"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your default..." The wind also saw that they didn't speak. Then he looked at the red haired woman for a while, and then his eyes lit up and said, "I think a red hair is like a flame, and the makeup style is strong. Why don't you call you red makeup? Do you think it's appropriate

At last, the red haired woman showed a smile and bowed down and said, "thank you, Lord My brother gave it a name. I like it very much

One side of the green haired girl revealed a trace of envy in her eyes, but she did not dare to speak openly. She could only look at the wind with expectation on her face.

"You look petite and delicate, and have a head of green hair, I think it's very good to call it a little green ant. Do you like it?" After thinking for a while, Feng Yixiu asked the girl who was looking forward to her.

The little girl with green hair immediately nodded, and said excitedly, "thank you for your name Little green ants love the name

"If you like it, I can't eat so many dishes. Please eat with me..."

After that, Feng Yixiu naturally took the wrists of red makeup and green ants and asked them to sit down. However, they did not want to sit down. Instead, they broke away from Feng Yixiu's hands.

Feng Yixiu thought that he had done something wrong and cautiously said, "what's the matter? Does it hurt you? "

Red makeup immediately shook her head and said in a soft voice, "elder brother, your status is noble I'm afraid to dirty your hands

While talking, red makeup kept pulling her sleeves and trying to cover up the bruises on her arm. These are the traces left by the previous owner who abused them.

These scars are like scars in their hearts that can never be healed. They always feel inferior to others. They dare not let the wind touch them. They don't want to eat at the same table with him.

Smell speech, the wind also repair eyebrows tight frown, looking at the two little girls in front of me, the hatred for those nobles can not help but deepen a lot.

He never thinks that he is superior to others because he is a warspirit master. It's hard for him to imagine such a thing happening in this era

Wind also repair simply hands left the table, light way: "if you don't sit down to eat with me, then I will not eat."

Sure enough, after a moment's hesitation, they finally sat down at Feng Yixiu's side and took a symbolic bite of the food in front of them.

"That's right Remember, don't be so formal in front of me. There's no difference between you and me, you know? " The wind also builds a smile.

Two people very clever nodded, the face of the rigid expression finally emerged a trace of sincere smile.

Feng Yixiu then picked up the tableware in front of him and began to gobble up all the dishes in a few minutes.

"Water Pour me some water

However, I was so hungry that I was choked by a mouthful of rice.

The little green ant immediately rushed to one side of a bottle of wine like red wine poured into the goblet, and sent to Feng Yixiu's body.

Feng Yixiu directly poured the red wine in front of him into his mouth, but the taste of the red wine really made him have an indescribable taste.

This kind of taste is very unique, both the bitterness of the wine, and a hint of unspeakable sweetness, but it is not the sweet feeling of grapes.

This kind of feeling made him feel very comfortable, as if the killing intention which had been suppressed for a long time in his heart was also eased a lot. A strange comfortable feeling made him intoxicated.

When he regained consciousness, Feng Yixiu realized that something was wrong. It didn't seem like ordinary red wine.

"What kind of wine is this? How does it taste strange? " The wind also repairs the frown road.

"This is the super grade blood baby wine specially provided by the crime capital. Only law enforcement officials are qualified to drink it. It is said that if it is drunk for a long time, it can make the blood spirit Master's cultivation progress by leaps and bounds." Red immediately explained.

"Blood baby wine for sin city? What kind of blood is this made of? " The wind also cultivates in the heart a trace of foreboding, frown way.

"It is said to be brewed from the fresh blood of a full moon baby. The production process is very complicated." Seeing the wind, the little green ant looks ugly and whispers.

"Full moon baby?" The wind can't help but cry out.

All of a sudden, innocent children who had been put in cages to be slaughtered suddenly appeared in his mind, and they still remember the bloodless faces of those children.

Perhaps the animals will continue to get fresh blood, not to give those children a happy, but like raising animals will be raised in captivity and then slaughtered.

Suddenly, a burst of uncontrollable anger made him directly smash the bottle of blood baby wine that had not yet been drunk. The blood red liquid suddenly splashed everywhere, and many of them splashed on Feng Yixiu's face, making Feng Yixiu look extremely ferocious.

Red makeup and green ants are afraid to speak. They seem to realize that they have done something wrong. They don't dare to look directly at Feng Yixiu's eyes.

Before the imperial wine, some of them didn't think the wine was right for the royal family.What's more, they also know that Feng Yixiu is a blood spirit Master. They thought it was normal to drink blood baby wine, but they didn't expect Feng Yixiu to be so angry.

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