"Brother Feng, we are all very well. Where have you been in the past six months?" Hualing faces the sunshine.

"It's a long story. In short, I went to a very In a special place, I learned a lot of special things, met a group of special friends, and Feng Yixiu seems to be in memory, talking and laughing.

Han Xiao immediately interrupted Feng Yixiu: "stop, stop You mean tongue twister! If you don't say you are still alive, we will go out to look for you! "

"Sorry to worry you..." Wind also repair some guilt way.

I am very busy in the central China Alliance Base every day. In addition to the task of training, I barely squeeze out 15 minutes of time every day, so I can only stay to communicate with Shen Ruyu.

At this time, all the teachers on the rostrum except Mr. Yuan and Mr. Li came down.

"Ha ha ha Wind also repair, you boy really did not let me down, just that game played really beautiful Zhou Yan laughed loudly and walked towards this side.

Jialan Ziyu nodded her head and said in a cold voice, "yes, make persistent efforts!"

The teacher of a few classes on one side came to congratulate him warmly. Nie Deyuan was the first one to say: "Feng is really the dragon in the people! The first time I saw you, I knew you were not in the pool

Fang Bing is disdainful, retorted: "Nie teacher, I remember you used to look down on Feng classmate!"

"No! I don't! " Nie Deyuan's face turned red, and he refused to admit it.

"Cut! I am not so hypocritical as you are Fang Bing looked at Nie Deyuan with disdain on his face, then his attitude suddenly changed. He looked at Feng Yixiu enthusiastically and said in a loud voice: "unlike me, I have always admired Feng's classmates."

"You fart, I appreciate Feng more!" Nie Deyuan was not happy at once. Then he flattered his face, looked at Feng Yixiu, and said in a low voice: "if you can, I hope Feng can help me..."

These teachers are very smart, just when Feng Yixiu appeared on the stage, they saw the helicopter that sent him over. It was not an ordinary helicopter.

It's a special helicopter for the base of the alliance. And depending on the specifications, the treatment of wind repair is very high!

There are only two possibilities. One is that Feng Yixiu has a backing in the headquarters of the central China Alliance, and the other is that Feng Yixiu may be re used by the headquarters of the alliance!

In either case, it's worth making friends. After all, who doesn't want to enter the strongest organization in Central China!

Feng Yixiu touched his nose awkwardly and said, "the teachers have praised me. I am an ordinary student. Don't do this..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Fang Bing and Nie Deyuan looked at each other and laughed a few times to prevent embarrassment.

Class a people are a face of black line, this group of teachers vie to flatter a student, what are these things!

Jialan teacher immediately broke away and said, "the wind is also Xiu. Take them away first! You have just come back, I will give you three days of vacation, this period of time to have a good rest, three days later back to class! "

"Then we'll leave first." Feng Yixiu quickly took the group A to leave the Qingyun arena.

However, as soon as they played in the gate of the martial arts arena, they saw Bai Tang and Lin xue'er limping forward.

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