"What are you running for! We did it Han Xiao said carelessly.

As they talked, the scattered bullet ants finally gathered together, forming a huge ant tide. They passed by almost nothing, and even the huge trees or boulders blocking them were not spared!

This is like a torrent of ant tides towards the wind. Yixiu and his group are approaching quickly, as if to be avenged by their dead brothers.

"Then you stay and do them! Let's go first. We'll take good care of you Feng Yixiu hurriedly pulls Shen Ruyu and prepares to run.

"Gulu..." Looking at the fierce ant tide, Han Xiao unconsciously swallowed his saliva, and then ran away with Xiao Ba: "this is a fart! I can't do it

"You wait for me Han Xiao followed closely behind the two, panting.

However, because Xiao BA's shell is too heavy, his speed becomes extremely slow.

Feng Yixiu looked back and said, "elder brother, are you stupid! You take your little eight back to the magic book first


Smell speech, Han Xiao immediately his small eight received back to their own magic Scripture, soon followed the team.

Fortunately, the speed of the ant tide is not very fast, and the fire spirit's constant long-distance fire attack can also slow down their progress.

An hour later, they finally got rid of the ant tide.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo I swear I've never been so tired in my life Han Xiao sits on the ground with his clothes soaked in sweat.

"Fortunately, the speed of the ant tide is not fast, otherwise we may have to explain it here..." Wind also repair is tired to lie on the ground, panting.

"I'm sorry If my fire had not attacked the bullet ants, it would not have disturbed the bullet ants Shen Ruyu is a face of guilt, apologized.

"It doesn't matter. I'm afraid we won't be able to get out if the fire didn't stop the tide of ants." The wind also repairs to touch Shen Ruyu's hair with smile, comfort way.

Shen Ruyu looked at the fire spirit on one side and said sternly, "fire, don't spray fire without my command in the future. Do you know?"

"Oh Ooh... "

Small fire spirit seems to be aware of their own mistakes, slightly shaking their own body, the voice has become a little low.

"They are still juveniles, just like children. Children are bound to make mistakes." Han Xiao also smiles comforting way.

Feng Yixiu took out two magic cards and gave them to them directly. He said with a smile, "a big harvest! These are the two magic cards of bullet ants

"It's really rich and noble in danger! I didn't expect that we would finish the examination so soon, and then our pressure will be much less! " Han Xiao took the card and said excitedly.

"Brother Han, I've always heard that magic cards are very important, but how do you use them?" The wind also Xiu also takes out that sharp armor hedgehog's magic Spirit card, some doubts way.

"This magic card is almost as important to warspirit masters as it is to warspirit masters. Every time a warspirit master breaks through a large level, they have to absorb a magic Spirit card to break through. We are now level 1 warspirit masters, and we can also absorb a magic Spirit card. After absorbing the magic spirit card, we can use the corresponding ability of the magic Spirit card." Han Xiao explained.

"Must it be absorbed before it can be used? Grandfather Zhou seems to have told us that it's better not to absorb low-level magic cards. " Shen Ruyu also looks puzzled.

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