"Little guy, don't get up soon..."

Feng Yixiu faintly heard someone calling himself in his sleep, and he woke up slowly from his sleep.

This just saw the person in front of him, it was President Zhou, standing at the head of his bed staring at himself.

Feng Yixiu subconsciously picked up the mobile phone beside him and looked at the time. The mobile phone showed five o'clock sharp.

"Mr. Dean, it's only five o'clock! It's too early for you I feel helpless.

The teacher told himself that the assembly time was seven in the morning. It was too early to get up at five.

"It's not too late for all this. Yu'er has been waiting for you for a long time. You have the heart to let a little girl wait for you for a long time." Zhou Yuanchang played his forehead with a smile, smiling.

"OK! Get up at once Without saying a word, Feng immediately climbed down from the bed and rushed to the washing table like the wind.

"This child, it seems that yu'er can cure you..." President Zhou shook his head helplessly.

A moment later, Feng Yixiu dragged his suitcase to the door of the social welfare home.

At the moment, a car has been parked at the door of the social welfare home. It should be the car arranged by President Zhou for them.

President Zhou put the salute for the two people in the trunk. After staring at Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu, he was silent for a long time. Then he opened his mouth and said, "children, this Jiangshui city is no better than our small county. In this small county, there is a poor old man like me to take care of you. From now on, you can only rely on yourself."


Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu burst into the arms of President Zhou, weeping.

"Boy, this is the breakfast I made for you in the morning. Remember to eat it on the way." President Zhou wiped away the tears for the two children, and then handed the breakfast in his hand.

As a result, the breakfast in the hands of President Zhou entered the car at the urging of President Zhou. Both of them were looking at President Zhou.

The car gradually away, President Zhou stood at the door of the social welfare home, watching the car slowly disappear in his sight, only willing to leave slowly.

Feng Yixiu also realized that maybe some things, such as family love, are always appreciated when they are lost

After about 20 minutes, we arrived at the gate of Yucai Middle School by taking a car of two people.

To their surprise, they thought they were early enough. There should not be many talents at the gate of the school. However, they obviously underestimated the enthusiasm of parents and Society for Zhan Lingshi.

At the moment, the gate of Yucai Middle School is a sea of people. There are not many students, but there are many adults.

Most of them are parents who come to send their children away, as well as teachers and leaders of Yucai Middle School.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu lead their suitcases alone, but they seem lonely.

After some roll call confirmation, all the students, under the guidance of their teachers, are ready to take the bus to Jiangshui city.

The head teacher of class 9 is followed by Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and Li Kaiyuan. They feel that they walk with wind.

After all, the whole Yucai Middle School, only this class out of three fighting spirit blood of students!

Other classes can generally out of a person that is very good, this class out of three, that is the miracle class.

After the head teacher personally sent the three people to the bus, he originally wanted to ask them to unite and help each other, but when he thought of the contradiction between Feng Yixiu and Li Kaiyuan, his words were stifled.

After thinking about it for a long time, he just choked out a sentence: "less fighting..."

Then in the whole car, all the people's eyes were gathered, and they were all confused.

Generally, the head teacher says some words to encourage students to send off. What do you mean by letting them fight less

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