"However, this magic card is quite special. It does not rely on the conventional means of wings to fly, but uses the control of water elements to achieve flight. It is similar to the magic Spirit card of" colorful xuanlu Xiangyun "owned by Xuanji teacher. It needs some training to maintain balance..." Feng Yixiu is very serious.

"Mmm I will train well! " Han Xiao nodded seriously.

"Well, it's late at night. I'd better go to bed earlier. I'll get up early tomorrow..." Feng Yixiu directly extinguished the lights and soon fell asleep.


In less than half a month, Feng Yixiu and others stayed in the training room.

In the middle of the way, Han Xiao and Dongfang finished a competition at the end of summer. The opponent was the Northeast team, one of the seven headquarters.

The overall strength of the Northeast team members is not very strong, Han Xiao and the eastern end of summer did not spend much effort to complete the final victory.

During this period, Feng Yixiu specially went to watch two games, namely, the Xuantian team and the sun and Moon Team in group A, and the burning feather team and central China team in group B.

This is also the competition of several teams that Feng Yixiu thinks is the most competitive, and the final result also makes Feng Yixiu a little surprised.

The Xuantian team was defeated by the sun and moon team. The defeat of that war made the Xuantian team suffer a lot of blows, and the sun and moon team's arrogance became more and more arrogant.

After all, Xuantian team was the champion team of the last Chinese senior League, but this failure made many people feel unprecedented pressure

The result of the match between the flaming feather team and the central China team is even more unexpected. Their final result is a draw.

Liu Feng, the leader of the central China team, showed his amazing personal strength. His fighting spirit and spirit soldiers are very difficult, which can be said to be the most difficult existence that Feng Yixiu has ever seen.

And the overall strength of the burning feather team is also extraordinary excellent, they rely on excellent cooperation is also let the opponent helpless.

As for the final draw, perhaps there is a tacit understanding between the two teams, they did not seem to play their full strength.

Half a month passed very quickly, and the competition for the top ten officially came to an end.

At present, the fury scale team and the white tooth team are still maintaining the total victory record, so their league points are exactly the same.

Although the machine King team lost a game, but the white teeth team and the angry scale team were all negative one point before the game, so now the situation is three teams tied for the first in group C!

It can be said that the situation in group C has been very clear. If there is no accident, the final three teams should be the angry scale team, the aircraft emperor team and the white tooth team.

Although the qualification has become a foregone conclusion, no team dares to relax at this time.

Because the final points of the top ten competition will not be cleared, it will directly affect the following competition, that is, the top four competition!

Who will be the first in group C in the end, and the next game will be very important.

On the day of the competition, due to the popularity of the angry scale team, the whole Xuantian arena was extremely lively, almost full of seats.

Even outside the wall, many enthusiastic fans who didn't buy tickets set up a ladder to watch the world-famous game with their own eyes.

The two sides of the game came to the Xuantian arena early in the preparation area, and the whole preparation area was full of seats.

It can be seen that these teams are very concerned about the competition between the fury scale team and the white tooth team, and naturally they will not give up this excellent opportunity.

And in the foreign guest box, the sun and moon Corps did not absent, which is also a very surprising thing.

The sun and moon team didn't even go to watch any competition between flaming feather academy and Xuantian Academy in person, but today it was the first time that they came to watch the competition of Nu scale team.

It can be seen that the sun and moon corps are also a little afraid of the Nu scale team. Although they are not afraid of the tiger, they still have some worries.

Competition time has not begun, the eyes of the East in late summer are always unconsciously looking towards the direction of a rostrum, the whole person seems to be a little nervous.

Han Xiao gently put his hand on the back of the hand at the end of the eastern summer, and said in a soft voice, "don't worry, we will win!"

"Uh huh..." Eastern summer and Han Xiao looked at each other for a moment, and the tension in his heart just subsided a little.

At this time, the rostrum was much more lively than before. The former rostrum seemed a little empty, but today it is full of people.

The northwest Marshal Murong Beijia was still sitting on the throne. Gu Liangyu, the dean of Xuantian college, sat beside him, while on the other side sat a woman of indifferent temperament.

The woman was dressed in a snow-white cloud embroidered cheongsam, with several vivid clouds embellished on it, which seemed to have a trace of dust.

However, his eyes are surprisingly cold, revealing a kind of indifference and indifference to see through the world. No one knows what she is thinkingThis person is the mother of the East in the late summer and the current head of the Oriental family, Dongfang Yun!

On the rest of the rostrum were the elders of the Oriental family, most of whom were old women with white beards, and everyone was solemn.

Many elders are looking at the end of summer in the East. There seems to be some contempt and incomprehension in their eyes

Among them, there is a middle-aged man's existence is somewhat out of place, and he is Si Xingyu's father, Sinan!

"Oriental master, long time no see..."

Murong Beijia was in the consideration of politeness. He took the lead to say hello to the Oriental family shortly after he took his seat.

At the end of the summer in the East, he gave a slight smile and said in a soft voice, "Marshal Murong, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still so magnificent..."

"Ha ha ha The Oriental master is still so beautiful and moving. " Murong Beijia chuckled heartily and said curiously, "on weekdays, the affairs of white tiger city should be very busy, right? Why do you suddenly want to take time to watch the younger generation's game? "

Dongfang Yun gave a bitter smile and said faintly, "I didn't mean to come here, but sometimes things are so overwhelming that I have to come..."

While speaking, the eyes of Dongfang cloud inadvertently glanced at all the elders, and immediately locked his eyes on Sinan's body.

Murong Beijia understood something in an instant, but it was also a family affair. He did not add much words. He could only say in a low voice: "since you are here, watch the game well. You have two excellent daughters."

"I also think my two daughters are excellent, but it's a pity that some people don't think so..." Oriental cloud eyes burning, light way.

"Master of the Oriental family, it seems that you have something in your words?" Sinan cold voice.

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