The next morning, Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao personally went to the girls' dormitory building to pick up Shen Ruyu and the end of the eastern Xia Dynasty. After that, they went to the evolution building together.

"I said, brother Han, have you decided which mature Zhan Ling you want to evolve into?" Shen Ruyu asks Han Xiao.

Han Xiao took a look at the eastern end of summer and said with a smile: "I discussed with the end of summer for a long time yesterday, and finally decided to evolve into a pure defensive giant turtle of Tiangang. The control should be handed over to the end of summer, so I don't have to make a fuss about it."

Feng also nodded and said in a deep voice, "in fact, I think so too. Now our team really needs more fighting spirit of the defense department."

Several people were chatting and laughing all the way, without showing any nervousness and worry.

"Why do you all look so relaxed? Shouldn't warspirit evolution be all nervous? " At the end of the eastern summer, looking at the three people talking and laughing, some doubts.

Generally, warspirit masters should be nervous and speechless, or they will struggle with the success rate along the way.

However, no matter whether Han Xiao consulted himself last night, or now they are talking, it seems that there is no talk about the success rate and evolution level.

Last night, when she asked Han Xiao about the success rate and rank between the two fighting spirits, Han Xiao firmly said that he did not need to consider these things, just consider the evolutionary route.

Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao both chuckled. They took a look at Feng Yixiu and said, "his evolutionary plan has not failed. You can rest assured at the end of summer."

"Never failed? How can it be! " The eastern end of summer frowned.

She knows that Feng Yixiu is the Vice Minister of the forest department, but even the Minister of the forest department, I'm afraid that she can not say that she can be 100% successful in evolution!

"Don't worry about the end of summer! Even if I don't believe in myself, I won't believe my brother. He is a very evil person Han Xiao pats the shoulder that pats breeze also repairs, smile ha ha way.

Shen Ruyu also rubbed the hair of the East in the end of summer and said in a soft voice: "brother Han and I have made great contributions to the evolution of maturity and the evolution of yuanwuzhe. We have never failed."

"What? All the original martial artists can? Is it true or not? " At the end of the eastern summer, the whole person was stupid.

The wind laughed and said nothing, and the four soon arrived at the gate of the evolution building.

But seeing the battle at the door, they were all startled.

At the door of the evolution building stood president Wang and President Zhou. Jialan Ziyu, of course, was standing on the side with a black face.

In addition, President Wang seems to be still talking with a man in a white coat, which shows his impatience.

"I say Master Lu, this time may be related to the future of Qingyun University! You must guard for me Headmaster Wang holds the back of each other's hands and says nervously on his face.

This Master Lu is a master of studying spirit who was invited by President Wang from the top ten Zhanling college.

At first, Master Lu didn't want to come at first, but in the end, headmaster Wang paid a lot of money to invite him here, and it was charged by the minute!

"Don't worry, principal Wang! Isn't it a mature period! It's not easy to catch it. Just put your heart in your stomach The man, who was called Master Lu by the headmaster, grinned and showed a big yellow tooth.

"Headmaster Wang, I have said that Master Lu is not needed. The children can do it by themselves." Jialan Ziyu is also very anxious to see this, and wants to dissuade president Wang.

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