"Lost We lost again! " Bai Tang bowed his head and knelt down on the ground with remorse on his face.

Originally thought that taking advantage of the wind also repair not to be able to take back the position of class A, but unexpectedly wind also repair is in time to come back.

One person turned the tide, even the warspirit did not use it, and defeated the three of them!

Now he knows what it is to insult himself!

One side of Ling Xueer is a face of resentment, looking at the wind also Xiu that cold back, he is like a mountain that can not be reached, let him have a sense of powerlessness.

As the eldest lady of Lin's consortium, she can be said to be the most dazzling pearl in the crowd before meeting the wind.

But when Feng Yixiu appeared, she was like an ordinary dog's tail grass. The huge psychological gap made her resentment reach the limit!

"Wind also mends! I'll fight with you

Only Li Xiu, like a mad dog, directly rushed out of the safety zone and went straight to fengyixiu.

Wind also Xiu, even the head did not turn, the hands behind the back began to turn fist into palm.

"Thunder, eight trigrams, breaking the sky!"

A thunderclap of thunder will directly shoot a dozen meters away from a slap.

From repair on the ground and glided more than ten meters distance to stop, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, fainted in the past.

Afraid of any uncontrollable events, the host immediately rushed down from the sky, holding the hand of Feng Yixiu, and immediately announced: "the winner of this class challenge is class a!"

"Let me congratulate class A on the success of defending the title!"


The voice just fell, countless fireworks blooming in the sky, the whole Qingyun arena thoroughly boiling.

"This is the real genius! There is no mistake in applying for Qingyun college! "

"I've decided that Feng Xuechang will be my idol all my life! "

" wind also repairs! The wind also mends... "


The roar of cheers echoed in the arena, and the whole Qingyun college could hear the huge noise.

On the rostrum, some people were happy and others were worried. Mr. Yuan seemed to have just woken up from his sleep. How he hoped that it was a dream.

"Is this the student of Jialan Ziyu? It's just What a horror Mr. Yuan said solemnly.

If he doesn't use the Spirit given by the spirit soldiers to give him the fighting spirit, and if he also cultivates himself in the face of the wind, he will not be sure of winning.

Jialan Ziyu smile, but also not too surprised, just light way: "Yuan teacher, accept!"

"To lose is to lose I am convinced that such excellent students can be cultivated! "

After saying that, Mr. Yuan left with all his students.

With the disappearance of the energy shield, all the people in the jiabanguan war zone rushed towards the wind.

Shen Ruyu was the first to bear the brunt. He came directly to hold fengyixiu and buried his head in fengyixiu's chest. He said softly, "brother Feng, I miss you so much."

Feng Yixiu was a little surprised. Then he gently touched Shen Ruyu's hair and said in a soft voice, "jade, I miss you so much."

Han Xiao came forward with a look of disgust and complained: "brother Feng, you didn't see us all here! I don't have to eat dinner if I scatter dog food in public

"Brother Han, there are Hualing and yunmo. I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you ok?" The wind also repairs to loosen Shen Ruyu gently, looked to rush over the crowd, Lang voice way.

"I'm fine, man! In the past six months, I have become much stronger Han Xiao showed his muscles and said excitedly.

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