Fox nine son see wind also Xiu finally wake up, quickly squat down the body with their own clothes for its wipe the sweat on the forehead.

"Scared to death I thought you were going to fail if you didn't come out for so long. " Fox nine son one face worry way.

"It's true that I met some troubles and almost failed..." The wind also repairs a smile, soft voice way.

"In short, it's good to succeed. Are you ready to continue to absorb the next magic card? Or are you going to take a break? " Fox nine son inquires a way.

There are two pieces of poisonous spider emperor. What Feng Yixiu has just absorbed is the first purple gold magic Spirit card.

Now fengyixiu, as the sixth level warspirit king, can absorb the highest level of magic card is purple gold magic card, and the highest level of magic Spirit card that can be used is black gold magic Spirit card.

As long as Feng Yixiu absorbs the second ten thousand poisonous spider king magic Spirit card, all the magic Spirit card slots that can be absorbed are all used up.

"No rest It's better to keep up with it Feng Yixiu turns over the magic book and puts another magic card in it again.

A purple gold light did not enter the heart of Feng Yixiu's eyebrows, and once again pulled it into the magic space of the king of poisonous spiders.

However, the starting place of fengyixiu was different from that of the previous one. He was located in a large nest with an area of nearly hundreds of square meters, which was probably the central nest.

When the warspirit division conquers the evil spirit, it will be sent to the nearby area where the evil spirit is located. The maximum distance between them will not exceed 500 meters.

As soon as Feng Yixiu opened his eyes, he saw the king of poisonous spiders in front of his eyes, as if waiting for himself

"Ouch This spider king is much more fierce than the one just now. " The wind also shows a smile, the first time called out the thorn witch.

Even if they are all poisonous spider kings, not all of them have the same personality. Although there will be similarities, each Warcraft has its own character.

In fact, there is no difference between this point and the Terran. It has the commonness of the race and maintains its own individuality.

At this time, Feng Yixiu was in front of him. This was the king of ten thousand poisonous spiders. Obviously, he was a more belligerent type. He had to fight with Feng Yixiu as soon as possible

The eight legs of ten thousand venomous spider emperor are springing up like a spring. The sharp eight legs radiate chilly light. The huge body carries the fierce sword Qi and quickly approaches the wind.

However, Feng Yixiu didn't care at all. He threw out a purple and gold magic Spirit card at will. He didn't even put his hand on the hilt of chaos magic sword, as if everything was under control.

Whew, whew

When the sharp spider legs were only less than half a meter away from fengyixiu, dozens of strong bramble vines sprang up on the ground.

This time the thorny vines are no longer reddish red, but purplish thorny vines, which are surrounded by purple poison gas.


The thorny vines were accurately entangled with the eight spider legs of the king of poisonous spiders. With a sudden pull, they were dragged from the high altitude to the ground, splashing a lot of dust.

All the thorns and vines locked every spider leg of the king of poisonous spiders, pulling them as if they were divided into bodies, so that they would stick to the ground without exerting force.

Ten thousand venomous spider emperor's constant struggle, however, can't use force at all, and then release the poisonous venom, but can't do anything about the thorn vine.

Her poison not only did not let the thorn vine wither, but made it grow a point, become more tenacious.

The magic Spirit card that Feng Yixiu just threw out is "ten thousand poisonous spider king - ten thousand poisons", so the bramble vine will have the poison attribute, and will not be afraid of the venom which is exactly the same as its nature. Instead, it can absorb it.

Ten thousand poisonous spider emperor saw that his most proud venom had no effect. For a time, he looked like he had nothing to love. He seemed to have lost his mind of resistance. Fortunately, he did not struggle any more.

Feng Yixiu walked slowly to the king of ten thousand poisonous spiders and said in a soft voice, "you'd better sacrifice I will not disgrace the reputation of the king of poisonous spiders. "

Hearing this, the king of ten thousand poisonous spiders gave in to him thoroughly, and his body began to become empty. He turned into a kind of spiritual light and gathered into a purple and golden light.

After absorbing this purple and golden light group, fengyixiu has successfully upgraded to a small level, reaching level 6 and level 2 of warspirit King realm.

However, in less than a day, fengyixiu not only broke through the level 6 warspirit king, but also improved a small level. This kind of rocket like speed can only be achieved when absorbing magic spirit cards. Fengyixiu has a natural advantage as a warspirit division of dual fighting spirits.

A purple gold light flies out of the eyebrows of fengyixiu, which promotes the complete integration of the magic Spirit card and the magic Scripture.

Wind also Xiu slowly opened his eyes, lavender pupil and a little more profound meaning, gently picked up the magic book in front of him.

Fox nine son smile way: "this time you just spent a minute, very fast..."

"That's nature. The purple gold magic Spirit card can't be absorbed in white..." Feng Yixiu responded naturally. A moment later, there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes. "It's a pity that there is no magic resonance.""Demon resonance? How can it be so simple? It requires that the magic spirit cards absorbed must be 100% consistent with the warspirit master. Do you think you and the king of ten thousand poisonous spiders agree Hu jiuer asked.

The wind also scratched his head and sneered: "it seems that there is no fit..."

He is the source of thunder, and the spider king is poisonous, and his race is Araneae. He has no resemblance to himself.

Feng Yixiu also recalled the situation of other people's demonic resonance. Han Xiao has the most magical resonance in his team, namely, the gravity resonance of the floating island giant turtle, and the green water turtle, which has a soil attribute and a water attribute, all match Han Xiao's Yuanwu attribute.

As a direct descendant of the Han family, Han Xiao also has the blood of the king of Xuanwu Holy Spirit. It is not difficult to understand that Han Xiao can resonate with the tortoise demons.

Shen Ruyu is also in the absorption of blue eyed Golden Eagle magic resonance, as a direct descendant of the Shen family, she has a high degree of compatibility in terms of attribute and race.

Now it seems that there is no reason why there is no magic resonance in the east at the end of summer. She has never absorbed the magic spirit cards of the tiger clan

When you think about it carefully, Feng Yixiu's only magic Spirit card resonates with is the crazy electric Tyrannosaurus Rex. It's the thunder and lightning attribute. It's the Warcraft of the Yalong clan.

Thunder attribute is completely in line with, but if the Yalong clan also agrees with this point, doesn't it mean that their blood may have something to do with the dragon clan

Feng Yixiu shook his head and said to himself, "it seems that in the future, I will try my best to absorb some dragon magic cards..."

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