However, this shopping guide also looked at Feng Yixiu's face in fear that he would not agree and make a big fuss about the chamber of Commerce. I'm afraid the security personnel on the first floor don't want to drink the wind, but this man is a evil star!

"Do you hear that, hillbilly? I have the preemptive right! Get out of my way Lin xue'er glanced at the wind and fixed a glance, and said viciously.

"Feng Yixiu, you look like a clown. I advise you not to insult yourself here!" Baitang also agrees.

In their eyes, Feng Yixiu is just a poor student with no background. Even if he is actively engaged in alliance tasks, he can only buy cheap bronze magic cards. The price of this snow spirit is so expensive, and none of them is an ice warspirit. Even if it is bought, it is useless.

Now, in their eyes, Feng Yixiu must be bluffing, a clown who flatters the public!

The wind also repairs a light smile, slowly took out that black gold chamber of commerce card, sneered: "do not know now can buy?"

Seeing the magic card in Feng Yixiu's hand, the shopping guide's pupil shrank suddenly and immediately replied, "Dear black gold member, of course you can! You have the highest priority

Immediately, Lin Xueer and others are petrified directly. Looking at the dark gold chamber of commerce card in Feng Yixiu's hands, his jaw is almost falling off.

This boy is just a poor boy from a small county. How can he have the highest level black gold chamber of commerce card?

"This How could that be possible? How could he have a black gold chamber of commerce card! " Lin Xueer is about to collapse.

"Miss shopping guide, this card must be a fake. This boy is just a poor student. How can he have a black gold chamber of commerce card?" Bai Tang on one side also frowned tightly, and couldn't believe it.

The shopping guide took a serious look at the black gold chamber of commerce card, and said with great certainty: "this is the black gold chamber of commerce card given by the vice president. It can't be wrong! Sorry, this magic card can't be sold to you! "

In a flash, the shopping guide completed the card swiping operation and handed the magic Spirit card to Feng Yixiu. He said respectfully, "dear BLACKGOLD member, this bronze magic card belongs to you!"

Bai Tang and others look at Feng Yixiu's black gold chamber of commerce card, which is really rich, and the balance is still 4200. The whole person is about to collapse again!

"You You can't use this card again. What's wrong with you Lin Xueer broke out directly.

"Cher, don't be impulsive. This is the Union Chamber of Commerce. Don't make trouble!" One side of the white Tang quickly pulled Lin Xueer, don't let him do anything excessive.

Baitang then turned to look at the shopping guide and said politely, "please help me find a magic card of light system, unicorn."

"Sir, you have a unique vision! All we need are very rare magic cards. We just bought a unicorn recently. I'll get it for you now The guide replied.

"I bought that unicorn, too!"

Waiting for the shopping guide to go out, the wind also repair a face calm way.

"Wind is also good. Don't go too far! The price of this unicorn is 1000. Can you use this card? It's not such a waste if you have union currency Bai Tang finally couldn't help it, and said angrily.

Wind also Xiu is still light and light, a smile, cold voice: "sorry, money willful!"

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