"Ha ha ha..." Gongyang Chi seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world. After covering his stomach and laughing for a long time, he said, "are you serious? You said you wanted to challenge me? Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? "

"Of course I'm serious. If I lose, I won't have to impeach you. What's the matter with you as minister?" Feng Yixiu took a look at minister Chu, and then turned to Gongyang Chi. His eyes became very deep and said, "what if you lose?"

"Ha ha ha It's a joke. If you can beat me, I'll give you my place... " He said in a joking tone.

Feng Yixiu immediately interrupted the other party's words and said in a loud voice: "everyone heard me! This is what the vice minister said personally. If he loses, I will be the vice minister. You should be a witness for me

Gongyang later found out that he had said something wrong, and said in a rage, "you boy, you're negative to me!"

"Ha ha Vice Minister Yan Chong, are you really afraid of losing to me Wind also repair sneer way.

Gongyang didn't answer the wind and mended his words. He said to his assistant, "go and get the latest high-level task list!"

The wind also repairs a small voice to ask to the side of Chu Lao: "Chu Lao, what is the high-level task list?"

Chu said in a low voice: "there are also tasks for the master of spirit research. This high-level task is the task of a senior spirit research teacher. Only a senior spirit research teacher can be able to complete it!"

"Oh That's how I understand. " Feng also nodded to show that he understood.

But old Chu is going to cry. He doesn't even know what the high-level task is. How can you compare yourself with others!

He even made up his own mind and put himself in it. He said with a little cry: "Feng Xiaoyou, can you do it in the end?"

Feng Yixiu smiles and reveals a row of white teeth and says, "you can put 120 hearts in it! It's on me

"Vice minister, this is the latest high-level task list. Have a look at it!" Then someone took a stack of mission books and handed them to gongyangchi.

After a while, Gongyang selected one of the most difficult tasks, and then read out:

"high level task book: there are hundreds of thousands of intermediate level Warcraft and dead leaf locusts in Tenglong village, and they have evolved flame resistance. The locust tide is as powerful as disaster level Warcraft. As of today, all the makers and vegetation have been swept away, and the dead leaf locust has appeared Cannibalism must be dealt with as soon as possible!

Mission objective: to develop a complete predator and spirit clone with huge food consumption and eliminate locust plague as soon as possible. "

All of a sudden, everyone is nervous, the task of the difficulty and urgency is very big, can be said to be very difficult.

"How about it? Boy, now you know the difficulty of high-level task! It's too late to admit defeat now! " Gongyang later looked at the wind with pride and sneered.

In fact, he has seen this task before and has a general idea. Now he just needs to improve it.

The wind also repairs scornful sneer, light way: "you still compare? I've finished the task when you speak. I'm so wordy... "

He has a "God's favorite evolutionary system", and he knows all the evolution routes and methods of war spirits. This small problem is not difficult for him!

"Don't be stubborn! When I'm finished, you'll know how good I am Gongyang tossed his sleeves and walked directly to the warspirit evolution simulator.

This is warspirit evolution simulator. It's a supercomputer, but it doesn't represent the final evolution result. However, it can also be used as a reference to roughly estimate the success rate.

Feng Yixiu waved his big hand and said in a loud voice, "it's just evolution of a war spirit! What a simulation! Mother in law, give me the fighting spirit directly

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