"Ah? You are not a monitor for a long time! It seems that there is no one in your fourth class. It is ridiculous to let a woman be the monitor! " Ding Hu was a little contemptuous.

Originally, I thought that Feng Yixiu was the monitor of class D, but now it seems that this is not the case.

The monitor turned out to be the girl who looked very beautiful. For a while, his contempt for class D was even heavier.

"Shut up

Feng Yixiu finally moved, and made a direct frontal punch.

"Looking for death!"

Ding Hu also gave a cold hum, which was also a straight fist to the past.

Two people at the same time back a few steps to slow down, wind also back three steps, Ding Hu actually back five steps to slow down.

"Damn it! You still have some strength! But you can't be my opponent! " As soon as Ding Hu eased over, he rushed to the wind.

This time, however, he had shrugged off his contempt. Instead of simply competing with the wind, he used the cross step of boxing, shaking and approaching towards the wind.

Feng Yixiu directly swings a right hook in the past, but at the moment when he is about to attack, he is dodged by the other party's strange pace.

"Good chance!"

Ding Hu grabs the gap between fengyixiu and rushes directly to fengyixiu's chest.

Wind also can't dodge, can only use his own palm to block his chest, Rao is so also by the huge force to bump back three steps.

He deserves to be the champion of Sanda. This fighting skill can't be learned by fighting on the street. Feng Yixiu became serious immediately.

"Haha Is your title a fake when I'm the champion of combat? " Ding Hu's success in a move is somewhat proud.

"Hum! But so it is The wind also Xiu stands firm, sneers.

"Keep your mouth stiff! Don't blame me for being taken to the hospital later! " Ding Hu growled.

Then he suddenly accelerated again, and a dive rushed to Feng Yixiu's face. He turned his waist in a big way and hit Feng Yixiu's head with a heavy elbow blow.

"Thunder mode!" The wind also repairs to stand in the same place, deep voice road.

This is the name of fengyixiu's first level ability of blood channeling. When it is used, it is twined with thunder and lightning, and its speed is so fast that people can't be sure of it, and it will emit the sound of thunder that makes people scared. Therefore, it is named after it.


All of a sudden, there was a thunder like sound in the whole training hall, and the standing wind suddenly disappeared, leaving only a series of thunder lights still exploding.

"I'll go! Where are the people? "

Ding Hu's elbow hit was very strong, one hit missed and nearly fell down. Then he began to look around.

"Ben monitor! Behind you The people in class C stammered.

Ding Hu does not turn back, suddenly a sink body, a sweeping legs will toward the wind behind him also repair sweep.

Feng Yixiu took off at the same place directly. He leaped over the air in 360 degrees and kicked Ding Ding Hu on the back of his head with his toes.

The huge force directly kicked Ding Hu into a dog's excrement. There were tiny cracks in the floor of the training hall, and a white front tooth flew out.

Hello! My front teeth Ding Hu said some air leakage, covered his mouth and stood up, angrily said: "is not the use of war spirit?"

He just saw a series of thunder light shining. He was stunned that he didn't see the figure of Feng Yixiu, so he lost his front teeth. He must have used the spirit of war!

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