The flowers of thorns slowly closed the petals, very easy to break open the hard surface, at random in the underground time travel.

Bramble enchantress is originally wood attribute, it is to restrain soil attribute, breaking the ground is just a piece of cake for her.

According to the location information conveyed by the spirit, Feng Yixiu soon came to the bottom of the nest where the king of poisonous spiders was located.

It has to be said that this king of poisonous spiders is also very cautious. Since she is in a crisscross position, a tiny and inconspicuous cave on the edge of the world is covered with crisscross spider webs.

If it was not for enough of our own heroes, I'm afraid we would not be able to find this extremely remote Cave

Feng Yixiu's thunder and lightning mind constantly explores the ground. It is the discovery that the king of poisonous spiders is resting on a huge spider web.

The heart net produced by the eye of thunder and lightning is like a fluid, which can be changed with the manipulation of fengyixiu, such as upward or downward alone.

Its scope is not fixed. If it is difficult for fengyixiu to be distracted to control the large-scale thunder and lightning heart network during the battle, it will concentrate it in a small area around itself, or even close it directly if it is unnecessary.

However, at non combat times, fengyixiu can use all of his mental power to expand the scope of thunder and lightning heart network, sometimes even reaching the terrifying range of hundreds of meters. This range will continue to increase with the improvement of mental power.

"Haha I don't think I'll find her Feng Yixiu begins to have a spiritual dialogue with the bramble enchantress.

"We can't let her run this time. We don't have much time." Bramble enchantress very serious way.

Just because of the relationship between toxic soil and sticky spider web, they could not sow the seeds of brambles at all. But now they are under the ground, surrounded by normal soil, they can freely plant the seeds of thorns!

Bramble enchantress began to spread the seeds of bramble crazily. Thousands of them were sown in the nest area of more than 100 square meters

Feng Yixiu looked at the madness of the bramble enchantress and said to himself, "I've never seen a little demon so serious..."

The usual thorn enchantress has always been lazy state, but today it is out of the ordinary, the wind also repair material thinking, probably want a snow before shame!

"Little demon, enough, enough!" The wind also saw that the little demon did not stop after sowing thousands of them, and immediately stopped the way.

Bramble enchantress this just stopped own action, very serious way: "Lord, can we start?"

"You first quietly trap the king of poisonous spiders, and then I'll move. The action must be light and avoid all spider webs." The wind also deepens the voice.

The briar enchantress nodded, and then thousands of thorns began to grow rapidly into strong thorn vines. In order to prevent the invasion of highly toxic soil, dozens of roots were twisted together to form a bigger thorn vine.

The thorny vines after senro's arming have been greatly improved in terms of size and self-healing ability, and will not be eroded by the poison immediately.

After being eroded by highly toxic soil, only a few hundred of bramble vines have been drilled out of the ground, but the number is still very exaggerated.

Hundreds of bramble vines move very gently, very dexterously around the countless spider silk, slowly approaching the sleeping spider king.

When these thorny vines were less than half a meter away from the poisonous spider emperor, the natural breath that made her feel very uncomfortable suddenly woke them up.

When the poisonous spider emperor opened his eyes, his heart broke down. He saw that hundreds of huge thorny vines had completely surrounded her. Looking at the thorny vines full of barbed thorns, Rao Shi could not help but take a cold breath.

Before the spider king could react, hundreds of huge thorny vines wrapped around her eight sharp legs, and then her whole body was bound like a big zongzi.


The angry king of poisonous spiders gave out a sharp roar, and his abdomen vomited a black purple poisonous liquid, which began to corrode quickly and entangle her vines.

Everything contaminated by this dark green liquid will dry up at the speed visible to the naked eye, and then it will turn into a pile of black powder


At this time, a thorn flower broke through the earth, and most of its petals had been corroded.

The direction of the thorn flower breaking through the earth is just behind the poisonous spider emperor. Before the petals fully bloom, a sharp sword light will hit like lightning.

"Cut steel, break the pole!"

A purple sword blade penetrates through the thick armor of the poisonous spider emperor and penetrates her heart thoroughly. The lavender blood is flowing continuously along the tip of the sword which is also Xiu in the wind


Feng Yixiu pulled out his sword bravely. The king of poisonous spiders slowly turned back and looked at Feng Yixiu. His eyes were full of surprise.

She is confident that her hiding place has been very hidden. Even she seldom comes here. At the same time, she weaves a lot of spider silk at each entrance. As long as someone enters it, she will be perceived.I thought it was perfect, but I didn't think of it, but I was found by Feng Yixiu, and I didn't know. I also laid a huge net.

Although the king of poisonous spiders is no longer reconciled, after his heart is pierced, he can only drink hatred on the spot

Ancient purple magic spirit, ten thousand poisonous spider emperor, destroy!

The poisonous spider emperor in front of Feng Yixiu slowly dissipates into a little purple aura and condenses into a huge purple gold light.

She was also surprised by the strong wind in her eyes.

"It's not easy to absorb this magic card..." The wind also repairs to throw the arm of ache, the corner of the mouth slightly rises a way, "but now it seems that everything is worth it."

It can be said that this purple gold magic Spirit card determines the future evolution path of the bramble enchantress. If you don't absorb the poisonous spider emperor, but go back to absorb the green dragon and ancient trees, then the black gold demon card of heaven and earth beast king will be completely useless.

The thorn enchantress may be completely reduced to a pure auxiliary war spirit. She can only retreat from the front line and rely on the protection of other war spirits.

"Take it! Don't wait for the purple gold light to disperse... " Bramble enchantress urges a way.

Fengyixiudang is about to put both hands into the purple and gold light group, and the massive pure original spiritual power madly impacts the spirit sea barrier of fengyixiu.

For a time, the wind was also cultivated, and the world in the sea set off a myriad of waves, as if some barrier had been completely broken by the raging waves.

As the barrier of spirit sea was broken, fengyixiu successfully broke through the shackles of level 5 warspirit king and became a level 6 and level 1 warspirit king.

At the same time, some subtle changes have taken place in the magic Scripture. The runes on it have become more complicated and more glorious!

This indicates that fengyixiu is already qualified to evolve the war spirit from the mature stage to the complete battle spirit.

Slowly opened his eyes, a purple gold aura flew out of the eyebrows of Feng Yixiu, and gently fell on the magic Scripture unfolded in front of him.

The gap between the magic card and the magic book card slot gradually began to disappear, completely integrated with it.

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