With a thunderclap, the talon of death was smashed to pieces by the Titan's hammer.

A huge energy ripple covers the area of 100 meters, rolling up a violent air pressure.

In an instant, the dark sky around him was blown away, and the huge body of Yulin snake appeared in the sight of everyone.

The huge body floating in the air has a very exaggerated impact. Lengfan and Qiu Hu look at the jade Lin snake in the sky, and a legendary creature, the Chinese dragon, appears in their minds at the same time!

The huge posture of domineering and elegant coexistence, the king's momentum of indifference to everything, and the huge vertical pupil emitting faint green light all make people kneel down.

Qiu Hu looked at the giant jade Lin snake flying in the air. He was slightly glanced at by the terrible vertical pupil. He almost fell down on his knees with both legs soft.


The ghost tiger's right paw was smashed because of its death claw. The huge pain made him give out an angry roar.

"Die for me

"Thunder and spear!"

Feng Yixiu has just been in the dark sky, and has been condensing "thunder and spear". Now it has been completed.

Suddenly, he aimed at the ghost tiger with a broken leg and projected it out with all his strength.


The speed of the spear was so fast that only the sound of sonic explosion and thunder could be heard. Before the ghost tiger could react, it had already shot at its heart.

"Poof!" The tiger spat out blood.

The ghost tiger slowly turned into a black fog and returned to the magic book of Qiu Hu.

Feng Yixiu controls the jade Lin snake and flies slowly to Qiu Hu. He looks at the man in front of him coldly.

With that huge body and terrible momentum, Qiu Hu finally couldn't hold on. His legs, which had already softened, could not hold on. He knelt on the ground with his legs soft and his head drooped.

"I Lost Qiu Hu's face was sorrowful.

He is a four level war spirit Master with mature war spirit. The other side is just a third level war spirit and a growing war spirit. He even lost!

However, he was convinced that he was defeated. He used up all his means and used his most powerful magic card and fighting spirit skills. However, he could not do anything about it.

Facing the wind is also repair jade Lin snake, as if it is facing the iron wall in general, without any crafty skills, directly is to use force to break the ingenious, directly crush!

Feng Yixiu jumped down from the jade Lin snake's back. He looked at Qiu Hu coldly and said in a cold voice, "now I apologize to Leng fan!"

At the moment, the other five team members who followed the vice captain Qiu Hu quickly gathered around and said: "you don't want to go too far!"

Qiu Hu waved his hand and with the help of other players, he said slowly, "you are very strong! I will take you

As a soldier, what I admire most is the strong. If you can solve the problem, don't talk nonsense.

Fengyixiu is able to defeat himself with a three-level warspirit master, which is enough to gain his respect!

With the help of his companion, Qiu Hu slowly went to Leng fan, bowed a 90 degree big bow, and said in a loud voice, "I'm sorry!"

Leng fan's mind has been completely blank at the moment.

The wind Department has always been very domineering, and he is used to it.

The fifth team's vice captain Qiu Hu even apologized to himself, he should not be in a dream?

"No It's OK. Get up! " Leng fan has a deep voice.

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