Xuantian college may be afraid to disclose the fighting spirit information of the Xuantian team members who are currently participating in the competition

As soon as Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu entered the evolution building, many students in Xuantian college recognized him.

"Isn't this the captain and vice captain of the angry scale team?"

"No! The Chinese Premier League has all started. Now what do you want to do in the evolution building

"Isn't it the evolution of warspirit? But now it's too late to be ready to fight... "


Many students of Xuantian college are secretly observing Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu in the distance, and they are still whispering.

No one would have expected that fengyixiu came here to carry out the evolution of the third war spirit!

Feng Yixiu naturally heard these comments, but did not pay attention to the meaning.

After a little reading and browsing, they went to the top floor of the Xuantian evolution building, where the evolution base exists.

Many people also quietly followed up, but people were confused when they saw him go to the top floor of Xuantian evolution building.

This evolutionary base is not accessible to everyone. Even if they have strong curiosity, they can only watch Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu step into it hand in hand, but can't follow in to find out.

However, they still choose to stop outside and wait. It is estimated that there are many people who want to be sent by President Gu to inquire about information.

Shen Ruyu was worried and said, "brother Feng, is it too high profile for us to evolve Zhanling in Xuantian College..."

Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile and said, "time is precious now. We don't have time to go anywhere else."

"Well Fortunately, they can't get in. Otherwise, you can't hide the secret of the third war spirit. " Shen Ruyu nodded and said seriously.

"In fact, it doesn't matter much. The spirit of the third battle has to know sooner or later. Besides, they have entered the top ten competition. Now every team will have great pressure. It is estimated that not many people can hide their strength. Now we are negative, so we can't hide..." Wind also repair a face serious way.

Now the angry scale team has no fault tolerance, almost a game can not give up.

However, in the face of such a level of opponents, no one can guarantee to defeat the opponent in the case of remaining strength.

"Brother Feng, do you mean to use the third spirit in the next game?" Shen Ruyu pondered for a moment and guessed.

"It depends! If we are lucky enough, if we are summoned by them, we will be in great trouble. The problem then is not to be afraid to expose the cards, but whether we can win The wind also repairs eyebrows, frowns slightly, deep voice.

"Brother Feng's words are reasonable. It is estimated that in this situation, no team dare to say that they will win the championship. I'm afraid the Xuantian team and the Sun Moon Team dare not say so." Shen Ruyu nodded and said in a soft voice.

When they spoke, they soon came to a huge Rune evolution instrument, which was not very different from that of Nu scale college.

"Little empty, let you out now to breathe."

Feng Yixiu summoned the spirit of the third battle as soon as possible.

The congenital ape spirit jumped to Feng Yixiu's shoulder at the moment of summoning, and almost flashed his old waist.

"Dad What are you calling me out for Small empty very nimble eyes looked around, some doubt way.

"Xiaokong, do you want to evolve? And become stronger? " A faint smile.

"Yes! Of course Small empty space excited two eyes straight to shine, but a moment and dim down, seems not so excited.

"Xiaokong, what's the matter with you? It's about to evolve. Why don't you look so happy... " Shen Ruyu's mind is also more delicate, asked in a low voice.

"If I had completed my evolution, would I not be able to sit on my dad's shoulder, I don't want to grow up so fast..." The little air murmured.

Smell speech, wind also Xiu and Shen Ruyu's heart is also a tremor.

Although this innate ape spirit has been bred in the indestructible rock for many years, it has been less than a month since seeing the world.

Maybe it's too fast for him to finish the war.

Xiaobailou was also accompanied by the growth of fengyixiu step by step, which became today's tianqingyulinlong

The wind also repairs carefully to small empty to hold down, gently put on the ground, and then slowly squat down.

He touched Xiaokong's head gently and said with a smile, "if xiaokongkong doesn't want to grow up so quickly, then we won't evolve for the time being, OK?"

Xiaokongkong lowered his head slowly and said in a soft voice: "but I heard Xiaoyao sister say that you are under great pressure now. Kongkong wants to fight with you side by side...""Dad wants to fight with you, too! But if you don't want to grow up so fast, I'll never force you Wind also repair a face tender feelings way.

"Yes Mom also hopes you can be happy, do not force yourself Shen Ruyu also squatted down and said in a soft voice.

While speaking, Feng Yixiu would lead Xiaokong to leave the evolution base, but he found that he could not move.

"Mom and Dad, I want to evolve! I want to be stronger! " The firm eyes suddenly become empty.

"Xiaokong, do you really think about it?" Feng Yixiu looks at each other for a long time and says seriously.

"Mm-hmm! Xiaokongkong has already thought about it. I want to fight with my parents together Xiaokongkong clenched his fist and said solemnly.

The wind also Xiu can't help but feel awe inspiring in his heart. He gently gives a silent hug to Xiaokong, and his eyes become moist.

Shen Ruyu stroked Xiaokong's forehead and said in a soft voice: "xiaokongkong No matter how you evolve, you will always be a baby in our hearts. "

After a moment of warmth, Feng Yixiu picked up his emotions and walked slowly to the rune evolution instrument.

First, all the evolutionary material was taken out, and then it was divided into three parts.

Of course, the three programs are the growth program, the mature program, and the complete program

He has long been familiar with Xiaokong's research plan, so he doesn't need to proofread the text on it.

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