"Ah In order to find elder brother Han in the late summer of the East, he ran out of his home and crossed the mountains and rivers alone. He was crazy about the road and was addicted to cleanliness. He almost died of starvation on the way! How hard it is to find this place! You must not let her down, brother Han! " Wind also repair a face serious way.

Han Xiao's face became heavy in an instant. Compared with the end of summer in the East, he looked like a coward too much!

They know to escape when they encounter problems, but in the end of the summer, the Oriental family gave up the good conditions of the Oriental family and went all the way to find myself!

I'm afraid he can't repay this friendship in his whole life!

"I Han Xiao swear to God that I will never leave the end of summer in my life, unless I die!" Han Xiao three fingers close together, swear to the sky.

"OK, ok I understand your mood, I believe you can do it! " The wind also smiles and comforts.

"Brother Feng, you just said that we have an evolutionary plan ready? All the materials are ready? Is it true or not? " Shen Ruyu asked with a smile.

"When did I cheat you! Of course it is true Feng Yixiu took out two evolutionary plans and handed them to them respectively.

After Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu got their own evolutionary plan, they all looked at it carefully.

"Burning Huang que! Is this the name of warspirit after my evolution? " Shen Ruyu smiles like a flower.

"Yes! This is the name of your flaming finch after it evolved into a mature one. It is the ultimate way to attack the fire system! " The wind also Xiu answers with a smile.

"But what are the evolution of Warcraft?" Shen Ruyu said curiously.

"This I can't guarantee that, after all, every fighting spirit is different. " The wind also scratched his head, why not.

Feng Yixiu then gave Shen Ruyu the evolutionary materials she needed and gave her a few instructions.

Han Xiao is at a loss when he looks at his own evolution plan. There are two evolution plans of his war spirit!

"I said," brother, what are these two evolutionary directions? " Han Xiao said with a bitter smile.

"There are two choices about the maturity of your fighting spirit. One is Tiangang giant turtle, which focuses on soil system, and the other is Xuanshui giant turtle, which focuses on water system. Although both of them are the same after evolution, they belong to the same goal by different ways, but I can't make this choice for you." Feng Yixiu said truthfully.

"Tiangang giant turtle and Xuanshui giant turtle? Is there any big difference between the two? " Han Xiao asked patiently.

"Tiangang giant turtle is huge in size and takes a purely defensive line of immobility, while Xuanshui giant turtle is smaller than the former, and may have the water system deceleration technique in the Xuanshui field. Their combat spirit skills are also different." Feng Yixiu explained earnestly.

Han Xiao is also a time to commit a difficult, do not know which one to choose as their mature war spirit.

No matter what the maturity of his team is, it seems that he has to consider the role of flexibility.

Han Xiao pondered for a moment and hesitated: "let me think about it for one night! I'm going to have a good discussion with the end of summer. I'll make a decision tomorrow! "

"Good! Think about it in the evening! The difference between these two evolutionary materials is not very big. It's just that there are two different materials. Just pay attention to some of them when you are evolving. " The wind also patted Han Xiao on the shoulder, soft voice.

After all, evolution is not a joke. You may have to accompany yourself for several years. Naturally, you can't be careless.

Therefore, he and Shen Ruyu did not let their subjective consciousness influence Han Xiao's judgment.

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