Godly Martial Alchemy Emperor

Chapter 163: Lose three first

Wang Yu's domineering declaration shocked everyone present.

They had experienced Wang Yu's rebelliousness a long time ago, but they didn't expect to be so arrogant as they looked at other seeds sternly.

In addition to the fat Gao Le frowning, he and Wang Yu are brothers, and they are also known to Wang Yu. Everything comes from his strength.

Wang Yu dares to say this, it represents his strength and gives him sufficient confidence.

This made Gao Le wonder, how strong Wang Yu's real strength is, you know, among the nine seeds, there are three cultivators in the Purple Mansion realm.

The others are also the pinnacles of mortal warriors, and they all have the qualifications to open up the Purple Mansion and become true monks.

When the nine people joined forces, even the middle-term cultivator of the ordinary Purple Mansion realm would kneel down. What kind of confidence does Wang Yu have to let him speak wildly.

Gao Le meditated, and the others quit.

Even Zhao Huaxin, who had been defeated by Wang Yu before, couldn't sit still. He was no match for Wang Yu, but it would be too embarrassing to give him a few helpers and fail to beat Wang Yu.


Burning in the hearts of many seeded players.

The referee teacher gave Wang Yu a deep look: "Are you sure?"

The arrogance of this young man was a bit too much. One person beat nine people, which was not the average nine people. That was nine seeds, the strongest student in the outer courtyard.

"I'm sure. I won the first place, and they can choose the remaining rankings."

Wang Yu said with deep eyes, one dozen nines, not only is he confident, but also because he has deep considerations and has something he must accomplish.

During this period, he must allow himself to attract the attention of the senior academy.

Only with the attention of the senior management, his plan after the assessment can proceed smoothly. Thinking of his ultimate goal, his eyes flashed with cold light.

The seeds didn't know what Wang Yu was thinking. Seeing the cold light in Wang Yu's eyes, they thought it was aimed at them.

The anger suddenly came up. The nine people stopped talking and all fell on the stage. The referee didn't stop him when he saw it. He also wanted to see what Wang Yu had the confidence to speak like this.

On the rostrum, the senior officials of the academy watched Wang Yu's eyes brightly. Regardless of the ending, Wang Yu was in their sight.

If Wang Yu won without paying attention, it would be terrible.

They will definitely become high-level students in the outer courtyard, focusing on students sent to the inner courtyard, and training talented students for the inner courtyard. Their reward is absolutely indispensable.

It's just that in these eyes, a few people look ugly.

Kuang Xun, Kuang Xing, and Ouyang Qi didn't look very good. Wang Yu was able to enter the high-level eyes and was recommended to enter the inner courtyard. It was not easy for their partners in the inner courtyard to move Wang Yu.

Among them, Kuang Xun, looking at Wang Yu, felt even more chill in his heart.

He always felt that Wang Yu seemed to look at him intentionally or unintentionally, with a hint of coldness and murder in his eyes.

He didn't care about it before, but seeing Wang Yu's unparalleled growth speed made him scared.

If this continues, sooner or later Wang Yu will catch up with him and avenge him. He must send Wang Yu to death sooner, otherwise he will suffer.

The more he thought about it, the worse his face was, he decided, and when the contest was over, regardless of whether Wang Yu won or lost, he would enter the inner courtyard to make arrangements.


"Brother, although we are brothers, but you choose to challenge me, then brother will not keep your hands." Gao Le said in a deep voice.

He and Wang Yu are brothers, but in the martial arts competition, Wang Yu challenges everyone, including him.

He must show all his strength and show his respect.

Wang Yu nodded: "As it should be. I don't need you to release the water. Even if you show your strongest strength, I won't keep it."

With that, Wang Yu beckoned to the people including Gao Le, indicating that he was ready.

"Wang Yu, you are too arrogant."

"In the outer courtyard, no one has ever underestimated me. Why should you challenge me to wait alone?"

"Boy, you are looking for a fight..."

Zhao Huaxin, Gao Le and Kang Xuming took the lead, and Qi Qi attacked Wang Yu.

The remaining six people still have their reservations, and they don't bother to join hands with others, or that they want to test Wang Yu's strength through the three Gao Le, and then determine how to attack!

Gao Le has a pair of gilded hammers, which fully demonstrates the strength of his power martial artist. Every time he hits, he has tens of thousands of catties.


As Gao Le waved the gilt hammer, even the air was pressured, and there was a sound of breaking through the air. The friction between the gilt hammer and the air was splashed, and it pressed against Wang Yu with a trace of heat.

"Look at the sword."

Zhao Hua's heart is cold and the lotus sword tactics, once again exerted force, the blossoming lotus sword qi is dazzling, the air flow is split into two halves where the sword qi passes.


Kang Xuming roared, and immediately followed the two of them to make a swift move. In his hand was a Wu hook, and the attack was lowered and went down the third road.

Wang Yu didn't panic, facing the attack of the three, he took a step back and avoided Gao Le's gilt hammer.

After that, he quickly shot, passing through two gilt hammers with his right hand, sticking to the opponent's chest, vomiting infuriating energy in his palm.


Gao Le only felt a huge impact, his body flew up, and when he recovered, he was already standing outside the ring and he was out.

"Hey, my brother is too strong."

Standing in the audience, watching after defeating him, and chasing the other two non-stop, Gao Le felt happy that his brother had such a strong strength.

At the same time, I don't want to be too far away from my brother.

"You go down to me too!"

Even the good brothers are stunned, and for the other two, they don't even keep their hands.

He shook his body first, avoiding Kang Xuming's move, then flipped his hand with another punch, and patted Kang Xuming on the back.

Kang Xuming reacted quickly, turning his feet and forcibly twisting his body, Wu Gou stood in front of him, trying to block Wang Yu's palm.


Wang Yu's palm was slapped on Wu Gou, and Wu Gou was slapped off directly, which was printed on the other's chest.

Just like Gao Le before, Kang Xuming flew out of the ring, and when he fell outside the ring, his whole person was dazed, and he was talking about this impossible.

Another Zhao Huaxin, seeing two people in succession, was swept by Wang Yu, and he was so close to Wang Yu, she wanted to get away.

Wang Yu smiled coldly, and his figure flashed, and Zhao Huaxin appeared opposite.

Under Zhao Huaxin's horrified gaze, the palm of his hand was printed on the other's stomach, and a burst of true energy hit Zhao Huaxin's body.


Zhao Hua bent her mind and body, her knees fell to the ground, her Adam's apple rolled a few times, and she fell on the ground without saying a word, and passed by.

All this happened too fast.

From Gao Le to Kang Xuming, to Zhao Huaxin, two people were beaten out of the ring, and one was knocked unconscious.

The whole process is only four or five breaths, and the three partners are out soon before the others react.

"There are only six of you left, let's go together!" After defeating the three, Wang Yu began to greet the other six. This time, the others including the three cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm could not underestimate Wang Yu.

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