"Qingyun college is here. This is your dormitory key. All the salutes will help you move in. You can go to bed early this evening and have a school opening ceremony tomorrow. You can see your teachers by then. Don't be late!" Sea teacher reminds way.

Haiyunxing has given each student's dormitory key to everyone. The key also shows everyone's dormitory number, so there is no need to worry about not finding your own dormitory.

"Good! Teacher, we remember He also nodded his head.

"Hoo It's over at last! We can finally have a good meal Han Xiao just got off the helicopter, he felt his empty stomach and laughed.

"It's time for dinner. The canteen should have something to eat now. Let's go there now." Feng Yixiu suggested.

"Mm-hmm! Listen to brother Feng Shen Ruyu also agreed.

Before long, the three came to Qingyun college canteen, Qingyun restaurant!

When Feng Yixiu was about to take Shen Ruyu to the first floor to have a meal, he was stopped by Han Xiao: "this has finally passed the martial arts examination. In order to celebrate that we have become a war spirit Master, we must have a delicious celebration!"

"Ah? I think the food on the first floor is delicious The wind also builds a serious way.

"Ah That's the food you haven't eaten on the third floor. When you have, you won't feel the food on the first floor any more! " Han Xiao said with a smile.

"But It won't be very expensive... " Feng Yixiu scratched his head and whispered.

He now has a total savings of more than 5000 yuan, which is what he saves every day. He doesn't want to be poor with a meal!

"Not expensive or not! A deluxe package is only 999. It's cheap Han Xiao looks serious.

The wind also mends

Ha ha! I don't understand the world of local tyrants!

You told me that a meal is not expensive. Why don't you grab it!

The wind also builds a bitter smile to prepare to go to the first floor to have a meal, but was pulled by Han Xiao: "big deal, I treat it!"

"Jade son, go! I'll treat you to a big meal today The wind also made a 180 degree turn and pulled Shen Ruyu directly to get up the stairs.

“……” Han Xiao turned black on the spot.

Can your attitude be more obvious?

Besides, would you really like to ask someone else with my money?

"Wrong way! The elevator is over here! " Although Han Xiao was speechless, he still called out.

"Cough Brother Han, I'm not talking about you. You say you're young and don't know how to exercise more! How nice it is to climb more stairs if nothing! Since you don't want to climb, let's accompany you in the elevator! Who makes us brothers? " The wind also cleared his throat and calmed down.

"Ha ha Just be happy... " Han Xiao smiles and presses the elevator on the third floor.

After a while, the three soon arrived at the restaurant on the third floor, which was obviously much smaller than that on the first floor.

More of them are school leaders and teachers. Students don't say no, they just say that the number is very small, and each one looks like a brand-name.

"Wow! It's really 999 rice, it's delicious

Feng also tasted the set meal in front of him and immediately praised him.

"That's for sure! The ingredients on the third floor are all Warcraft! The spiritual power contained in it is not comparable to that of ordinary wild animals. If you eat regularly, you can not only enhance your physique, but also slowly increase your spiritual power. It can be said that there is no defect except expensive! " Han Xiao also tasted a mouthful and said with a smile.

"Brother Han, there won't be a mine in your home." Feng Yixiu joked.

"Ah? How do you know that? " Han Xiao looks surprised.


The steaks in the wind also fell down in an instant, and the delicious food in front of me suddenly did not smell good!

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