However, with the assistance of the black thorn Queen's senro realm, this shortcoming will no longer exist. However, fengyixiu does not intend to use the second world war spirit.

Because he wants to preserve his strength as much as possible. After all, the characteristics of Xiaoyao's Warcraft skills are very obvious, and they can't be used easily unless they have to.

There was no wind in the magic book. Two magic scriptures flew out quickly. One gold and one black gold magic card were all thunder magic cards.

Tyrannosaurus Rex -- overlord!

Kill the dragon -- rob thunder!

Armed with two magic cards of thunder system, the blue thunder around Tianqing Yulin dragon began to change.

Several different kinds of thunder began to gradually merge into a more powerful three color glazed thunder!

Evil eye spider felt the terrible thunder energy, but also very consciously backward more than ten steps, it has always been proud of it even some counseling!

"Lightning storm!"

Feng Yixiu was ready for quick combat and quick decision. He immediately began to prepare to launch a fierce attack and occupied the favorable time and place.

The seven Tianqing Yulin dragon heads are beginning to breed a huge color thunder cloud, which contains the thunder is Sancai glass thunder.

And these thunder gradually began to merge together, the coverage of the area has become more and more large, harsh thunder from time to time.

When the thunder reaches a certain range, it will be the time when the thunder hall is launched. Then the spider with evil eye will turn into a toasted spider

Looking at everything in front of him, the evil eye spider can only start to attack, but the target of his attack is not Tianqing Yulin dragon, but the wind Yixiu standing on the top of Tianqing Yulin dragon body!


A sound like a strong attack catapult sounds, evil eye spider abdomen suddenly shot out a big net, even covering a terrifying 500 meters!

This is the evil eye spider proud of one of the Warcraft skills, called do the net, a very strong control skills!

However, if you are bound by Skynet, the probability of escaping is very small. It is not only very tough, but also has terrible fire poison!

The blue eyed scorpion and the giant lava beast suffered from this, and finally became the prey of the evil eye spider

The wind also looks at the gradually approaching net of heaven and earth, but it doesn't put it in the heart at all, and doesn't even move a step.

The sky blue jade Lin dragon burst out the golden thunder light, as if formed a golden protective cover.

As soon as the huge Skynet approached, it was shot out by the golden thunder mask, and the role of the overlord golden thunder was played incisively and vividly.

"Sorry My domineering Jin Lei is free of control. Spider, don't waste your time! "Feng Yixiu sneered and said in a loud voice.

The evil eye spider saw that the control had no effect. It could only launch a strong attack again, and the fire light on the eight strange evil eyes gradually became more dazzling.


Eight evil eyes at the same time burst out a red flame beam, and then all gathered together to form a bigger flame beam.

This is the most powerful attack skill of evil eye spider, evil eye aurora!

"Hum! It's a useless struggle! "

"Thunder Dragon's roar!"

At the command of the wind, the seven Tianqing Yulin dragons suddenly spew out the glass colored thunder light. These seven rays of light converged into one, just like the Milky Way landing in the nine days.


Under the collision of the two extreme forces, a dazzling white light mass is formed, and then the terrifying shock wave spreads out.

All the spectators in the endless arena were forced to cover their eyes and could barely see what was happening on the stage through their fingers.

"My God! Is this really the end of the war spirit? Why do I feel that some extreme bodies and spirits are just like this... "

"After the sixth level, all the fighting spirits are hard, and the natural disaster level Warcraft, I only say two words, which is ridiculous!"

"Didn't you hear what the Lord of the temple said? This real dragon fighting spirit is a super extreme fighting spirit

"What! Is there really a super extreme warspirit in this world? "


As the white light went out, a huge smooth pit appeared in the middle of the endless Colosseum.

But the spider didn't seem to have been hurt much, just looked a little weak

Feng Yixiu looked at the undamaged evil eye spider and said to himself, "what a trouble If it's not that you can't expose your cards, it's just a spider with evil eyes. Raise your hand and kill it! "

However, he suddenly thought of a key issue. It is not difficult to kill the spider, but he has no way to become a rebel!

This is a good opportunity to become a traitor. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to find a reason to become a blood spirit Master in the future

"Almost missed the event!" Feng Yixiu angrily scolded himself, "ah I'm really tired of acting. "He slowly looked up at the glass thunderstorm above his head and found that the scope of the lightning storm was large enough.

He waved his hand gently, and the huge thunder cloud moved slowly towards the evil eye spider.

The moving speed of the glazed thunder cloud was slowed down by the wind, but it was not too obvious.

When the spider saw the glass thunder cloud coming towards him, his heart was broken.

The glass thunder cloud covers a range of hundreds of meters, which is just like the terrible scene of thunder punishment coming into the world. The evil eye spider runs away without thinking about it!


What's terrible is that the lightning storm falls like rain madly. However, all the sweeping places are left with a piece of scorched earth!

However, it is always unable to catch up with the high-speed escape of the spider, can only follow closely behind it.

"Haha That's what you want

Feng Yixiu secretly smiles in his heart, but his face shows a melancholy face, and suddenly jumps down from the head of Tianqing Yulin dragon.

The spider is overjoyed to see the wind and jump down. It can't be done by Tianqing Yulin dragon, or you little human!

I saw it crazy like the wind also repair to rush over, like a spring like strong legs gently jump is more than 100 meters high.

Feng Yixiu held the green dragon spear in his hand and sighed "Lai Hao"!

Suddenly a step, the front will be toward the evil eye spider rushed past, just fierce domineering shot burst out dazzling thunder light.

The evil eye spider is not willing to be outdone. The eight evil eye aurora are rushing towards the wind. The wind can only dodge constantly.


The first collision between the Dragon gun and the claws of the spider made a dull sound of metal impact.

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