Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu feel the empty stomach helplessly and come over involuntarily.

It has been more than five hours since lunch, and it should be dinner time now. But in this iron and steel forest, where are the delicious meals!

"Eh This little hedgehog is so cute, how can you eat it Shen Ruyu saw the cruel picture and frowned.

Feng Yixiu didn't say much about it. He took Han Xiao's saber directly, drew a small piece of meat and put it into Shen Ruyu's mouth. He said with a smile, "eat more while there is still cooked food now! Don't forget that our assessment lasts 24 hours

"Wuwuwuwu..." Shen Ruyu struggled symbolically for a while. Then she couldn't resist the temptation of food. She took a big bite. Then she was surprised and said, "Well! How delicious

"We don't eat hedgehogs. Other Warcraft will come to share the food later. This is the law of nature. We should learn to adapt to it." Han Xiao said solemnly.

"Shua Shua..."

All of a sudden, there was a strange sound around, as if something strange was approaching this way.

"What sound, do you hear it?" When the wind also xiudun, he was stunned and stopped the action in his hands.

"I heard it, too, as if something was approaching!" Shen Ruyu also stopped to listen.

Han Xiao is also a vigilant look around the movement, but at this time, the body of the hedgehog in front of him is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He also took a close look and found that the hedgehog was covered with a layer of golden ants. He was eating the body of the hedgehog crazily, but only a skeleton was left in a moment.

"I'm not full yet! What the hell is this Han Xiao issued an angry roar.

All of a sudden, a series of data appeared in Feng Yixiu's mind:

[Warcraft name]: Bullet ants

[Warcraft attribute]: poison

[Warcraft level]: low level

[Warcraft skills]: fangs, ant tide

[Warcraft weakness]: Fire

[Warcraft Characteristics]: more than 100 bullet ants can start the ant tide, and their strength is good To achieve the intermediate level of Warcraft, pay attention to avoid!

"Be careful, everyone. This is a bullet ant. Don't be bitten by them. They have poisonous teeth. Don't..." The wind also repairs, hastily reminds a way.

Fortunately, this group of bullet ants doesn't seem to have as many as 100, at least not at present.


But before the wind can finish, the fire spirit on one side suddenly spits out a huge fireball.

All of a sudden, the bullet ants covering the hedgehog are directly scorched, and the whole body begins to curl up violently.

“…… Provoke them. " Feng Yixiu finished what he had not said at this moment.

"Don't look at me, it's fire's own hand!" Shen Ruyu is also confused.

"Shua Shua..."

Originally calm on the ground, suddenly appeared a small hole, one by one bullet ants climbed out.

However, more than 100 bullet ants have appeared in more than 10 seconds, and there are still bullet ants emerging from the ground.

The wind also improved his complexion. Before the ant colony converged, he ran to a group of bullet ants who had just died, and quickly collected two gray iron level magic cards suspended in the air.

Then he went back to the team at the fastest speed. Looking at the two people who were still in a daze, he said anxiously, "what are you doing! Don't run

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