"This woman is also predestined with my dragon family. She had a good relationship with Longyun before, and Longyun gave her all the real dragon crystal cores. Although she is only the king of war spirit now, she has great potential. Please be sure to cultivate her well." Long LAN gave a general introduction.

The black veiled woman's brow suddenly tightened, and her face hidden under the veil had a trace of anger. She said in a cold voice, "it's just a king of war spirit. Just call a guide at will. Why should I escort myself?"

Long LAN smiles: "the black demon envoy doesn't know something. Although he is just a warspirit king, his potential is excellent. He has a real dragon fighting spirit. His strength is amazing. I have seen the best talent. If I can, I hope I can focus on training..."

"Oh? There must be something special that can make the Dragon Master praise like this. " The black veiled woman Gu Jing's eyes rippled, glancing at Feng Yixiu lying on the ground and whispered: "but I still believe in my own eyes. We Taotie magic hall still has its own set of evaluation criteria. If she is really outstanding, she will be put into important position."

"It's nature I understand the rules of Taotie magic hall. Just follow the rules. " Long LAN seems a little unhappy when he sees the black devil envoy, and doesn't say anything more.

Although she hoped that Feng Yixiu could be taken seriously, she would not be foolish enough to offend the black devil envoy for the sake of a woman she met by chance.

The position of the black demon emissary in the Taotie hall is also quite high. She is second only to the high priest. Naturally, she will not easily offend each other.

"If nothing else, I'll take her away."

After saying that, the black veiled woman drags a leg that the wind also repairs, slowly and leisurely toward the space transmission array.

Feng Yixiu felt like a dead pig being dragged on the rough ground without any pain.

I don't seem to have any place to offend this woman. Why do you treat yourself so rudely? Feng Yixiu has no idea

Although I don't know the name of the woman with black veil, but I can roughly remember her appearance. This Liang Zi is a knot!

As soon as the woman's palm turned, a magic weapon specially used for transmission appeared in the palm of her hand, with blood colored magic lines flashing on it.

This is a teleportation tool that only senior deacons are qualified to use. That is to say, ordinary blood spirit masters are not qualified to enter and exit Taotie magic hall freely. They must be carried by someone.

The light flashed away, and the whole transmission array gave out a light red light. The figures of the black veiled woman and Feng Yixiu gradually became illusory, and finally completely disappeared in their original place, as if they had never appeared before.

It feels like weightlessness. I don't know how long it took before the feeling of weightlessness gradually disappeared.

With the loss of the sense of weightlessness, a strong smell of blood and if there is no howl came, the temperature also suddenly increased a lot.

However, in order not to arouse doubt, Feng Yixiu still did not open his eyes, so he could not see clearly what the surrounding environment was like.

If he opened his eyes, he would be amazed at everything in front of him. The fiery red magma river around him was flowing continuously, and the red flame was also emitted from time to time. The ground was a piece of scorched earth, just like real purgatory.

From time to time, there are blood spirit masters with blood faces patrolling back and forth, but they show great respect when they see the black devil emissary.

"The black devil emissary, what kind of genius is it that makes you accept it in person? Isn't it this woman?"

A woman with a black ghost face came up. First, she glanced at the wind. Then she said coldly.

"Yes It's this woman. She's just the king of war spirit. She even dares to bother me to meet her in person. The head of the Dragon hall doesn't know if she was kicked by a donkey! " While talking, the black veiled woman also kicked the wind with her very thin high-heeled shoes and repaired her feet. She continued, "throw this woman into the endless arena for me!"

"Ah? But the rules of selecting talents in Taotie magic hall are not like this... " Ghost face woman some doubt way.

The black veiled woman glanced at the ghost face woman coldly, and her sharp eyes mixed with powerful aura made her immediately lower her head.

This is indeed not in line with the rules of the Taotie magic hall. The endless Colosseum is a last resort for those warlords who refuse to surrender.

Those who refuse to surrender will be sent to the endless arena. They will fight with powerful Warcraft every day to kill their will and faith.

Most of them will die at the mouth of powerful Warcraft, and the possibility of surviving warspirit masters is very small

"Yes, my subordinates!"

Ghost face woman did not dare to do more inquiries, when even if will let the wind also repair to take a prison car, throw him into.

At this time, the wind also cultivates the heart, and ten thousand alpacas gallop by. This black veiled woman is going to put herself to death

Finally, Feng Yixiu was a little nervous and pretended to wake up.At first, he looked at his cage, frowned and exclaimed, "what's the situation? Where is this... "

Seeing the wind, the black veiled woman awoke, and said in a cold voice, "hum I really don't know what long Shao likes about you. It's just an airport... "

Feng Yixiu took a look at his chest with question marks all over his face.

This is really a bloody mold for eight generations. I didn't expect that there was also a relationship between the black veiled woman and Long Yun. It seemed that she had deep resentment.

"Hello, hello I have a good relationship with the Dragon hall master. If something happens to me, she will certainly trouble you. " Wind also repair helpless under can only move out long LAN, attempt to let the other side have scruples.

The black gauze woman sneered and said, "you really take yourself seriously. Do you think long LAN will care about your life and death? Drag it down

"Good, good, good!"

Wind also repair anger, extremely counter smile, it seems that this black gauze woman is iron heart, want to kill herself, said three good words in a row.

Several blood faced men drive the prison car, which is escorted by the ghost face woman. The prison car goes to a path that looks gloomy and weird, as if it is a road to hell.

The black veiled woman looked at the wind and Xiu's moving away. She put a smile on her mouth and said in a soft voice, "I pray that the dragon and the young have not got a real dragon crystal core for so long. Why are you a cheap woman! I want you to die in despai

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