Only heard a "click", Ling Fei's neck and the earth came to a close contact, the huge force abruptly broke his spine.

The strong electric current is continuously conducted towards the ground, making a harsh "crackling" sound.


The two students of Shenfeng college were so scared that they ran to Ling Fei immediately.

"Damn it! You hurt my students

Teacher Xiao, who has been calm and calm, became angry directly. He also patted him with one hand towards the wind.

This is a full blow from the level 4 warspirit master. Even if he doesn't open the blood channel, it's not something that a new student can resist!

"Thunder and eight trigrams palm!"

Feng Yixiu didn't dare to be careless. He immediately lowered his waist and subconsciously accumulated all his strength in one hand and directly met him.

The huge force made both of them step back at the same time. Teacher Xiao stepped back two steps, while Feng Yixiu took five steps to stand firm. However, there was a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, which was obviously hurt.

"You You know how to use martial arts! Who is your teacher? " Teacher Xiao's face suddenly became extremely dignified. He looked at the wind as if he were a monster.

The boy even resisted with the spirit power of the second level war spirit Master. He just suffered a slight injury?!

If this monster continues to grow, I am afraid that it will become the most dangerous opponent of Shenfeng college in the future!

"My teacher's name, you Don't deserve to know! " The wind also cultivates every word.

Mr. Xiao's face suddenly sank, and his eyes showed a murderous opportunity that was hard to hide. He said in a cold voice: "no matter who your teacher is, it's none of my business! None of you can run away today! "

"You want to kill us? Are you not afraid of sanctions from the alliance? " Feng Yixiu takes the three people to retreat and keep alert.

"Ha ha ha As long as you are all dead, no one knows that I did it! " Xiao teacher's face showed a ferocious expression, constantly toward the three people.

The three are tightly holding the magic card in their hands. If they have to, they can only fight with this teacher Xiao!

"If you want to move my students, you should first ask me whether I will agree or not!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came, Feng Yixiu and others heard the words, and the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Who is playing tricks?" Xiao teacher immediately also flustered, around Zhang Wangdao.

"Class D teacher of Qingyun University, Jialan Ziyu!"

At this time, Jialan Ziyu teacher quietly appeared behind teacher Xiao, the temperature around suddenly became hot.

Mr. Xiao seemed to be watched by a poisonous snake. Although the hot temperature came from his back, it made his heart feel chilly, and the cold sweat instantly dropped down his forehead.

"Back off!"

Xiao turned around and took the three students, and immediately kept a certain distance from Jialan Ziyu.

At this time, he can see clearly the person in front of him, his pupil suddenly shrinks, and his face stares at the person in front of him.

"How could it be you?" With a puzzled look on his face, Xiao asked again, "how can you be a teacher in class D?"

"Xiao Xiong, I didn't expect that you would still be so despicable that you would dare to hit my students' attention!" Jia Lan Ziyu sneered.

"No, no, no It's all a misunderstanding! If I knew it was your student, I would not dare to give me ten courage! " Xiao Xiong was about to cry.

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