"Dong Dong Dong..."

A sudden knock on the door wakes Feng Yixiu, who sits up sleepily.

Wind also repair the first time to look at the side of the bed, looking at the empty bed, the wind also repair can not help but look a little lost.

How he hoped that when he got up, Hu jiuer had come back quietly, but it was obviously his wishful thinking.

Feng Yixiu cleared up her mood and opened the door. She saw red makeup and green ants standing outside.

"Brother, don't you have a challenge match today? It's time to get up... " Red make-up said with a smile.

Feng Yixiu realized that the appointed time was coming, so he washed and washed quickly. He took a piece of bread in his mouth and rushed to the challenge arena.

The arena of sin, the largest arena in the city of sin, is full of seats on weekdays, but today it is full of people.

Although it is not clear who the two sides are, it still does not affect the enthusiasm of the people in the crime city.

The whole city of sin is a circular arena, very similar to the ancient arena of beast fighting. It presents a regular circle, like a huge bowl.

The game has not started, the audience around began to chatter up, it can be seen that they are very curious about the game.

"Do you know who is on both sides of the challenge? The king of evil can be aroused to watch the war

"Haha I heard that one of them seems to be the little Dao emperor of dansha empire. He is one of the eight sages of dansha empire. His Sabre skill is invincible

"No wonder it was the royal family of dansha empire! No wonder the king of sin has to give three thin noodles, but who is the other side? "

"I'm not sure about this. I heard that he was a newcomer who had just come to the evil capital, but he was obviously not favored by the king of evil. I heard that the rules of the game only allowed the use of magic soldiers, which was obviously biased towards the king of knives."

"Ah? What else is the game? How dare a rookie compete with Xiaodao Huang? Isn't this for death? "


People you a mouth I a mouth of discussion up, almost no one is optimistic about a newcomer.

In contrast to the audience, the VIP seat is the king of sin, and the Marquis of blood is under him.

Rose stood beside the king of sin indifferently, and the little knife emperor also stood behind the Marquis of blood with a relaxed face, and did not seem to take the game seriously.

The king of sin glanced at the clock and frowned: "the boy is so big that he has so many people waiting for him."

"I think he is afraid. I think he is trying to find a way to escape now..."

The king of sin was still indifferent and closed-minded, and seemed not to care much about their remarks.

But rose frowned and said in a cold voice, "isn't it time yet? What are you in a hurry? "

"We're not in a hurry. Anyway, it's just a matter of moving my fingers. The moment he comes late is a little more alive. I can understand that." Xiao Dao Huang holds his ghost grave knife and opens his way.

"Hum I hope you have the same skill as you boast Rose sneered.

The king of sin heard rose speak for the wind many times, frowned slightly, and finally opened his eyes, cold eyes staring at the rose.

Rose immediately lowered her head and did not dare to add more words, but her eyes were still sharp looking at the blood Marquis and the knife emperor.

"King of sin, I heard that the rules of the sin arena are life and death! Since we have come to the precious land, I think we should follow the rules of the city of sin Said the Marquis of blood with a smile.

The rules of the crime arena are true. There are no winners or losers here. There are only life and death. Only those who survive deserve victory.

"Oh? So according to what you mean, this arena battle will be changed into a life and death war? " The king of sin smiles and asks with interest.

"Haha Do as the Romans do in Rome The Marquis of blood grinned, then rose slowly and whispered in the king of sin's ear: "if the king of sin agrees, I can add five more layers to the transaction between dansha Empire and sin capital!"

The king of sin nodded and said faintly, "since the Marquis of blood is so sincere, it depends on you."

"Thank you, king of sin!" The Marquis of blood showed a smile of cunning.

anyway, if his eldest son had more of the heart of the king of the future, he would has the final say after he succeeded in inheriting the throne of the king of sin. No matter how much you promise, you will never lose.

In fact, he had a little consideration. The bloody rose is the No.2 combat power of the city of crime. He was still a little worried about her. But even if she wanted to stop the battle of life and death in the arena, even if she wanted to stop it, she was helpless when the king of sin was present.Although the Marquis of blood didn't know why the blood rose maintained the wind so well, he could not only save himself from worries, but also avenge his little son!

Fengyixiu is bound to fall here today!

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