A recognized abandoned war spirit wants to be a mature ghost tiger? How could that be possible?

However, Qiu Hu had no time to think about this, and immediately let the ghost tiger stand up again, and kept circling the jade Lin snake, ready to attack.

The jade Lin snake, which is also built by the wind, is still in its place, just like a king. It doesn't care about the ghost tiger at all.

"Hum! Is this the mature warspirit? I don't think so! " Wind also repair cold hum a, light way.

His jade Lin snake's hearing is not sensitive, and his way of perceiving the world depends more on the snake's Xinzi, so for the sound wave control technology, it can achieve sound wave immunity!

Although his daily communication with him depends on talking, in fact, he still relies on heart to heart communication. Speaking is just a form. Even if he doesn't speak, Xiaobailou can understand his meaning.

"Don't be complacent too early, I want to let you know the gap between us!" Qiu Hu took out a silver level demon card while talking.

"Ghost dead butterfly -- ghost armed!"

Then a dark dead air wrapped around the ghost tiger, and he was surrounded by a more terrible ghost breath.

The marble floor, which is in contact with the ground, was eroded slowly by the terrible stillness, and there were hollows visible to the naked eye.

This magic Spirit card can provide a kind of horrible ghost dead gas. If you are indifferent to it, it will be entangled by the dead gas, which will constantly erode the body, and will continue to consume the spirit power of the war spirit. It is a very difficult ability to entangle.

This is also the third magic Spirit card absorbed by Qiu Hu, which is his strongest one.

He used the strongest magic card, which showed that he did not dare to underestimate Feng Yixiu. He had to use all his strength to win.

"Xiaobailou, don't get close to the ghost tiger!" Feng Yixiu gave an immediate order.

Jade Lin snake immediately wrapped a white thunder, speed immediately increased more than double, opened the distance between the dark tiger.

"Smelly boy, now you know you're afraid? It's too late

"Dark sky!" Qiu Hu laughs wildly.

Wisps of black fog gushed out from the tiger's mouth, but for a moment covered a hundred meters.

This dark sky is no better than the frog spirit's white fog, which can at least have a few meters of visibility, but in this dark sky, you can't see anything at all. It's like entering the night when you can't see your fingers.

"The wind also cultivates, I can come and go freely in the dark sky, you are sure to lose!"

Around the dark fog came the crazy laughter of Qiu Hu, but the position was uncertain.

Not only that, but also the dark tiger's heavy steps are also approaching fengyixiu and Yulin snake. A sense of fear from the unknown quickly surrounds fengyixiu.

Feng Yixiu also frowned, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. This unknown fear made him feel uneasy.

Originally, I wanted to have some reservation, but I found that I was too naive. The mature warspirit was really strong!

Immediately no longer have any reservation, immediately took out a silver level demon card, white night Griffin - white wing.

"Griffin of the white night - armed with white wings!" Feng Yixiu used the magic card without hesitation.

Suddenly, a pair of wings with silvery white light grew from both sides of Yulin snake. Fengyixiu jumped on the back of Yulin snake and flew directly into the air.

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