"I don't know how you talk to the Council, but don't think I don't know what you're thinking!" The tone of Dongfang cloud gradually became cool.

"What can I think? Of course, I think about the future of our Oriental family! " Sinan also did not give in, high voice.

"Ha ha What a consideration for the future of our Oriental family. I think you are for yourself Oriental cloud sneered, indifferent way.

"You don't talk nonsense there! If it is not for your two daughters, why should the elders of the Presbyterian church be so worried? " Sinan a face indifferent way.

"My two daughters don't compete? What right are you, an outsider, to comment on your own daughter? " Dongfang Yun's eyes revealed a trace of murderous air, and gave a cold glance to Sinan.

Suddenly, Sinan is also suppressed by this cold murderous spirit, and dare not speak again for a time.


An old woman with a white beard frowned, and though her voice was not loud, it was full of deterrence.

The old woman with a white beard is the elder of the Presbyterian society of the Oriental family. She is nearly 100 years old, so she is the oldest person in the whole family.

"If we quarrel in public, we will not lose the face of our Oriental family." The elder glanced at the East cloud and Sinan, and whispered.

The two immediately turned their heads and stopped quarrelling. They also showed great respect for the elder.

Although Dongfang Yun, as the head of the Oriental family, is naturally not afraid of the elder, she does not want to be stigmatized as disrespectful to the elderly.

"Ah, Xiao Yun I didn't want to say more about some things, but Sinan has been no longer an outsider since he became a member of our Oriental family. Don't call me an outsider again The elder looked at the East cloud with some turbid eyes, and immediately continued: "what's more, what Xiaonan said is not bad. If you two daughters are a little more obedient, we will not be so anxious to find an heir!"

"Elder elder, although my two daughters are not very obedient, they are still very gifted. I think they are capable of becoming successors." Dongfang Yun's tone has become a little more gentle, soft voice.

"Very talented? I heard that your daughter was once defeated by Han Xiao. That boy is the abandoned son of Han family. Even he is not an opponent in early summer. How can you let me rest assured? " The elder sneered and shook his head, frowned: "and your little daughter, let alone me. Good family will not treat you. Since you are looking for the abandoned son of Han Xiao, you have already pulled down your face and sent someone to find her back, but how did she do it?"

Smell speech, the East cloud also nods not to speak, the facial expression becomes more and more gloomy.

The elder's words were like a steel knife with a handle, which accurately inserted her weakness and made her unable to resist.

"I think the end of the summer in the East is evil! Our Dongfang family is the Four Saints' family. I don't know how many poor children can't envy her. She even gave up such a good condition and ran to mix with a group of mobs... " Sinan also took advantage of the opportunity to add fuel to the road.

"Shut up! There's no place for you to talk here

Dongfang Yun finally couldn't help it. He looked at Sinan with murderous eyes, and the oppressive spirit pressure was suddenly released.


The elder also slapped the table, immediately released the calm spirit pressure.

Although she was only a level 8 and level 9 warrior spirit statue, she couldn't hold up the large number of Presbyterians. Almost all the elders released a very strong spiritual pressure.

Meanwhile, Sinan also released the spirit pressure under the guise of a tiger. For a short time, he and Dongfang Yun were in a stalemate. No one could do anything about it

"You have something to say. Many cameras are facing this side! Harmony is the most important thing, and harmony is the most important... "

As the host, Gu Liangyu was afraid that they would fight here, and immediately played the role of peacemaker.

Only in this way can the atmosphere be eased a little, but the big elder and Dongfang cloud still look sullen.

"I don't want to quarrel with you here, because the family meeting has already discussed the plan and you have signed it. Let's do it according to the plan, and no one can go back on his word at that time... " The elder frowned and whispered.

"Hum What if I just go back on my word? " The eastern cloud is also a cold face, humming.

"You don't really think you can do whatever you want when you become the owner of the house? Don't forget that our Presbyterian Council has the right of veto! In the history of the whole oriental family, it has not been impeached by all votes. I hope you will not be the first... " The elder is very strong.

"Are you threatening me?" Dongfang Yun frowned more tightly and clenched his fist.

"If you understand it that way, you can..." The elder looked firm and said in a deep voice, "didn't you just say that your daughter is gifted? Do you have no confidence

"I don't have no confidence. I'm afraid that some people with ulterior motives will use some indiscriminate means..." Dongfang cloud subconsciously glanced at Sinan and said coldly.

"Sometimes stratagem is also a part of strength. We only know the final result. As long as the white tooth team wins, the successor can only be Dongfang Han!" The elder said seriously.Smell speech, the East cloud is also angry can not say a word, she is to see the elder is iron heart, want to support the East cold.

Now he can only hope for the victory of the angry scale team, or she can't stop all this

What she was really afraid of was not that Dongfang Han would become the successor, but that the Oriental family, which had been inherited for hundreds of years, would be changed under the control of Sinan.

With her understanding of Sinan, she clearly knows that he is a man with ambitious ambition, which will happen sooner or later

Sinan's mouth gradually showed a trace of complacent smile, looking at the East cloud in the eyes full of drama abuse, as if it had been a certain posture.

Dongfang Yun looks at Sinan's proud smile and has a bad premonition in his heart. How can this guy have such confidence!

"The wind also cultivates. Don't let me down..." Dongfang Yun looks at the wind Yixiu on the war preparation table, praying silently in his heart.

The reason why Dongfang cloud easily agreed to the proposal of the Presbyterian Council is that he has seen the game between the angry scale team and the aircraft emperor team.

She is also surprised by Feng Yixiu's performance. She believes that as long as Feng Yixiu is present, the white tooth team is definitely not the opponent of the angry scale team!

Just as the eastern cloud thought, the game time has come, the team members of both sides began to leave one after another.

First of all, Han Xiao stood up, then Dongfang and Shen Ruyu stood up, and the last one who stood up was a substitute sitting behind him!

Feng Yixiu has been sitting on his seat from beginning to end, and has no intention of playing

Eastern yundun felt five thunder roaring in his head, and countless question marks appeared in his heart!

What the hell is this?!

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