"Good fellow! This dead eye weapon is too ridiculous. It's tailor-made for yu'er! " The wind also repairs the whole person to be startled, on the face cannot restrain the astonishment.

"I don't have a specific bonus It's not too late for you to be surprised when I've finished. " Chu Lao's face was calm.

"Go on, then. I promise I won't interrupt you again." Wind also repair nod, such as pound garlic.

"After the dead eye is armed, every 100 meters of distance increases, the element attack power will double, so the farther the attack distance is, the more terrible the damage will be." The old man of Chu was right in his voice.

"Yu'er's maximum attack distance is more than 1000 meters, which can be up to 10 times as high as that." Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, then his eyes were wide.

"In theory, that's exactly the case, but there's a limit to the power of each magic card, even if it's a fantasy series. It's not clear what the upper limit is, but it's definitely more than ten times... " Chu Lao continued to nod his head.

"My God! This magic card is so suitable for yu'er... " Feng Yixiu was also very excited. He immediately inquired and asked, "Mr. Chu, do you know where there is this magic card? I'll buy one even if I'm broke! "

"Since it's a fantasy series of magic cards, and it's also a black gold magic card, which is so easy to find." Chu shook his head helplessly, and immediately continued: "but anyway, I am going to visit those card collectors all over the country. I can also help you to find out if there are any inferior cards. If I find them, I will contact you at the first time."

"Good! I'll trouble Mr. Chu. You'll send the bill later, and I'll transfer it to you. " The wind is also a way to smile.

"I see I haven't been out and about for a long time. This time I'm going to travel. " Chulao smiles and hangs up the video call.


Before long, a detailed account list was sent to the mobile phone of Feng Yixiu.

The wind is also a little bit open to see, can not help but take a breath of cool, it is true that some heartache.

The total cost of the bill is 520 million U.S. dollars, which is an astronomical existence.

Even if it's the four families or the four holy houses, they have to weigh it. Feng Yixiu also feels a sharp pain in his heart.

However, the pain returned to severe pain, but he could barely afford to pay with his property, but some hearts were blocked.

This empty property of the Warcraft crystal core is a very rare thing. It is not easy to get together. Naturally, the price is somewhat exaggerated.

The seven diamond level magic cards of the ancient series are also very expensive. Fengyixiu still spends such a large price to buy high-level magic cards.

In fact, what Feng Yixiu doesn't know is that it's still the price that Chu Lao worked hard to win for him. Otherwise, if people want to buy these things, the price will be even more terrible!

Feng Yixiu did not have much hesitation. He not only transferred 520 million union coins to chulao, but also transferred 80 million more union coins, which was regarded as the travel expenses of chulao.

After all, the old age of Chu was so old that he went abroad to ask for help. Feng Yixiu was not such an ignorant person

Feng Yixiu can't help but take a deep breath when he looks at the balance that can be counted in one hand on the union card.

"Ah I have three gold eaters. It's too hard for me Wind also repair helpless sigh a breath.

"Brother Feng, do you want me to ask my family for some?" Shen Ruyu carefully inquired after seeing the number on the Black Gold Alliance card of Feng Yixiu.

"I don't think you need to bother your father, his old man I'll figure out my own way. These things are not things you should worry about. You should be responsible for them and be happy... " Feng Yixiu looks at Shen Ruyu gently and caresses her hair.

"Uh huh..."

Shen Ruyu did not say much.

Because in her eyes, brother Feng is the pronoun of omnipotence. She believes that nothing can hinder him.


Suddenly, a loud cough was heard behind the two men.

Feng Yixiu immediately turned around and said in surprise, "master! Why are you here! "

"What a military master! It should be called brother-in-law! " Shen Ruyu stares at the wind, and reminds him.

But before the wind could speak, Si Fan said, "ah! Commander Feng told me everything was the same... "

"I'd better listen to yu'er and call you brother-in-law." The wind also builds a smile.

"Brother in law, why did you suddenly come to Xuantian college?" Shen Ruyu asked in a hurry.

"I was asked by my teacher to send you evolution materials and magic cards."

After that, Si fan took out a storage ring and handed it to Feng Yixiu.

Feng yixiuli was about to put away the storage materials and said with a smile: "old Chu just said that he would send someone to send evolution materials. Unexpectedly, it was his brother-in-law who sent you here.""The teacher said that these things are very important to you, and the price is very expensive. He is not at ease to give them to others, so I have to go there in person." Si fan explained with a smile for a while, and immediately continued: "yes You should check if there is something missing! "

"Hi I can't trust my brother-in-law! There's no need to check. " The wind also put a hand, light way.

Si fan tiny smile, light way: "I this with you send thing also want to go busy, don't stay here for a long time..."

"Why are you in such a hurry? Just play for two days and then go. It's much better to watch the Chinese Premier League live than to watch the live broadcast! " Feng Yixiu wants to keep each other.

"Ah I also want to play here for two days! It's just that someone left all the affairs to me, but he was safe to be a shopkeeper. You don't know how I've spent these years. " Si fan sighed deeply and shook his head.

"No It's not such an exaggeration The wind also mends, and there is a sense of guilt.

"No such exaggeration? I'm very busy every day. The Qingfeng chamber of Commerce needs to take care of it, the crazy iron hunting group needs to develop, the central China Forest Department also has its own work, and Qinglong city has to deal with affairs frequently. I either go to work or on the way to work. I'm really hard... " Si fan a face depressed way.

Smell speech, wind also Xiu is a bit embarrassed touch nose, dare not look directly at Si fan's eyes.

Who let oneself most trust person is Si fan?

He is really worried about handing over these matters to others

"Well! Actually, I am not make complaints about you. It is just a few words of Tucao. I know you are busy. If you can get a good result, I will be proud of you. Si fan smile, is the voice.

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