"Silver flying Spirit card? Damn, how could you have such a rare card Qiu Hu said fiercely.

There are very few flying silver level magic cards. Even when he reaches the fourth level warspirit division, he has not obtained one.

Does this kid have a mine or something? So rich?

"Damn it! Don't think it's great to have a silver magic card! Come down to me

"Claw of death!" Qiu Hu used the most powerful fighting spirit skill.

Suddenly, in the dark sky, a huge tiger's paw directly patted the jade Lin snake which had just taken off.

The tiger's claws are huge, five meters long. With its huge coverage, it seems that fengyixiu and Yulin snake, which are ready to take off, will be slapped to the ground.

If you are touched by such a terrible tiger's claws, it's hard for them to resist the terrifying force alone, not to mention the terrible stillness on it!

"Is this the strength of the mature warspirit? It's really powerful! " Feng Yixiu could not help sighing when he saw the terrible death claw on his head.

But it was just a little stronger, and he didn't feel helpless.

Feng Yixiu immediately threw out the second magic Spirit card and said in a loud voice, "is it bigger than me? I haven't been afraid of anyone yet

"Titans swallow the sky Python - Titan armed!"

A silver and white light into the jade Lin snake's body, and then the jade Lin snake's body began to crazy explosion.

Five meters Ten meters Twenty meters!

The jade Lin snake has changed from a four meter long to a terrifying 20 meter long, which has already possessed the terrible oppression of the Titan snake clan.

The claw of death, which just looked unstoppable, now looks like the cat fist of a cute kitten in Yulin snake's eyes!

"Titan Swallow the sky Python? Another silver magic card? Or the Titan card? "

At the moment, the hateful boy is hiding at the edge of the darkness?

Didn't you use a silver magic card just now?

Now how did you use a silver level demon card?

This level 3 warspirit can only enchant three magic spirit cards at the same time, two absorbed fixed cards and one variable Spirit card.

The Griffin is still armed, but why did he use a silver level demon card?

Is it possible that the boy's second magic card absorbs silver level magic card?!

"No How could that be possible! " Qiu Hu is completely paralyzed.

This has completely broken his conventional cognition. The magic card he absorbed is two bronze and one silver, which is already the best card ratio.

Has this boy broken the rules and become the first case that the second demon absorbed the existence of silver level?

"Youming tiger! Stop your claws Qiu Hu responded immediately and ordered.

But it's easy to make a move, but hard to stop it!

The ghost tiger's death claw has been unable to take back, is still facing the wind also repair and jade Lin snake seal in the past.

Facing the huge death claw, Feng Yixiu didn't pay any attention to it. He took out the sword armour magic Spirit card again and said faintly: "hum! It's not enough to tickle me

"Titan hammer!"

A steel hammer with a diameter of more than seven meters, wrapped around the force of thunder, directly met the claw of death.


The fierce confluence of the two violent forces, the thunder force wound on the Titan hammer of the jade Lin snake directly dispelled the ghost breath on the death claw.

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