch up with you. No, I am about to Beyond you."

Regardless of whether Pang Tong believed it or not, Gao Le's attack became much sharper, and Pang Tong's flaws could be found every time.

There were more than a hundred rounds of continuous fighting, and Gao Le's attack would hit every hit and soon defeated Pang Tong.

Pang Tong, who could not accept the reality, ran out of the martial arts field.

Pang Tong lost, and then Zhao Huaxin, his strength is much stronger than Pang Tong, he wants to challenge Gao Le, Gao Le is difficult to resist.

Fortunately, Gao Le was challenged by Pang Tong before, and Zhao Huaxin could not challenge him anymore.

When Zhao Huaxin glanced over Wang Yu, he immediately left. If Pang Tong loses to Gao Le, he can be replaced with carelessness. If he loses to Wang Yu, he loses completely, without the ability to resist at all.

To challenge Wang Yu for revenge, he never thought that Pang Tong, who was sure of it, would be defeated. Where did he get the confidence!

In the end, he chose Zhang Xudong. Zhao Huaxin and Zhang Xudong are both quadruple bridges, and they are equally powerful, but Zhao Huaxin's martial arts is more profound, slightly better than Zhang Xudong, Zhang Xudong is defeated.

Although Zhang Xudong was also very depressed, he did not run away. Instead, he came to the old people and paid attention to the contest above.

Most of the students in the next group will be challenged by Gao Le, and a few will be transferred to Zhao Huaxin. As for the other seeds, including Wang Yu, they are labeled as unprovoked.

And Gao Le and Zhao Huaxin held on to their arena, until the last challenge was over, the top ten places in this assessment have been locked.

Although there is no ranking battle yet, people already have a mental ranking for the top ten rankings.

Jiang Xudong, Lin Fan, and Liu Xiaoliu are three popular candidates in the purple mansion realm. Not many people would think that there are other people who can join the top three in front of the three.

Further down Xu Qing, Kang Mingxu, Yan Qinghong, Song Dongyang and Wang Yu, in everyone's minds, are the general range of fourth to eighth place, depending on who is strong and who is weak.

Then the ninth Zhao Huaxin and the tenth Gao Le.

These are the top ten rankings that people guess, at least most people think so.

The most noticeable among the ten people are Wang Yu and Gao Le. Both of them are freshmen. Within a year of enrollment, they reached the qualification for promotion to the inner courtyard, which made countless students from the outer courtyard envy.

At the same time, everyone looked at the gazes of the two people, and they admired more, even Zhang Jidong, who had just retired.

As for Gao Le and Wang Yuzhong, Wang Yu was the most special one. He entered the college within two days, and completed many foreign students in a few years.

In his place, missing the pool of good fortune may make him a little bit disappointed, but it will not hit him.

Having missed the chance for the good fortune pool, he might have got other chances, soaring to the nine heavens, instead of being left behind by the freshmen of the same period, he walked in the forefront.

When challenging the seed, the domineering words: You are all weak.

It sounded like he was pretending, and it made many people think that he was arrogant.

He once again proved with practical actions that facing Zhao Huaxin, the seeded player, he punched strongly and defeated his opponent with one move. Wang Yizhao was worthy of his name.

The next step is the ranking battle, how many legends he can create.

The students of the foreign school are already looking forward to it. "Next came the exciting moment. The final assessment of the outer courtyard disciples, the top ten ranking competitions, each played against the other nine people, winning one point, and losing zero points. After each match, the winner can choose Continue to challenge, or you can choose to rest, wait until all competitions are over

, Calculate the points earned by each person, and rank according to the points. Is there anything else you don't understand? "

After the referee instructor read the competition rules, his eyes turned to the ten seeds, and the nine seeds whispered "understand". The only one who didn't answer was Wang Yu, a madman.

"Wang Yu, do you have any ideas?" The referee instructor looked at Wang Yu and asked. For this young man, the referee instructor has some appreciation. Although he is unsuccessful, he has a deep foundation. Everything about him comes from his confidence.

"It's too slow one by one." Wang Yu shook his head.

"What do you mean?" The referee teacher frowned, not understanding what Wang Yu wanted to express.

Wang Yu did not immediately answer, but jumped into the ring, turned his eyes to the referee instructor, and said: "Teacher, I am going to challenge them all. I want to fight nine! The nine of them can attack me together, and I am Defeat them here and get nine points straight away and take the lead."


Although I had known that Wang Yu was a restless master, he did not expect that he would be so high-profile, including the referee instructor and many high-level officials, all took a breath. This is an extremely domineering man.

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