Shen Ruyu blushed and said in a soft voice, "didn't I have been beautiful before?"

"You are always the most beautiful in my heart Feng Yixiu is very serious.

"Hum! It's very glib... " Shen Ruyu turned her head and said in shame.

But what they didn't know was that there was a figure standing in the shadow on a huge tree not far from them, with a look of hate staring at fengyixiu.

"Good boy, finally let me find a chance, this time I must let you die without a burial place!" The man clenched his fists and pricked his fingernails into the palm of his hand, and didn't care.

He was wearing a floral dress, and he was the vice president of the old chamber of Commerce, Hua Fangfei!

This place is on the back of Qingfeng chamber of Commerce. It is a wasteland with no one. Even the lights are very dim. It is a good place to kill people and steal goods.

Moreover, now that the Qingfeng chamber of commerce is in turmoil, no one will notice what happened on this piece of wasteland.

"Ha ha ha It's time to die. I'm still in the mood to make love here

A sharp female voice broke the silence of the wasteland, and Hua Fangfei jumped directly from the big tree.

Feng Yixiu was startled and subconsciously blocked Shen Ruyu behind him. He looked at the man and said in surprise, "it's you. Why are you still in Jiangshui city?"

President Ma has left Jiangshui city. Hua Fangfei should go with him according to the truth!

Why is it still in Jiangshui city now? Was it abandoned by President Ma?

"Why can't I be in Jiangshui city? It's you who should disappear! If I guess well, it must be you who helped Shen Qing quit that bitch! " Hua Fangfei said coldly.

"So what?" The wind also deepens the voice.

"Not so good..." Hua Fangfei slowly called out his magic Scripture. Holding it in his hand, he opened the first page slowly and said in a loud voice, "it is to make you disappear in Jiangshui city!"

Hua Fangfei immediately summoned her fighting spirit, which was a human sized black bat. The fighting spirit was called supersonic magic bat.

"Ah Fu, use ultrasonic attack for me!" Hua Fangfei immediately ordered.

All of a sudden, a silent sound wave centered on the supersonic magic bat began to spread rapidly, almost instantly spread over a distance of nearly 100 meters.

A strong sense of vertigo towards the wind also Xiu and Shen Ruyu hit, for a time only feel whirling, even stand firm body shape is very reluctant!

"Yu'er, cover your ears!" The wind also repairs, hastens toward Shen Ruyu road.

Then two people tightly covered their ears, dizziness, which is better.

Feng Yixiu summoned the spirit of war for the first time, and said angrily, "I'm afraid it's not so easy for you to kill me!"

"Titans swallow the sky Python - Titan armed!"

"Griffin of the white night - armed with white wings!"

The huge snake shape began to change rapidly.

Hua Fangfei sneered, then took out a platinum level magic card, quickly threw it out, and said, "hum! You are really good, but it's a pity that you are a third level war spirit Master. You can't be my opponent

"Five venomous magic bat -- fangs armed!"

A white golden light, slowly floated to the body of the supersonic magic bat, suddenly its two sharp teeth were emitting black poison gas, drops of venom slowly dropped down its teeth.


When the venom fell on the ground, it even made a sound of corroding the ground, which shows the tyranny of the poison!

"Ah Fu, bite this useless warspirit to me Hua Fangfei's face was grim.

Before the jade Lin snake reacts, the supersonic magic bat flies to the jade Lin snake's body quickly, and uses his sharp fangs to pierce the scale of the jade Lin snake.

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