At the moment, the gate of iron and steel forest is full of staff of Qingyun college, including the former team leader teacher and director Li Chang'an.

This time, however, Li Chang'an did not stand in the middle of the line. Instead, he was a middle-aged man with extraordinary momentum. He was wearing a white shirt and looked extraordinary.

In addition, the medical team is more or less the medical team. In this examination, almost most of the candidates were injured more or less. Like the fengyixiu team, almost none of them were unhurt.

Among them, Xiong Xin and Liu Tuo's team also saw that Feng Yixiu, but their eyes were evasive and did not dare to look directly at them. They lowered their heads and walked to one side.

Feng Yixiu and others followed the crowd silently. Then all of them came to the inspection office and gave their magic cards to the staff of the inspection office. They used a very precise instrument to check the cards.

See the staff directly candidates to their own magic card on the machine testing, most of them are passed smoothly.

"Ding! This card does not belong to the magic Spirit card of iron and steel

Suddenly, the silent instrument suddenly sounded the alarm, and the student holding the card was announced cheating on the spot and was directly dissuaded.

With this lesson in mind, a few people who had a fluke mentality left the team in silence and left the field in a dark mood.

When Feng Yixiu was testing, he clearly saw director Li's eyebrows frown, as if he should not have been here.

After a while, director Li began to look for something in the dark.

Detection speed is very fast, about half an hour, all qualified personnel will gather again.

When all the candidates who passed the test were assembled, the middle-aged man in white shirt came forward slowly and stood at the front of the line.

"Congratulations on becoming a member of Qingyun college. You are all real warriors!" The man standing in the middle of the line said in a deep voice.

Although the sound is not very loud, but it is full of air. Every note makes one's heart tremble.

"It may be the first time for you to meet me. I am the vice president of Qingyun University. My name is Zhou Yan. You can call me President Zhou." President Zhou, with a smile in his voice.

"Hello, President Zhou!" All candidates have the same voice.

"You are welcome! You've been working hard today. Go back to have a good rest today. We will officially divide classes after the school opening ceremony tomorrow. I hope you can become excellent war spirit masters! " Zhou Yan said slowly, but his words had magic power, which made people feel warm.

The wind is also repairing, Yu Guang suddenly glimpses the door of the steel forest, and suddenly a familiar figure appears. It is Li Kaiyuan who was knocked unconscious by himself before, and slowly leaves the scene with the help of director Li.

Obviously, Li Kaiyuan also saw that Feng Yixiu was in the assembled team and glared at himself fiercely. However, he did not have the courage to come up to find fengyixiu's trouble now, which was only the exit of Shanshan.

People boarded the helicopter again, this time everyone was in a much lighter mood, all the way were talking and laughing.

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