Feng Yixiu landed smoothly, and his body was still shining with thunder. He was playing with a ray of thunder in his palm. He looked at Ding Hu with a smile and said, "hmm? War spirit? Where is it? "

Ding Hu and the students of class C immediately looked around. They didn't see a fighting spirit at all. Then they looked at the wind that was shining all over his body, and his face was confused.

"What kind of monster are you? You are not a war spirit. Why can you control the power of thunder and lightning Ding Hu looks frightened.

He did not know the existence of the warspirit blood, let alone what the origin plan was. He had not had the opportunity to understand the power at that level.

He was not the only one who looked at fengyixiu, who was like a god descending to the earth. All the people in Dingban and bingban were worshipping with one face.

"Brother Feng really beat Ding Hu! And it doesn't rely on the power of war spirit

"Originally, I thought brother Feng was more powerful than Zhan Ling, but I didn't expect that he was more powerful than Zhan Ling himself!"

"I have decided that big brother Feng will be my idol in the future."

At the moment, the momentum of class D is greatly increased, all the students are holding their heads high, no longer just that kind of decadent color.

"Ding Hu, I advise you not to mess with our Dingban in the future, otherwise I see you beat you once, do you understand?" The wind also cultivates the body's thunder light gradually disappears, the cold voice way.

"Sorry! It was just my fault. " Ding Hu immediately confessed and apologized to the wind. Then he said, "let's go!"

"Monitor? Let's just call it a day? " There are still people in class C who don't agree.

Ding Hu immediately glared at the speaker and said angrily: "what? If you are not convinced, you go to fight! Anyway, I'm convinced

After saying that, class C all followed Ding Hu's steps, bowed his head and left the No. 3 training hall.

"Monitor, wait for me!" The student who was just a little unconvinced looked at all the people in class D, who seemed to be killing people. He almost became weak with fright and kept up with the team.

Class c people have just prepared to go out of the gate of the No. 3 training hall, but they come across the teacher Jialan Ziyu.

Class C everyone saw that the head teacher of class D had come, and suddenly his head was lower, and he quickened his pace to prepare to leave.

"Hold on!" But she was stopped by Jialan and Ziyu.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Ding?" Ding Hu stopped immediately, some doubt way.

"Go back and tell your teacher that if this happens again, I'll break his leg!" Jia blue purple jade tiny squint eyes, cold voice way.

Class c people instantly exploded, is preparing to refute, was stopped by Ding Hu, gnashing his teeth and said: "good teacher, I will be the same as you said to our teacher."

After that, Ding Hu led the class c people back to the No. 4 training hall, but found that his teacher was waiting for them.

This is a male teacher, dressed in a strong black suit, with a very serious look. Seeing his students coming, he asked directly, "it's past two o'clock? Why are you late? "

"We I think there is a peculiar smell in training hall 4, which is not conducive to training, so I want to find another class to change the training room. " Ding Hu replied truthfully.

But he was a little embarrassed and said it was Ding ban, and he was called back directly.

However, what he didn't think of was that his teacher didn't seem very angry. Instead, he asked, "which class did you rob?"

"Yes Dingban! The teacher in their class also said If this happens once, she'll break your leg Ding Hu said intermittently.

He is deliberately to his teacher to listen to this paragraph, just he was hit by the people in class D, but still very unconvinced.

If you let your teacher to help you find the place, you will not be too shameful. No matter how you say, your teacher is a teacher of class C. in any case, you should be better than the teacher of class D at the bottom of the table!


When Ding Hu was still making a crooked idea, the teacher in black directly slapped him and knocked his other front tooth down.

"Nonsense! I'd rather you rob class B or even the training room of class A than Class D! " The teacher in black was flushed and angry.

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