Gongyang's eyes flashed, and a plan came into his mind. He said with a smile, "Mr. Chu, this little guy was brought by you! He must be a genius, or you will not be ready to call him to the forest department through the back door. "

"If you have something to say, you can fart! Don't go around with me Chu old face displeased way.

The ram was brought out by him. Unexpectedly, he raised a white eyed wolf!

He just brought a young man to come over, this boy's fox tail can't hide, it's hateful!

"If this boy is really a genius! If he is a waste material, then you don't blame me for going to the headquarters to impeach you for your abuse of power! " Gongyang had a showdown with Lao Chu.

He had just heard about Feng Yixiu, and he didn't even know the level of the master. Obviously, he didn't know anything about him.

How could such a man be a genius! This is the best chance to bring down Chu Lao!

"You Don't go too far! " The cold sweat of Chu's old spirit is direct.

If he had believed that Fengyi was a genius, he had just asked himself the level of spiritual master.

He found that he didn't seem to be able to see the wind. What was the situation of this boy!

Seeing Chu's expression, Gongyang felt more confident. He looked at Feng Yixiu with a defiant look on his face. He laughed and said, "I said that you were going to take the intermediate war spirit master exam, right? If you can't pass the intermediate war spirit Master, you and Chu Lao will get out of the forest together

The primary one evolved from the young to the growing stage, while the intermediate one evolved into the mature stage, while the senior one evolved into the whole.

As long as there is one successful case in each level, the spirit Master of each level can become a spirit Master of the corresponding level.

Just now gongyangchi seized the loophole in the conversation between Feng Yixiu and Chu Lao, and forced Feng Yixiu to step over the junior research group and directly assess the intermediate one.

If you are a super genius, Xiangfeng Yixiu may become a junior spirit Master at this age, but it's impossible to become an intermediate one!

The reason why Gongyang was so unscrupulous was that he could not reach the level of an intermediate spiritual master.

Seeing that gongyangchi treated the old minister like this, all of them were livid and looked down upon him in his heart.

But now the situation is not clear, no one dares to stand up and say that gongyangchi is not. After all, if gongyangchi really becomes a minister, then they still want to mix up in the forest department.

Chu Lao was about to break out. Feng Yixiu stopped him and stood directly in front of gongyangchi. There seemed to be a fierce electric spark at the intersection of their eyes.

"How about it? I'm afraid of you, boy! It's too late to admit defeat, so as not to lose face in public! " Gongyang said confidently.

"Sorry, I don't have this word in my dictionary! However, I think the assessment of intermediate spirit Master is too simple. I want to have a competition with you! "Feng Yixiu looks at each other excitedly.

All of a sudden, the whole hall seems to have entered the cold winter, and everyone is scared by the arrogant words of fengyixiu.

"Is this boy crazy? Deputy Minister gongyangchi is a senior spirit researcher

"It's over! It seems that minister Chu is going to be ruined by this boy! "

"This boy is not an undercover sent by Gongyang late! It's ridiculous to challenge the vice minister! "


Everyone's views are surprisingly consistent. Feng Yixiu will never be the opponent of vice minister gongyangchi.

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