"Click, click..."

The prison wagon, which was specially responsible for transporting fengyixiu, galloped along a dark path. It seemed that it was always downhill and the temperature was getting higher and higher.

This place should be in the bottom of the earth. If there is no teleportation array, I'm afraid there will never be a way to explore this underground world

Feng Yixiu tried to get rid of the cage, but he found that the material of the cage was extremely hard and there was residual toxin in his body. The whole person was dizzy.

He tried to mobilize the aura in his body, but he couldn't do it. Even if the spirit power was restored, he didn't dare to escape.

Because the purpose of coming here is to break into the enemy's interior. Fleeing will only make you become the object of suspicion. Maybe you will be caught by the black veiled woman. If you mobilize all the elite of Taotie magic hall to deal with yourself, you will be doomed.

He is not stupid enough to think that he can fight against the whole Taotie hall as a six level war spirit king. Now he can only walk one step at a time

"Hello! Can I ask where I'm going The wind also repair full face aggrieved looked at that ghost face woman.

The ghost faced woman glanced at the wind, and said in a cold voice, "endless arena I don't know where you offended the black devil envoy. You can only blame yourself for your bad luck. "

"Endless Colosseum? What is that place? " Wind also repair some doubts.

"Originally, according to the regulations, high-quality new people should first meet with the vice hall master, and then he will assess you. If they are qualified, they can become a member of the Taotie magic hall, or they will be thrown into the endless arena..." The ghost face woman only reveals a trace of sympathy in the pupil outside.

"Is there any hope of being sent to the endless Colosseum?" Feng Yixiu immediately inquired.

"I hope there will be It's just a tiny chance, about one in ten thousand. " Ghost face woman light way.

"One in ten thousand This NIMA is trying to kill me... " The wind also repairs all over the face to write helpless, oneself this is to invite who to provoke who!

The woman's jealousy is really terrible, but she still has some difficulties. Now if she says that she doesn't know Long Yun, she will die faster

"You can ask for more happiness for yourself On the surface, the endless Colosseum is a place for the transformation of new people. In fact, it is a place specially used for feeding Warcraft and collecting blood. It is just that in order to make the best use of it, it has been transformed into a Colosseum. Many big people like to go there to see the beast, so as to collect extra income such as tickets. " The ghost face woman sighs.

"You just said that the probability of one in ten thousand can come out, that is to say, it will come out organically, right?" Feng Yixiu soon calmed down.

Since I can't avoid it, I have to face it. I have to get out of that ghost place as soon as possible

"I advise you not to dream. I say one in ten thousand is just a metaphor. The endless arena has been established for decades, and there are only a few people who can come out. I advise you to die this heart..." Ghost face woman sneer way.

"Do you mean this dungeon has existed for decades?" Feng Yixiu immediately grasped the key information.

"Is that what you should ask? You don't mean to talk to me... " Ghost face woman some vigilance way.

"No, no I'm just curious. The owner of the Dragon hall told me to take me to the secret base of the dragon house. I just don't know why I'm here Feng Yixiu repeatedly denied it.

"Ah It seems that you have been cheated in, too The ghost face woman seems to have been used to it, and immediately continued: "well You can't come out anyway. It's OK to tell you. In fact, the dragon family, one of the four sages, has long been in contact with us. Without their cooperation, we people would not be able to cross the wall easily and build such a large underground city. "

Hearing the speech, the wind also repairs eyebrows, but it is a little heavy. It turns out that the dragon family has always had problems.

He suddenly remembered that long Heng had become the Minister of the mountain Department. It must have provided a convenient door for those people who were fierce and cruel to enter.

It's just on the surface. It's really hard to say whether there are dragon family members in the seven headquarters behind the scenes

Without the support of the dragon family, it is absolutely impossible for tianhanzhong to build such a huge underground city and spend decades safely.

"Are there any other families among the other four holy families joining you?" Feng Yixiu asked in a low voice.

Suddenly, the ghost face woman fiercely blows a glance, the wind also repairs, the cold voice way: "don't push for an inch, make clear your present situation!"

Feng Yixiu quickly raised his hands and said with a smile: "beautiful little sister, I am a person with strong curiosity. You must not think much about it. You should take it as if I didn't ask."

"Hum I don't know how much a dying man can say Ghost face woman cold hum a, with even if began to close eyes, no longer pay attention to the wind also repair.

The wind also saw that he could not speak, and slowly closed his eyes, quietly waiting for the prison cart to arrive at the destination.I don't know how long it took, and the wind, who was half asleep and half awake, was awakened by a sudden brake. He was already outside a large-scale Colosseum.

The picture in front of him is slightly different from Feng Yixiu's imagination. Originally, he thought that the endless Colosseum must be a seemingly dilapidated arena, but he did not expect it to be a magnificent colossal Colosseum.

Faintly, we can hear people's voices in the Colosseum. Among them, the roar of Warcraft and the scream of human beings are mixed together, which makes it very lively and crazy.

However, none of this belongs to the present fengyixiu. Before he had time to look at the magnificent building in front of him, he was transported to a hidden underground passage by a slow moving prison car.

The tumbril passed through the long and narrow underpass. The roar of wild animals gradually became clear. The wind only felt a very dangerous breath coming to his face.

Feng Yixiu also gradually became vigilant. As the prison cart passed through the underground passage thoroughly, what came into view was a huge dungeon, which contained about a few thousand people.

The expressions of these people are different. Most of them look at fengyixiu with extremely greedy eyes, and emit a low roar like wild animals in their mouths.

Because now he is a tall beauty because of his mask. The dungeon is not so humanized, and there is no preferential treatment for women. All of them are locked together

Some people seem to be very frightened. Their bloody hands are stretching forward, and their mouth is still saying: "prison envoy, I agree to join you. Please let me out!"

"Prison envoy, I didn't play well before. Please give me another chance. I will certainly prove my own strength. As long as you are willing to let me out, I will be willing to be a cow and a horse!"

The prison that these people cry out for is naturally the ghost face woman who escorts Feng Yixiu, but she does not move at all until she grabs his ankle with both hands.

The ghost face woman suddenly stopped and her hand, which had been holding the handle of the knife, suddenly moved. A knife flash, a pair of arms fly out, fly out of the direction there are many prisoners fighting hard, as if the treasure general.

Feng Yixiu can't help frowning. The method of Taotie magic hall is too vicious. Even a person with firm faith will be driven crazy

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