After the extreme anger, Feng Yixiu slowly returned to calm and said in a soft voice, "I'm sorry, I just didn't control it, didn't scare you?"

Red makeup gently shook her head, guilty way: "I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought you this bottle of blood baby wine. "

Feng Yixiu shook his head and said faintly, "it's not your fault. Just don't accept this blood wine in the future. Even those blood crystals don't need it. Remember?"

Whether it's blood wine or blood gold, high-quality products need human blood as the raw material. Even if this kind of dirty thing is good, the wind will also disdain to use it!

Maybe now I can't change this big environment, but at least I can control myself. Maybe because I drink less of this blood baby wine, I will save an innocent baby

"Remember that we will refuse to send blood and wine later." Red makeup nodded seriously.

One of the reasons why law enforcers are so sought after in the city of crime is their status and status, and another important point is the rich offering.

Each month there will be abundant cultivation resources. The blood baby and blood crystal are one of the most common cultivation resources

"By the way How do you know this wine? " Wind also repair some doubts.

Since this is the special wine for sin capital, it should be very precious, and it should be very difficult for ordinary people to see it.

But in front of them, the two people are as precious as the blood wine. They have to let Feng Yixiu feel very confused.

"My sister and I used to be slaves of the aristocrats of dansha Empire, and those nobles of dansha Empire sometimes drank this blood wine. These were treasures that were traded underground with the city of sin at high prices, and they were loved by nobles." Red explained seriously.

"Among the royal families of dansha Empire, there were blood spirit masters?" The wind also repairs the frown road.

"This is not..." The little green ant shook its head.

"Then why do they drink this kind of blood wine? Is it helpful to practice?" The wind is also unable to understand the way.

"They just think it's good to drink..." The little green ant whispers.


The goblet in the hand of Feng Yixiu was crushed and sullen: "it's really a group of animals, just for the sake of drinking, you can take care of people's lives?"

"They don't kill their own people. Those who are made into blood wine are abandoned slaves, either prisoners of war from other countries or illegal immigrants." Red make-up a face congealed heavy road.

"Ha ha Are people from other countries not people? It's ridiculous. The dansha empire is a country without humanity. " The wind also repairs the cold voice.

"The dansha empire was founded about 100 years later than that of China. Their founding emperor, the blood emperor, established the country with military force and believed in the law of jungle. In only 200 years, a large empire no less than that of China was formed, and it is still the imperial power system." Red explained earnestly.

Feng Yixiu nodded thoughtfully. He had a deeper understanding of dansha empire in his heart.

Originally thought that the blood childe was just a special case, but now it seems that this is just the normal state in dansha empire.

How can a country with slavery and dirty underground deals with the city of sin be a country of integrity.

Feng Yixiu suddenly remembered something and asked, "you just said that you had been in the imperial family of dansha empire. Do you know jiuer?"

The two shook their heads in tacit agreement, and responded in unison: "sister jiuer's unique elegant posture, if we have seen it once, it will surely be unforgettable forever, but we don't know jiuer sister."

The wind also repairs eyebrow to lock tightly, slowly waved a hand, light way: "the night is late I have an important arena battle tomorrow. You can go back and have a rest. "

After cleaning the room, they left the room and gently closed the door.

Feng Yixiu lingered in the room for a moment. After sitting at the head of the bed for a while, he wanted to lie down on the bed.

But after lying down for a while, he got up again and made a floor on the floor, leaving the bed empty.


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