The tall student saluted his teacher and then said confidently, "yes, teacher! I won't disgrace the college. "

Xiao nodded with a smile. Ling Fei is the monitor of class B and the most satisfied student. He has reached the level 2 and level 1 warspirit teacher at a young age.

Shen Ruyu just wanted to stand out, but he was pulled by Feng Yixiu: "yu'er, you are the monitor of our Dingban. You don't need your hand to deal with such small minions!"

"But Xiaobailou is still healing in the magic book. " Shen Ruyu hesitated.

Just now "Xiaobailou" was burned by the digestive juice of "Titan Python". Now I'm back in the magic Scripture to heal. It's estimated that I can't get out for a while and a half.

The wind also Xiu looked at Shen Ruyu gently and nodded to indicate that she was at ease. Shen Ruyu just loosened the clothes that wind also repairs.

"It seems that your fighting spirit is still healing! I advise you to fight with me instead of someone else! " Ling Fei is a little disdainful.

I'm the monitor of class B. the other party is just a garbage of class D. even the monitor is not. I even want to fight with myself with injuries.

This is not to him!

"Who said I'm going to summon warspirit to fight with you. I don't need the power of warspirit to deal with such goods as you." The wind also wrote lightly, as if to say another extremely common thing.

"You You will pay for your words

"Spider spirit, let this boy taste your power!"

Lingxiao quickly summoned out his own fighting spirit, a black spider.

This spider is about the size of a basketball. It's full of black gas. It must be the fighting spirit of poison.

Feng Yixiu immediately had all the information about the enemy's war spirit in his mind:

[war spirit name]: spider spirit

[war spirit attribute]: poison

[war spirit level]: child spirit

[war spirit level]: level two and level one

[war spirit skills]: poisonous teeth, spider web restraint

[promotion and growth stage needs]: ① shadow spider

As soon as the poisonous spider came out, it was covered with spider webs, trying to limit fengyixiu's actions.

"Control is warspirit, but you have to catch me!"

"Thunder mode!" As soon as the voice of the wind was fixed, the whole body disappeared in place, leaving only a series of electric lights shining.

This is his four months of hard training, after these days of training, his speed is at least twice faster than before!

"How fast Ling Fei was surprised.

At the moment, Feng Yixiu's figure is like a double shadow in his eyes. He can't tell which is the real fengyixiu.

"Third on the right!" One side of the teacher Xiao suddenly said.

"Web bound!" Ling Fei immediately used the Second World War Spirit skill towards the third figure on the right.

However, unexpectedly, the cobweb fell into the air, and did not catch the real wind.

"How could it be!" Xiao teacher and Ling Fei exclaimed at the same time.

"Fool! Behind you

All the figures suddenly disappeared, and Feng Yixiu suddenly appeared behind Ling Fei.

When Ling Fei reacts, his waist has been locked by the wind. When he wants to resist, a strong electric current makes him paralyzed.

"Thunder fell back!"

Wind also fix dead lock Ling Fei's waist, directly a potential heavy back to pull out Ling Fei, suddenly back a fall!

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