"Damn it! Let's go

Baitang is angry and directly pulls Lin Xueer and they leave the Union Chamber of Commerce. He can see clearly that the boy is really spending money like land!

In a flash, 1800 union dollars are spent without blinking. It's inhumane!

"Go! It's a pleasure to visit the alliance chamber of commerce with you Wind also Xiu a face cheap Xi Xi wave to them to say goodbye.

Until Bai Tang and his group were far away, Han Xiao looked at Feng Yixiu with heartache and said, "brother, did you spend 1800 union dollars to get angry with them? It's too extravagant

Wind also repair a face indifferent, light way: "luxury? Why don't I feel it? "

Anyway, he can only make money or not if he buys magic card now. It's just the difference between making more and making less.

The price of the bronze and silver magic cards is ten times different. As long as you upgrade, you will surely make a steady profit without any loss. You will not feel distressed at all!

After that, he directly stepped out of the gate of the Federation Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, it was already late at night. The wind also took a look at his watch. It was eleven o'clock sharp.

Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao stopped a taxi and soon returned to Qingyun college.

The first thing I did when I went back to the dormitory was to upgrade the gray iron magic card "blue turtle water arrow" to the bronze level magic card "green water turtle water cannon".

It's not that he didn't want to upgrade a silver magic card for his own use, but it took too much psychic power to think about it.

If you don't kill yourself, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for death. The fault tolerance rate is too low. After thinking about it, the current high-quality bronze magic card is more suitable for some, so there is no rush to upgrade their own magic card.

Feng Yixiu opens his own door directly and sees Han Xiao standing at his door with a face of excitement, which makes him jump.

"Brother Han, this is your green water turtle -- water cannon, here you are!" Feng Yixiu also knew that he had been waiting for himself and handed it out directly.

Now Han Xiao has been used to the magic operation of fengyixiu, but when he got the bronze level demon card, he was still excited.

"Brother! I won't let you down tomorrow! " Han Xiao a face excited way.

"Tomorrow will be against battle class A, rest early!" The wind also xiuxiao road.

Feng Yixiu doesn't know if Han Xiao has listened to his words. He plunges into his own room. Suddenly, there comes a strange voice: "Xiao Ba! You are so handsome


Qingyun academy martial arts arena.

Today is the last class qualifying match. Almost all the seats in the audience are full. Some people even stand outside the auditorium and prefer to watch the high-profile competition.

"Ah! Which class will win this competition

"It goes without saying that this class A is called the strongest class A in the history of Qingyun University. Their class has determined that there are two perfect level evolution war spirits, and there is also a class skipper. It is said that it is the Yalong fighting spirit, which is no less powerful than Bai Tang!"

"Ah? I was quite optimistic about Dingban's wind repair, but I'm afraid it's hard to support! Poor... "

The auditorium was full of discussions, but the rostrum was surprisingly calm. The seats were still the same as yesterday's, but this time Jialan Ziyu was no longer in the seats, but was directing tactics in the preparation area on one side of the arena.

"The other side has two strong attacks and one control. We are two strong attacks and one defense. You must solve Lin Xueer's fighting spirit as soon as possible, and be careful of that shift student. His strength has never been revealed." Jialan Ziyu is very serious, planning on the tactical board.

"Good! Miss Jialan, we are sure to win the game Feng Yixiu and others are full of confidence.

"The last class qualifying! Now it's official! "

The host has been standing in the middle of the martial arts arena, lighting the enthusiasm of the audience with that very high voice.

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