The eight flexible spider legs are as flexible as dancing. They can only see one shadow after another as fast as the wind.

After all, Feng Yixiu only has a green dragon holy gun. Gradually, he can't resist the attack with such a high density. He can only fight and retreat

In the endless arena, only two shadows, one red and one green, can be seen chasing each other. The moving thunder clouds have been following behind. Tianqing Yulin attacks from time to time, but they are afraid of catching a cold by mistake, and some are afraid of their hands and feet.


Feng Yixiu bought a flaw on purpose. The green dragon spear in his hand was knocked out by the evil eye spider. The sharp spider legs left a scar on Feng Yixiu's abdomen.

For a while, the blood was not stopped. The wind also fixed the eyes, and it seemed that they fell into the downwind. When the evil eye spider saw this, they pursued it relentlessly. After a while, Feng Yixiu's body left a lot of deep visible bone scars.

After losing the spirit soldiers, fengyixiu had no power to parry. His sharp claws pierced fengyixiu's palm and nailed it firmly to the ground.

The head of Niutou Temple stood up nervously, for fear that the evil eye spider would kill the wind

At the critical moment, Feng Yixiu's hand instantly condensed a lavender sword, and suddenly cut off his claw.

At this time, the appearance of fengyixiu has changed a lot. The silver white hair has gradually changed into long hair of lavender, and the color of pupils has also changed.

Feng Yixiu, who had just been upright, became an evil character in a blink of an eye. The fierce purple magic air surrounded it, making her look very terrible

"Wake up the traitor! She really succeeded The head of the ox head hall appeared a little excited, and suddenly stood up.

However, the black demon envoy's face was gloomy, and her lips were bitten and bleeding. She thought that as long as Feng Yixiu was not a blood spirit Master, she would stay in the endless arena.

I always have a chance to do something to her, but now it seems that I don't have this chance. She has really become a blood spirit teacher, and is still a rebel of self awakening!

However, in order to hide the magic sword of chaos, Feng Yixiu did not open the eyes of chaos. As long as the eye of chaos is not exposed, the chaos sword after changing its shape will not be exposed.

When the spider felt the different breath of wind and cultivation, it also froze for a long time.

Taking advantage of this gap, Feng Yixiu suddenly pulled out his hand from the broken claw limb, regardless of the pain!

The spider finally responded. Its sharp claw teeth wanted to bite the wind, but it only chewed the soil.

The speed of just Feng Yixiu is too fast. His figure seems to be a real ghost, which makes people feel confused.

"Hum Little spider, do you really think I'm afraid of you Feng Yixiu smiles at the evil eye spider in front of him. The purple pupil makes him look like a devil.

Now the spider realized how terrible the human being was in front of him. Subconsciously, he wanted to escape!

"Run now? It's too late. Let me show you what real speed is

"Fast wind style, breaking the army!"

As soon as the voice fell, the wind disappeared in the same place. The speed was so fast that the naked eye could hardly catch it. Only within a hundred meters, all the black shadows were shaking.

"Shua Shua..."

When Feng Yixiu reappeared, it was already a hundred meters behind the evil eye spider, and the sword in his hand was slowly returning to the blade.

When the chaos magic sword completely returns to the blade, countless purple sword lights flicker behind him, as if hundreds of shadows are connected together.

The spider had no time to react. When the countless sword lights dissipated, it was helpless to find that all its eight spider legs had been chopped to pieces!

Then he heard the thunder behind him getting closer and closer. He kept trying to climb forward, but he couldn't move at all

"Boom, boom..."

The glazed thunder cloud finally covered the sky spider with evil eye, and the dazzling thunder light instantly submerged it!

The king of the natural disaster level Warcraft, the evil eyed spider disappeared in the thunderstorm in the temple of God, and completely turned into powder


The wind also makes a ring finger, the sky blue jade Lin dragon and the lightning storm disappear instantly, together with the evil eye spider.

Quiet, dead quiet!

Whether it is the audience or the VIP seat, everyone seems to be in a dream, dazed for a long time.

The head of Niutou hall looks at Xiangfeng Yixiu's eyes full of appreciation, while the black devil's eyes are full of envy, jealousy and hatred!

"Let's congratulate player Li Xiufeng! Once again, she has created an incredible miracle

The host's voice pulled everyone back from the dreamlike state and burst into warm applause.

"My God! This little tigress is too fierce

"You're the best one in your heart, Tigress"I have decided! This woman will be my role model in the future, and I've completely obeyed her! "

"Wow She looks so handsome! Love, love... "


People's reactions were different. Although Feng Yixiu made them lose miserably, none of them dared to speak ill of themselves.

The internal level of the heavenly evil people is very strict. The discussion behind the emperor is a felony, and they dare not speak ill of fengyixiu even though they are miserable.

However, Feng Yixiu did not have the heart to listen to the praise of these blood spirit masters. Instead, he put his eyes on the public display screen.

He is now very curious about how much blood points he can get, which will play a crucial role in the future action in Taotie underground city.

This time, the time of blood point data statistics is longer than that of the last one. It took more than a minute to count out.

The final blood point data on the public display screen is 1782730 blood points, totally 1.7 million blood points!

The spider with evil eye alone has contributed more than 300000 blood points, and other Warcraft have reached this terrible data

However, this does not count the blood points that Feng Yixiu invested in himself before. The blood points of 100000 blood points have increased ten times, that is, 1.1 million blood points.

If the two add up, it will be nearly three million blood spots, which is appalling!

Blood point is very important in the heaven and evil people, and its number directly determines the contribution and status of a blood spirit Master or Warcraft in the heaven evil crowd.

This endless Colosseum was originally set up as a punishment and selection of talents. Its main purpose is not to contribute to the blood spirit Master, but to select talents.

However, some people even brush nearly 3 million blood spots in one day. It is estimated that this is a situation that no one expected

The black demon envoy has been in the Taotie hall for several years. He is only a senior deacon, and still has a certain distance from the lower priests.

Between 100000 and 1000000 blood points are high deacons, while one million to five million blood points are low-level priests, five to ten million blood points are intermediate priests, and more than 10 million blood points are high-level priests, that is, the so-called high priests.

In addition to the temple master and the deputy head of the temple, the high priest can be said to be a very important person among the heaven and evil people. Rao is that the temple master sometimes has to refer to the high priest's opinions.

Feng Yixiu became a priest at the beginning, which is unprecedented in the whole heaven and evil people

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