Because the limit range of the power of that sword is about 500 meters. As long as you keep this distance, there will be no great danger.

Seeing this, Feng also gave a sneer, and then sat down cross legged. However, his right hand was always on the hilt of chaos magic sword to guard against sudden attacks.

However, the calm lasted only half an hour. With the passage of time, everyone became a little anxious.

The first to start the killing is still the flower of evil and the members of the seven deadly sins. They must have been prepared this time. Both of them have a small team of nearly 100 people.

Although the number of this team and the number of underworld gate can not be compared, but it is a number of strong elite, each with a hundred strong.

Feng Yixiu has been observing the power distribution of these people. The leader of the gate of the underworld should be the strong black man, who is very low-key or cautious.

When Feng Yixiu attacked Feng Yixiu for the first time, he didn't do it, but he was always observing his every move, as if he were a snake good at lurking. As long as Feng Yixiu relaxed a little, he would rush up and kill himself.

Feng Yixiu was very careful to hear that the members of the underworld gate called him as "black mamba". It was obviously not the real name, but it could explain something.

The name may be wrong, but the nickname will never be. The Black Mamba is one of the most ferocious snakes in the world. He is famous for its toxicity and speed. This man probably has corresponding characteristics.

What surprised Feng Yixiu most was Eric's seven crimes team. Their killing methods were extremely fierce and their killing speed was the fastest.

However, after killing people, one of them will wear a priest's uniform, hold a thick black book in one hand, and say something at the same time, which is very contrary to the temperament of the Shura blood war.

They have a white pigeon on their shoulders, standing quietly on the shoulders of these priests, releasing the holy light.

However, careful fengyixiu found that these priests seemed to be actually transcending these souls. In fact, they were taking out the soul power of these people, and then converting it into spiritual power, continuously recovering spiritual power and injuries for the soldiers fighting in front of them.

What made Feng Yixiu feel most shameful is the practice of the evil flower team. They did not choose to kill at this time, but chose to cut off the weak and put them in the coffin that had been prepared.

At first Feng Yixiu didn't understand what they were doing, but after thinking for a moment, they understood why they did it.

Maybe they are paving the way for the future. They want to store these people as blood spots and kill them when necessary.

Because at that time, it will be the biggest test. At that time, one hundred people will be left in the one thousand to enter the one hundred Shura tower to capture the heart of Shura.

Under normal circumstances, this ninetieth floor will be the most cruel blood fight, but if these people are kept to the ninety ninth floor and killed together, then the blood fight will be avoided and 100% of them will enter into the hundredth Shura tower.

In this way, their ranking in the blood point list will not be too high, on the contrary, it will not attract the attention of the strong, which will virtually reduce the risk of being besieged.

Feng Yixiu looked at the black coffin which was dripping blood, and his brows could not help wrinkling. This inhuman method is too cruel

The thought that these people would be kept in dark coffins for months, and because of the tact of shurata's restoration, it was not so easy for them to die.

What kind of despair would that be

However, just half way from 1000 people, only a huge noise was heard.

Then the round of blood moon in the sky again released the dazzling brilliance, and the blood color array re imprisoned everyone.

all the people as like as two peas are exactly alike.

At this time, they noticed that there was a huge hole in the periphery of the battlefield. The power of the whole pit was scorched. Only one woman was standing in the center of the battlefield, and her face was indifferent.

The woman's face was extremely ugly, and her hair was like a ball of withered grass, like a devil climbing up from hell.

However, the nine pearls circling behind him are exquisite and extraordinary, and each of them exudes dazzling brilliance.

This is the life of the nine tail fox demon soldiers, called "nine life pearl", very powerful terror.

Although the spirit power of the Nine Tailed Fox is suppressed here, the strength of the body and the power of the demon soldiers are not suppressed.

All of them looked at the face of this ghost like woman with fear on their faces, and their hearts were filled with fear.

The two captains of the evil flower and the seven crimes frowned. They thought that Feng Yixiu was ridiculous enough, but they didn't expect there was a more ridiculous existence here.The bloody skeleton appeared again and said, "Congratulations, ah Chou, for breaking the records of the second and third floors of the Shura tower. Later, we will go to the fourth floor of the Shura tower."

As soon as this statement was said, everyone did not know what had happened. They went directly over the third layer of Shura tower and directly entered the fourth layer of Shura Tower!

Until the blood point list reappeared in the eyes of the public, people knew what had happened.

At this time, the number one is no longer Feng Yixiu, but a woman named ah Chou, whose blood point has reached 2082!

Of course, she is worthy of the first place, and Feng Yixiu is in the second place. However, the third place is no longer the praying butterfly of the flower of evil, but Eric of the seven sins.

The third is the leader of the gate of the underworld, the real name is Amanda.

Now, there is a big question mark in everyone's heart. Who is this ugly woman!

He does not seem to have any organization and team, just a single person has such a terrible fighting capacity.

At the moment, there are two huge stones in everyone's heart. One is wind Yixiu, and the other is the mysterious woman named ah Chou.


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