"By the way I've heard from Mr. Chu that those evolutionary materials and magic cards are not cheap. You must have spent a lot of union coins? " Si fan asked in a low voice.

"To be honest with my brother-in-law, I really spent a lot of union currency..." The wind also touched his nose and accosted him.

"I still have some union coins here, although not many, but should be able to solve your urgent need." While speaking, Si fan takes out a black gold alliance card and prepares to give it to Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu didn't accept it. He said with a smile, "brother-in-law, it's not necessary..."

"We are all a family. If you are polite to me again, I will be angry!" Si fan eyebrows a frown, shrill voice way.

"I'm not polite to you! If my brother-in-law really wants to help me, now I have a batch of magic spirit cards in my hand. I hope you can take them to Qingfeng chamber of Commerce to sell them. "

While speaking, Feng Yixiu had a ring of storing things in his hand.

Here are all black gold and diamond magic cards made by Feng Yixiu in his spare time. Among them, there are some rare dream magic cards.

These magic spirit cards were accumulated by fengyixiu over the years. Some of them were obtained from Taotie magic hall, and a few were obtained from Qinglong city and King Shura.

However, the foundation of Qinglong city is not stable now, so fengyixiu only takes some magic spirit cards that nobody cares about, and acts as a tool for magic card synthesis.

Of course, these synthetic magic cards are all magic cards that he can't use, and it's a waste to put them in their hands.

Now he is short of money, so he might as well take this opportunity to sell these magic cards.

"It's easy, but what level of magic cards are these?" Si fan received the hand over the storage ring, immediately asked.

"These are all black gold and diamond magic cards, and there are some magic cards in the dream series." Feng Yixiu responded truthfully.

Smell speech, Si fan is also a face of amazement, no matter where, this dream series of magic card can be rare.

Each can be a collection level of existence, generally are rarely in circulation on the market, but as long as it appears, it is bound to sell for a sky high price.

"I don't know how many magic cards there are. I can count them." Si fan a face serious way.

"Brother in law, you can find out by yourself..." The wind is also repairing a careless way.

All of a sudden, Shen Ruyu pushes Feng Yixiu's arm, and Feng Yixiu just responds. Si fan is not a war spirit Master. Naturally, he has no spiritual power.

It is necessary to input spiritual power to detect or retrieve the stored objects.

Not only that, but there are also a lot of things that are extremely special, which can only be explored or opened by the master's spiritual power.

The Najie given by fengyixiu to Si fan is obviously not this kind. No matter what kind of aura, it can be easily opened.

Feng Yixiu immediately took the ring, then put a trace of spiritual power into it, and immediately took out all the magic cards.

For a while, the sofa was filled with a lot of shining magic cards, dozens of them


Si fan looked at so many rare diamond class and black gold class magic card involuntarily stirred his throat.

What is he worrying about!

This is an invisible local tyrant

"OK, ok You put it away quickly, and I will sell it at the highest price as soon as possible. " Si fan has some trills.

Feng Yixiu gently waved his hand and put away all the magic spirit cards. He said with a smile, "that will trouble my brother-in-law..."

"You and I don't have to be so polite. So many rare magic cards will surely make the name of Qingfeng chamber of commerce more famous!" Si fan smiles.


Si fan just finish saying not long, a burst of noisy calls ring suddenly.

"Sylvia's phone call is supposed to be something that Qinglong city needs to deal with." Si fan looked at the phone and said in a deep voice.

"Brother in law, you are busy first. Don't worry about us." Wind also repair some embarrassed way.

Where the phone call is about to turn around and make a decision.

Feng Yixiu also stood aside with some sweat and felt his nose awkwardly.

Before long, Si fan answered the phone and turned around: "I need to go to Qinglong city to deal with something. I may not be able to stay in Xuantian island for a long time."

"It's OK. Business matters. You're busy first." The wind also builds a smile.

"Brother in law, you should also pay attention to rest, don't work too hard..." Shen Ruyu said softly.

"Mmm I'll pay attention. " Si fan nodded and continued: "then I'll go first. If I have time later, I'll come back again. I hope you can see the scene when you win the championship.""Don't worry, I won't let you down." Feng Yixiu smiles and says confidently.

Si fan didn't stay for long, then hurried out of the other courtyard, and immediately sat on a huge white night Griffin king and left.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu have been sent to the gate of other hospitals to see Si fan go away

"Ah My brother-in-law is too hard, and I feel a little distressed when I look at it... " The wind also sighed, light way.

"Brother Feng, do you mean to say that you left all these jobs to him?" Shen Ruyu has no good airway.

"I can't help it Who makes him strong? I'm really worried about giving it to others. " The wind shrugged and shook his head.

"Well We really don't have time. Now let's not talk about this. You should hurry to the evolution of warspirit. After all, it takes a lot of time to get familiar with warspirit. " Shen Ruyu immediately urged.

"Mm-hmm, I said hello to marshal Murong for a long time. Now we can go to the evolution base of Xuantian college. The rune evolution instrument here is no worse than that of Nu scale college." Wind also repair a face serious way.


Xuantian college, evolution building.

There is no big difference between the evolution building and the Nu scale college. There are many people coming in and out at any time.

They walked into Xuantian college hand in hand, and then saw that the central exhibition hall also has a holographic projection exhibition area.

There are also many outstanding war spirit projections of Xuantian college, most of which are from the defense department.

Xuantian college is the first choice of most excellent defense department war spirit division, and there are many excellent defense department war spirit.

They spent a little time browsing here, but the warspirit didn't sign the owner, and Feng Yixiu couldn't get more information here.

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