Wind also repair heart dark sigh bad, quickly threw out a bronze level magic card, steel hedgehog - sword armor!

At once, sharp sword armour suddenly grew all over his body, which bounced the bat apart, but only cut one wing of the bat.

The venom spread quickly, and the jade Lin snake began to wobble. It kept shaking its huge head and barely supported its body.

The staggering jade Lin snake constantly attacks the supersonic bat with "Titan meteor", but its poison makes it difficult for him to aim at the supersonic magic bat. Instead, he is passively hit by the sound wave attack.

"Xiaobailou!" The wind is also very anxious.

Hua Fangfei frowned, and was surprised that the jade Lin snake had been poisoned by the five venom magic bat, and had not yet fallen down immediately, which made him feel very surprised.

Although the five poisons magic bat is not the most powerful poison, as a platinum level demon, the war spirit should be poisoned to death immediately in the growing period. Unexpectedly, it has the power to counterattack!

"You'd better worry about yourself." Hua Fangfei doesn't give Feng Yixiu time to rest at all. Suddenly, a black short blade condenses in her hand.

This is the blade of night poison given by her spirit soldiers.

The black short blade in Hua Fangfei's hand emits black poison gas. Drops of unknown and black liquid continuously flow down the sharp blade.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu can't help but shiver when they see this. An idea appears in their hearts at the same time. This must be poisonous!

"You two are just three-level war spirit masters, so don't be stubborn! Let you see the power of my night poison blade

After saying that, Hua Fangfei's dagger skillfully turns over several circles in her hand, and then the whole person rushes towards Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu.

Wind also Xiu dare not be careless, the hand slowly condensed out a thunder battle spear, directly toward the flower Fangfei rushed past.

Shen Ruyu immediately called out his fighting spirit and threw all the magic spirit cards out.

The flaming Finch and the poisoned jade Lin snake suddenly attacked the bat. Although it was two to one, they could only manage to limit the bat.


The fierce confrontation between the thunder battle spear and the night poison blade, the terrible dark poison gas even began to quickly corrode the thunder war spear.

The toxin began to follow the spear and hit Feng Yixiu's wrist. Feng Yixiu simply threw the thunder spear out of his hand.

"My night poison blade can corrode all things. Your thunder and spear of elemental coagulant is not even spirit soldiers. How can you stop my poison?" Hua Fangfei sneers and rushes towards the wind again.

However, when Feng Yixiu set out the starting position of the Xingyi Bagua palm, Hua Fangfei jumps suddenly, directly over herself and rushes to Shen Ruyu behind her!

"Boy, that woman is your little girl friend! I'll give you a taste of losing your love Hua Fangfei is cruel.

"Not good!" Feng Yixiu was shocked and immediately turned around and yelled: "jade son! Be careful

Shen Ruyu suddenly stepped back a few steps, the phoenix tail flame flower mark in the center of his eyebrow suddenly lit up, and a violent flame power suddenly burst out.

The fierce flame formed a flame halo, which exploded directly from the inside to the outside. Hua Fangfei's face sank, and immediately blocked her in front of her with spirit soldiers.

"Damn it! How can you be a second-order source warrior again Hua Fangfei frowned and frowned, and continued, "but the only second-order source martial artist can't stop me!"

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