"Tomorrow you will be away from home, and my grandfather has nothing good to give you. These two magic cards will be given to you."

As he spoke, Premier Zhou took out the only two magic cards from the last few pages of the magic Scripture and handed them to them.

"Grandfather Dean, what is this magic card?" Wind also Xiu took one of the magic cards, a face of doubt.

"This magic card is related to your future warlord upgrading and fighting. It can greatly improve the fighting effectiveness of warspirit. It is a very rare card. Ten Warcraft may not be able to produce a magic card, but my card is only the lowest gray iron level magic card. You should try not to use this lowest level magic card when upgrading." President Zhou said earnestly.

"Although some don't understand, but it sounds very important. I will take good care of it The wind also repairs a confused scratched the head, serious way.

He finally understood that the magic card was very important, which was related to the upgrading and fighting of the warlord division in the future. Moreover, the magic card was obtained from the Warcraft outside the city wall. It must be that the stronger the Warcraft, the more powerful the magic card.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand now. When you officially become a student of Zhanling college, there will be a special teacher to explain these things to you. You don't have to pay too much attention to it." President Zhou was afraid of the psychological burden of the two, and immediately explained.

They looked at the magic card in their hands. The magic card in Feng Yixiu's hand was a black vine with the words "devil vine - tenacity."

The magic card in Shen Ruyu's hand is a green mantis, which says "green Mantis - sharp blade."

"It's not too early. You'll get up early tomorrow. You'll go back to bed earlier. I'll get up early and wake you up tomorrow."

President Zhou looked at the clock on one side, and now it was nearly 10:30, so he let the two little dolls go back to their dormitories to sleep.

Naturally, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu's dormitories are not together. After all, men and women are different. Feng Yixiu sends Shen Ruyu to the gate of the girls' dormitory before returning to his dormitory.

He carefully pushed away his dormitory and found that his roommate was already asleep.

I wanted to pack my clothes, but I found a suitcase beside my bed.

Obviously, the Dean took advantage of his spare time to help himself pack, his heart can not help but warm.

After a little washing, he lay on his own bed. As he lived in the lower bed, he did not disturb his roommate.

He lay in bed, using the faint light of his mobile phone to write a farewell letter to his roommate, which he put on the table beside him.

Then, with the help of the weak light of the mobile phone, I took out a yellowing photo under the pillow, and my face showed a real smile.

This is a picture of his family when he was a child. In the picture, he was held in his arms by his parents. At that time, he was so happy with his smile.

However, since my sixth grade graduation, my parents have disappeared like the evaporation of the world. It is useless to let myself find them.

From then on, he changed from a happy family of three to a helpless orphan. The heavy blow almost made him a problem child.

If it wasn't for the meticulous care of President Zhou, who made him feel the warmth of his long lost home, he would have been put into juvenile reeducation through labor.

"Mom and Dad, it's been three years. Where have you been? Do you really want me

"You must have suffered, right! It must be! "

"As long as I become strong enough, you will see me..."

Young people in the missing consciousness more and more fuzzy, then slowly fell into sleep.

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