In the third place was the man in armor, named Eric.

In addition, the blood points of all the others are single digits, and most of them are initial blood points.

The blood point list was announced for about a minute, and then the bloody moonlight in the sky again released a dazzling light.

A huge blood array will cover all the people in the scene, and it is still the bloody confinement that binds all the people in it.

The blood color array actually has the effect of restoring spiritual power. Feng Yixiu obviously feels that the spiritual power on his body is recovering at a fast speed, and the fatigue of the body is also dispelled.

It seems that before entering the next level of the Shura tower, everyone will be restored to their best state, so as to avoid the situation of wheel battle.

Although this bloody battle of Shura is cruel, the most important role is to select the best talents, and will not allow such unfair things to happen.

Blood castle.

At this time, within the bloody castle, a huge stereoscopic projection picture is suspended in the air, and the picture put in is the situation in the Shura tower.

When they saw that Feng Yixiu killed hundreds of people, they took a breath of breath. This kind of situation is the only one they have ever seen in their lives.

The king of sin has a dignified face, and the wind in the picture says in a deep voice: "the first floor of the Shura tower is cleared in eight minutes and twenty seconds. This should be the historical record of the whole Shura bloody battle..."

Rose nodded and said faintly, "if I remember correctly, the previous record should be the second king of evil. His record is 12 minutes and 50 seconds, which is nearly five minutes faster..."

The current king of sin is the fourth king of sin. It took him 15 minutes to complete the bloody battle of Shura when he became the king of sin.

It took Feng Yixiu only eight minutes to complete the challenge of the first level of Shura tower. It can be said that it is a miracle

Of course, this also has the effect of killing demons, but fengyixiu's ability to turn crisis into opportunity also shows a lot of things.

Second, the law enforcement officials were worried: "this is just entering the Shura tower. The most important thing should not be to hide our talents and hide our edge? With so many blood spots, I'm afraid people will covet it... "

Rose face heavy way: "yes, ordinary people into the Shura tower had better not be too sharp, after all, the more blood points, the greater their own value, the more will be attacked by others, but just Feng Yixiu's current situation does not allow him to be low-key."

"Feng Yixiu has done a good job. If he doesn't make an example in the early days, there will be endless wheel battles waiting for him. It's better to fight to the death than to be consumed alive. This is a very smart way, but..." The king of sin turned his head and frowned.

Rose some nervous chase asked: "king, but what?"

"It's just that it's only a deterrent to those who are not powerful. For those who are really powerful, Feng Yixiu's extraordinary performance will make them have a great sense of crisis. I'm afraid that they will join hands to get rid of Feng Yixiu." The king of sin spoke of his fear.

"Are you a member of the flower of evil and the seven sins?" Asked the rose.

"Yes, I have never seen the flowers of evil and the members of the seven crimes in the past bloody wars of Shura. At most, they are just fugitives from other countries. However, the young talents of these two organizations have never come. This time, both sides have sent out heavyweight figures. I'm afraid it has something else to do..." The king of sin's eyes became empty and his brows were locked.

"Does this praying butterfly and Eric have a great future?" Asked the rose.

"Praying butterfly should be the daughter of the flower of evil, and Eric is the son of one of the twelve bishops in the seven sins. They usually have nothing to do with our sin city, but this time they sent these two people, which shows their ambition." The king of sin has a heavy face.

"Wolf ambition? What do they want to do? " Rose frowned.

"In my opinion, they are interested in the excellent location of sin city and want to prepare for the future attack on dansha empire." The king of sin narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Wen Yan, rose is also surprised, she did not think of this level, if it is true, the position of the king of evil can not fall into the hands of these two people.

The sun moon Empire and the Northern Yuan Empire are very far away from the dansha empire. Generally speaking, it is impossible to make a large-scale expedition. However, with the natural transit station of sin city, everything becomes simple.

The impact of the war before the two empires was very huge. It is likely that the city of sin would become a waste land of war in this huge war catastrophe.

"If so, what should we do?" The rose whispered.

"Now I can only hope that Feng Yixiu doesn't disappoint me. If we let him become the king of sin, we can at least protect the evil city from the fire of war." The king of sin said."King, how many levels do you think the wind can master the heart of Shura?" Asked the rose.

"If they were to be their own camp, fengyixiu would have a good chance of winning. But if the seven sins and the flowers of evil joined hands, even if the gates of Hades were all plugged in, fengyixiu would be in suspense. It's hard to say anything..." The king of sin thought for a moment and then said.

"Will the people of the underworld join hands with the flowers of the seven sins and evils? I don't think so Rose thought.

"If there was no order to kill demons, it would not, but now there is the temptation to kill demons, everything is possible." The king of sin took a look at the Marquis of blood beside him.

The Marquis of blood has been sitting on one side, so the dialogue between the king of sin and rose is full of ears, and his heart is full of regret.

If the dansha empire is in such a great crisis because of his own killing order, he will be a criminal for thousands of years

"Marquis of blood, is that what you want to see?" Rose looked at the Marquis of blood with indignation on her face and said coldly.

The Marquis of blood was silent, but silence had answered for him. If the king of sin said this way of development, the dansha Empire would probably encounter a great crisis, and he, the Marquis, would probably become a national slave.

Now he really regrets that he issued the order of killing demons, but it's too late. He can do nothing but pray.


The tower of Shura.

In half an hour, all people's psychic power and injuries were restored, and even those with fatal injuries were completely cured.

Another dazzling light came, and everyone felt black in front of them. After a long time, when they opened their eyes again, they were already on the second floor of the Shura tower.

The second layer of Shura tower is an endless desert terrain. There is no shelter in the whole terrain, so it is impossible to hide and wait.

This time, the light prison that bound everyone was soon lifted, but this time it was surprisingly quiet, and everyone became calm.

The Yijian Liwei of fengyixiu really played a key role. The people at the gate of the underworld no longer attacked him crazily, but kept a safe distance!

No matter where fengyixiu went, everyone consciously avoided it, forming a very funny situation. However, when fengyixiu went to the place, everyone consciously stepped back and tried to keep a distance of about 500 meters, forming a very strange circle.

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